Thursday, July 28, 2022

Joy is Contagious....But You Have to Catch it First

 Where is your joy? Where do you find it, or rather, who or what supplies it? It's a good question to ask ourselves, and even more important is the answer. Joy is described as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Being group-hugged by my family makes me feel incredible joy. Watching my insanely happy ,fluffy white dog come bolting toward me every time she sees me reflects not only her unrelenting joy, but ignites mine as well. I'm not sure there is a finer joy than the sweet smile on a baby's face when you smile at them, but I'm sure we could put our heads together and come up with hundreds of thousands of pure joyful moments. Things that make us happy are the best things! I love to watch people talking about the things that bring them joy. They turn into beacons of light, shining and reflecting on everyone around them. 

That's the great thing about joy. It's contagious, or it should be, anyway. It's also self-generated, to a point, and then passed on to others. When a baby first discovers her toes with her hands, and then brings them to her face for a closer look, what a joy it is to see her face light up with amazement. Secondhand joy can be just as exciting as our own, and sometimes even better. It's when we experience joy bubbling up within ourselves, and then oozing onto others, creating a shared moment of intense glee.  When we are happy to see the joy in others-in their love for God, for others, nature, in their accomplishments, their blessings-we will share that same passionate happiness inside too. There is a reason for the saying, "Jumping for joy", because it is a feeling of intense happiness. When is the last time you felt this way? Did you know you could create this feeling on your own? 

Groups of believers who unite in demonstrating the mind, love and purpose of Christ bring joy to others. Philippians 2:2

The bible defines joy much the same way, except that joy is dependent on who the Lord is, not who we are, and not what is happening around us. True joy comes from God, His presence, and living hopefully and confidently in His purpose for our lives, no matter what happens. 

The joy of the Lord is my strength. Nehemiah 8:10 

Joy is a choice, as is happiness. We can either sit around and grumble and whine about everything that is wrong with everything and everyone, including ourselves, or we can discover our toes and be joyful. When we find ourselves feeling surrounded by enemies or being too focused on negativity, we need to make a conscious decision. Are we going to sit and stew, or are we going to be thankful about the things that God has done for us already? Do we have a working body? A place to sleep? Hot water and food? A car to drive? A friend? A pet? Hobbies? Interests? Nature to observe? Are we loved? Yes. That's a given, because God loves us already. We have so much already to be grateful for, and yet we sometimes get so focused on all the things that hurt us and steal our joy right out of our hearts. We steal our own joy sometimes worrying about what we don't have. And even if there are some things we need, but we don't have them yet, we can still find a way to be thankful and trust God for those needs. 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 

 Joy is a fruit of the spirit that we received with our salvation.  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23 It is one thing that can give us peace within a storm, even when the storm rages on, because it is within the storm that we find our strength, and our strength is God. Joy is not often immediate, but it is everlasting when viewed spiritually. Joy and happiness are not interchangeable. No one is happy when difficulties arise in life, but if we know that trials are going to reap eventual joy, we can rest in that. We can trust God for protection and shelter as we go through the storms of life, and they will be rough at times. Life can be hard, people can be tough, a health crisis is scary, and there is a lot of sadness to spread around, but we can still have our gratitude, create our own happiness, and rely on the Lord for what we need, inside. When we are peaceful in our gratitude, despite our needs, others will see that as joy. When we are relying on God, in spite of our circumstances, we will be able to share that with others as joy. Joy is gratitude. Gratitude is joy. 

Why is it that we have such a hard time leaning on God when things aren't going "our way"? Isn't that when we should be spending more time with Him? Yes! When we are feeling joyless and weak, we need to spend abundantly more time praying and more time leaning in to our blessings that God has given us. This is not the time for "woe is me" thinking, or the "why me?" mentality.  Forget the woes and whys, the complaining, and negative thought train, and begin to dig out the joy. Thank you, Lord, that I have a voice with which to speak, and help me to use it for thanking you for taking care of me, instead of complaining.

