Thursday, September 2, 2021

You in the Mirror

 There is so much to get "worked up" about these days and in these tumultuous times, isn't there? I don't know what gets you all upset and bothered, but all I can say is that I've had enough. I'm tired of angry people, mostly arguing about things they don't know everything about, and things that they can't control, which is why they are angry in the first place. 

I've had enough of hearing all about it, feeling one way or another about it, getting upset about it, or being subjected to the constant barrage of opinions and news pieces about this, that and the other thing about whatever is going on here, there, and everywhere. All I know is that God knows the outcome of ALL of this, and no matter how it looks to us, it all has a purpose to God, and somehow, some way, if we manage to stay peaceful and kind and open throughout this, we will be USED for His good purpose. But we really can't lose our cool! We just cannot!

The truth is, what I think I know and how it all makes me feel, has no bearing on the outcome of any of these events. Wars, fires, shortages, viruses, floods, storms, politics, and on and on. These things will continue until the end of time, and have been around since the beginning of time. No one's opinion has ever changed that. Not one person's opinion- whether hate or rage-filled, self-righteous, indignant, and full of vitriol for all who disagree, or gentle, peace-minded, intelligent and full of factual information. Opinions don't change outcomes.   

 According to Scripture, there are seven things that God hates- haughtiness (looking down on other people), killing the innocent (people who can't defend themselves), plotting evil (thinking in advance how to hurt others), racing to do wrong (full of revenge and feeling right to plot evil), a false witness (lying about other people), sowing discord (dividing groups of people by creating tension and causing uproars). Proverbs 6:16

All of those things have one thing in common-All the stuff we do to HURT OTHER PEOPLE. He doesn't want us running around like half-cocked, selfish, loose-lipped idiots, because it puts us in a position to sin, and further separates us from HIM. We are to love God and love others above ourselves. Matthew 22:35-40

So how do you do that when you feel like "plotting evil" against those "false witnesses" sometimes?? I mean, I have a few rotten tomatoes in my garden that could really splaaaat, ya know what I'm saying?? Okay, I'm just kidding, but it can get really frustrating when someone's outlandish actions affect your territory. I mean, they do warn you at Sea World to not sit in the front row if you don't want to get wet. Some people will still blame Shamu for swimming in water and splashing them. It can get pretty dicey if you try to fight it, friends. Sometimes you just have to put the two things at the ends of your arms over your ears and close your peepers to the things that make you wonder if aliens are among you. 

These days I choose peace over making a statement because it's more important to reflect who God is than who I am. It's gonna be okay. Not today, but someday. If you want to choose peace but you just find those lips a bit loose, stick a Tootsie Pop in there. It worked all throughout our kids' sports years. (insert smile here) 

God guarantees that someday it will be okay, but not here on earth. John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." It can't be good here, because we're all doing detestable things to each other with blatant disregard.  We're living out of God's Will, treating each other poorly, and disregarding the knowledge and wisdom we were given instead of taking care of each other the way He intended. 

It takes more than a few people doing things right to turn things around. It takes all of them-all of us, in fact, and we all know that won't happen without God's eventual intervention. We are to live at peace with one another, loving our neighbors, being slow to anger and (James 1:19), quick to forgive, and that is not happening in many nations and many situations in our own lives, families, and  little towns. We need to make better choices, as I used to say ad nauseum to my girls as they were growing up. Better choices lead to better relationships and better outcomes. 

 Sadly, a year and a half later, people still can't even agree on a simple piece of fabric! I will say here that I am grateful that for the past many many years, all of my surgeons and health care providers have worn face coverings, and in my doctor's offices, pre-pandemic, they were encouraged and provided for cancer patients, immune-compromised individuals, and otherwise unhealthy patients for protection of others' or their own airborne germs. Back when it was accepted as a fact, that is. 

 But like I said, our "opinions" are changing nothing and seeming to cause a lot of division and discord, which God despises. I can really see why God would despise discord. It really is annoying. I am praying for those who have children in schools right now, for those who are in the healthcare profession, for those who are having to make decisions in these fields, and for those who are still fighting this virus every day in one way or another. Prayer does a couple of things. It helps us to see things the way God sees them, and it helps us to shoot down our own opinions and solutions to problems, understanding that we don't have all the answers to everything. If that makes me a "sheep", then so be it, as God calls me that, and it's an honor. 

If I am to try to see this as God does, then my own opinion doesn't count for much, does it? As I approach many other social situations with a heart for God, this one is no different for me. If I am loving my neighbor and putting my neighbor and their children first, then I would want to do them no harm. For me personally, I ask God to show me what that looks like to HIM. How does God want me to protect others, to love others, to show them I respect them, and to be a part of society that listens, cares, and seeks to be productive and not stuck in my own opinions to the point of causing others' harm or distress. How do I go about my life loving God and being a reflection of that love and not just being a "Christian" and a "bible thumper". I have never been the latter, by the way, but I have bumped into my bible a few times and knocked it on the floor. Klutzy, I am. 

We can ask God for the insight that we need that only He can give to help us invite the change needed to turn this around, but if you don't want to change because you always think your way is right, then your scenery will always look the same. That's all I can say about that. 

Blessings to you, and stay away from all the news and the articles that make you want to toss your rotten tomatoes. It's just not worth the extra energy! Spend time in your garden thanking God for the tomatoes that grew. 

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

Very good advice Jami. Thank you

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