Dealing with daily chronic pain and illness and joy don't always go hand in hand as seen by the world. To be honest, there are days I don't feel very helpful,  productive, or "happy" by the world's standards, whatever those are. But inside, I know where to find joy, and I can be at peace, when I choose to stay there.  I trust what God is doing with me, because I know I have a greater purpose. He's not going to leave me hanging. I may not know what my outcome is going to be physically, and sometimes I get frustrated with myself, my conditions, limitations, and doctors, but I don't get frustrated with God. I understand that I may be going through this for the sake of others, and each day I am grateful for what I'm NOT going through. 

I remind myself that this world is not all there is, and however I choose to use this struggle will either be for my benefit or my deficit as a person. I find joy in His love for me, and I seek out the many things that bring joy to my heart-nature, animals, music, gardening, reading, laughter, writing, baking, and creating paper art. I look for ways to stir my heart and stimulate my mind, and I believe the Lord helps me with this so I can encourage others to find their joy and passions as well. 

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 3-4

 Choose gratitude, and let the joy of the Lord be your strength. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Politics, Religion, and Ice Cream...Sort Of....

 It's been a really rough few years, and I don't see it getting any easier any time soon. Everyone has had a challenge of some kind before 2020 even happened, for sure, but it certainly added an element of disaster that changed everyone in some way. While I don't like to focus on all the negativity, I can say with certainty that many of us are not the same people we were before the world changed us physically, emotionally, socially, scholastically, politically, economically, and spiritually, among so many other ways. I can't begin to list them all properly, as I haven't personally experienced the trauma that has gone on around me, but it can certainly be felt and seen. 

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2 

I think back to how I personally could have handled things better in each of those categories, and I know I could have done better and I continue to seek ways to do better now and in the future. Hindsight is 20/20, after all, ironically. And maybe that's the key for all of us in order to move forward in each category-ask ourselves what we could have and should have done better, and what we can do now in ourselves to make a positive change for the better. While I'm not a "woo woo" kind of person, I do believe that any change does begin with an intention and a decision, and rarely do we change because someone forces us to, or coaxes it out of us. 

Rarely will I change my opinion, my beliefs, or even my eating habits, just because of the strong opinions or coaxing of others. Does that ever work for you? Probably not, or rarely, and if it does, it's because that person carries some major weight and wisdom in our lives. Even still, we must desire it first, and set an intention to change our lives because we want to do it for ourselves and no one else.  Hence, the state of the world today. There are a lot of people who think they are right, and will continue to fight for it even if it means hurting everyone in their path. If everyone does that, no one wins. That's kind of where the world is right now. It is where personal relationships also end up, in many cases. It's where countries are and some will go.  

It's where we will all be, and as much as I believe God is the answer, there are so many who say, "God who?" or blame God for not intervening in some of these atrocities. And still so many on various other paths who believe in God, but can't agree on what that means, what that looks like, and how to come together in that belief. I've heard from a few Christians who feel that the church has failed the people during this difficult time, and I've heard former and non-believers express very extreme opinions on Christianity that do not reflect my experiences or beliefs/practices at all. Can I just deduce that it has been an incredibly difficult time to exist as a person, and we all have some gentle sorting to do. 

Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other, I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.' Isaiah 46:9-10 ESV 

We can be selfish beings, and it shows. I'm guessing I don't need to provide examples. Just watch the news and you'll see it every day. Take a drive and you'll experience it. Some people just don't care about the rights of others, and it has seemingly become worse due to the last couple of years. People are arguing in churches, schools, communities, families, and everywhere about everything, and it has become a battleground to even say what we think, let alone what we believe. We are walking timebombs, walking on landmines, it seems, and some of us are stepping gingerly, while others continue to stomp. When will we find peace in all of this mess? How can we be different than what we see out "there"?

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11

I also believe we are giving, caring beings.  There are some highly considerate, sensitive people here who listen and don't take everything to heart. I believe those are the people we can count on for real change. They are the ones who can take all the chaff out and keep the grain and see the best in everything no matter what is happening. They are the ones who can find the helpers in a storm because they aren't all caught up in the chaos. Even if we are those chaos-glass wearing people now, I believe we can become the helpers if we change the way we look at the world as a whole, and accept people as the same flawed beings that we are, just trying to figure things out, with too many life-changing hits going on at once. Life may have been very difficult for people prior to 2020, and then things were made so much worse. Not everyone is prepared for that type of a load. Some people are crushed by it. 

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8 

We all handle heartache and loss differently. 2020, no matter how people acted, was a time of devastation, heartache and loss. Some people responded with anger because that's how they've been conditioned to respond to those kinds of emotions, and this was a completely new and helpless situation. If anything, we should have all learned about grace, but if some haven't yet, it's hopefully coming. Grace will help the stragglers get through all the nasty emotions 2020 left behind. I labeled my grace, "Covid Grief", because we lost two family members, and it affected everyone uniquely. It's a different kind of grief because the world doesn't ever let you forget what's happening. It's on the news, in the stores, it's everywhere, and the division it caused drove the grievers into unrelenting silence about their own loss. So when grieving the loss, it's a cruel and constant reminder, and a much different healing path for those going through it. To see this was to teach me to be more aware of all the other unique situations and emotions involved surrounding 2020, and to be open to learning instead of judging. We can open our eyes and our minds and become helpers instead of those who contribute to the hurt, even unknowingly. This is how we affect change in ourselves and eventually others. 

I believe we are capable of evoking a change in people, but that it takes kindness and forgiveness to allow it to take place. When people of opposite faiths can be friends and find things in common, or when people who don't agree on political platforms understand that they can still get along, and when people can stop judging each other long enough to see the damage that judging does. When people stop judging others, period, we can allow each other to just care about each other and rest in that. When compassion wins out over controversy, amazing things can happen. 

There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? James 4:12 

I have felt very judged, and therefore was released from friendship, and quite honestly, I'll just say this-it's a bunch of hooey. Who were they to decide that my thoughts and opinions were "less than", and therefore, I don't measure up, and I belong in the trash bin? Is that what we do with people we've known for years? Do we talk to other people behind their backs and whisper, "I think she's a Democrat!" All the while, clutching pearls and fainting on couches. My goodness, what a world we've become when we can't even come to our so-called friends and ask actual questions because we're too afraid of the answers. 

Not one person asked me one important question, which leads me to believe a lot of assumptions have been made due to my dislikes of certain political things and people. Hello, we are allowed to dislike people and politics. It's just not fair when I did it, I suppose. (sarcasm intended) It was normalized way before 2020, and it seems even more commonplace now, but we have to get to a point where it stops dividing and hurting people. We will always be very different people with very different beliefs, but why does that have to be the MOST important thing? Yes, certain issues are very important, and some more important than others, but why the vitriol? Why the spewing of hate? Why the disconnect? It's not a bubble we live in where all of our friends are just like us and we want to all think alike to stay comfy. But I think that's the goal of many. I agree, it's a great feeling to be validated, but there's no learning, and you won't grow or advance in your knowledge.  A plant doesn't grow in the shade. They have to endure a lot of hot sun, cold nights, rain, and pests to produce good fruit. Maybe some people just don't desire growth, I don't know. One of my friends challenges me. If I say something wrong, I know I'm going to get a lesson and let me tell you, I don't forget it. I'm a changed person for it. We need to actually crave people who change us for the better, not avoid them or clip them from the vines in our lives. 

What is more important to me than politics will ever be is my family. If you were to drive past my house, you won't see any type of political promotional signs because we don't support candidates of any party. But when my daughter graduated from college, we had a sign made with her name on it, because she graduated in 2020 without a ceremony, and she's one of the MOST important and influential people in my life whom God has entrusted to me. If you see signs in front of our house, they will be supporting people that I love. Not hate or anti-anyone or anything, not using profanity, and not supporting politics. Will I ever see any politician as someone to worship? Not while I'm still breathing. No human should be worshipped, yet here we are. Between politicians and celebrities, it's pretty ridiculous what we consider worthy of our worship. I suppose that's me being "judgy", but also factual. I only worship God. He's the only One worthy of my worship. People can be really wonderful, but you want to be careful not to place anyone on a pedestal or think they are the ones who can save or ruin the world. Only God has that kind of power and we are not to worship anyone but Him. 

But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29 

When people are willing to have open and honest discussions instead of leaving when they make wrong assumptions, a couple of things can happen. One, they learn something, which can be good or bad, depending on their perception and openness. Two, they give respect to the person in that relationship that they invested in all those years. It says they care enough to discuss hard topics maturely instead of getting angry and deciding that person is no longer worthy of their time. And maybe if they'd ask questions instead of suppose, assume, and judge, they may just learn a little something new and surprising about someone besides their own self. Just a thought. I'm actually not a Democrat, but if I was, so what? Are we through? I know Democrats who don't vote straight ticket because they don't believe every single thing that every Democrat believes, and yet that blows the minds of some. Really? My dad didn't subscribe to every Democrat belief either, yet no one ever asked him, just judged him for what he wasn't.  My husband is a mixed voter as well, just like me. It's like only believing one thing, one way, your whole life. I don't think that way. I can't even imagine it. It's like only eating one flavor of ice cream for the rest of my life! No can do, my friends. There are some things I like better that Republicans support, and some that Democrats believe. It's just called being an American and having the right to vote the way you choose, but my goodness, there are some people who would fall over dead if you told them this. Does this blog need a trigger warning?? 

As an Independent, I can vote however I want for whoever I want in any party, based on how I feel they are prepared to handle the office they are running for or for what and who they support or don't support. I get to choose based on what I feel, not what any one party decides FOR me. It's my right as an American to vote red, blue, purple, green, fuschia, or not at all. I don't have to be one or the other or anything, and if you want to be mad about it, that's your right too, but it's kind of silly, if you ask me. But you didn't, so...please vote however YOU want, but don't vote just because you think that's the way you have to or that's the way you're being told, or good ole Uncle Pete told you that's what you have to do. We just have so much information available to us now, and some of it is actually close to being true. (LOL My oh my, she's snarky today). Just please don't lose friends and family over something like politics, because in the grand scheme of all things holy, life is way, way more important than this. 

Being a Republican or a Democrat should not mean someone should make you feel ashamed or arrogant or loud or quiet or whatever about the party you follow. Yet, people have become either closeted or explosive about such things due to the vitriol surrounding political beliefs and parties as of late.  It also should not mean you subscribe to EVERY single belief of the party, yet, people make assumptions and judgments and suppositions, so there you go. It is actually possible to open your mind enough where new ideas can creep in, and your brain can't fall out, you learn that people with other beliefs, thoughts, and opinions are actually NOT your enemy, and life goes on without the constraints of hate and judgment. But those are just my opinions and personal judgments, of course. I choose peace. I choose connection. If I hadn't hung out with people "different than me", I may never have become a Christian, and let me tell you, even Christians differ, one from another. Don't try to label and stereotype us either. I can say all the same things about religion that I've said about politics. We all know how touchy these subjects are, and yet, is anyone really having meaningful conversations or just assumptions about them? We are all like ice cream flavors in some ways too. Don't get me started. But if you did, it would be a really great conversation! 

The times have shown us that there are many people who are sworn to keep this country divided. I will not be a part of that. Not EVERY Republican is ___________(fill in the blank), and not EVERY Democrat is_______________(fill in the blank), not every Christian is _______________,etc... and it's high time we stop with the stereotypes and garbage that has landed us here. We need a voice of reason, and I can only think of One that can actually make a difference here on earth. Let us keep HIS voice as the primary voice of reason in our hearts and minds. 

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage. Psalm 33:12 

Be blessed and get out and enjoy some ice cream, wherever you are. In Michigan it is HOT this week! 

Monday, July 11, 2022

We Need the Prayers of Each Other

 "When we get to heaven and see who was praying for us and when they were praying for us, we will be both surprised and humbled. None of us are sufficient in ourselves. We need the prayers of each other." Charles Stanley 

And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God's people. Revelation 5:8 

 Tucked into a bulging old bible of mine are letters from certain people, photos, handwritten names, newspaper clippings, and various other paraphernalia, representing people that I have prayed over. Some have left this earth, some are still struggling, and some I don't even know. What a strange realization it is to imagine that they will one day know who was praying for them and when. I have never thought about this until now. I naturally assumed that God would always be the only One who would know the subject and content of all of our prayers. I know praying for others is important, but when I thought about it this way, it took on a whole different meaning. Our faithful prayers are eternal. 

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 

When we pray for another person, whether it is someone we know well or even a complete stranger, it draws us closer to that person. It places them on our minds and in our hearts. It shows we care for them, and it is one way we can show our love for others and our faith in God. It can give us peace, knowing that we are trusting God to help in a situation that we are not equipped to handle on our own. We intercede for others with prayers of healing, protection, salvation, blessings, and any number of requests we may bring to God on another's behalf. It could be someone we see on the street, or a family member that we've been praying for over many years. Prayer is something we should be in the habit of doing continually, and without worrying that it's being done perfectly. I consider it an honor to be asked to pray for someone, and I take it seriously. This is a request I am taking to God, and I'm believing He hears me. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 

Sometimes when I am praying for a person, I have no idea what is going on in their lives. I just sense that I am to pray for them, and I do. I may never hear from them or know what is happening, and it's not for me to know. It is a privilege to pray for someone, as it is bringing a person to the Lord and not only asking Him to bless that person, heal them, watch over them, or whatever the prayer may be, but expecting Him to follow through!  It is most humbling to pray for someone we consider evil, or an enemy. It's not easy to pray for someone who is hurting you or others, but we are called to do just that.  We don't get to decide who gets prayer and who doesn't. It's up to God to decide vengeance and retribution on enemies. Personally, I don't feel I have enemies in the true sense of the word, but this world sure does, and we are expected to pray for them too. 

But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:43

I am praying for someone who is no longer actively participating in my life, but as long as God keeps bringing this person to me, I will keep asking God for whatever He puts on my heart for this person. It doesn't matter if you're speaking, on good terms, or if you even know what the person is going through. If a name continually comes to you from God, consider it a request to pray. I don't know what it all means, and I may find out one day, and I may not.  Who knows-maybe I'll be the surprised and humbled one. One thing these prayers have done so far is softened my heart toward this person, and enlightened me to some things I hadn't realized before. 

 With God, nothing we learn is ever wasted. My prayers for this person may never change them, but they may change me, and sometimes that is the power of prayer.  When God is in a prayer on either end, there will be an answer. I've often heard people say God's answer can be "Yes", "No", or "Wait", but I think another one of God's popular answers seems like silence. He often gives us what we need and not necessarily what we want, and it often feels like silence. It's not waiting. The answer was there all along. We just didn't want to hear it. If our own prayers for others change us for the better, that is an answer. Sometimes in praying for someone else, God will show us where we lacked effort or any number of convictions, if we're paying attention. 

Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 

When someone tells me they are praying for me or my family, I am very grateful. To take my concerns to the Lord on my behalf says to me that they care, and that they have listened to me.  They love and support me and want the best for me and my family. I couldn't ask for more than that. When blessings come my way, and even if the outcome isn't what I expected but I'm still okay, I know it's because those prayers of the faithful are being heard and answered. I am feeling the love behind those prayers and God's peace is resting on me. It's another opportunity to give all the credit and praise to God, and thank them for their willingness to pray.

This is not to say that all we need to do to help others is pray for them and then leave them alone. Prayer IS powerful on its own, of course, and so is jumping in with hands and feet to help others. God prompts us to pray, and He also equips us to help wherever possible, and we should be using our abilities to help others when they are struggling or in need. I thank God for all the helpers who jump in and for those who pray and for the ones who are able do both of those things very well. It's important that when "thoughts and prayers" are being criticized in the mass media, to understand just how powerful a prayer from a righteous person can be, and that those who pray also understand how to put actions behind a prayer, and not become too complacent in their prayer life. 

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 

I am praying for you, all who are reading this. I pray that you may have hope and peace, despite the state of this world, knowing that the Lord is, without a doubt, all that you will ever need.  May He bless you with the desire to know Him and love Him more, and to greet each day with gratitude and praise. 

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 


What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...