Monday, July 11, 2022

We Need the Prayers of Each Other

 "When we get to heaven and see who was praying for us and when they were praying for us, we will be both surprised and humbled. None of us are sufficient in ourselves. We need the prayers of each other." Charles Stanley 

And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God's people. Revelation 5:8 

 Tucked into a bulging old bible of mine are letters from certain people, photos, handwritten names, newspaper clippings, and various other paraphernalia, representing people that I have prayed over. Some have left this earth, some are still struggling, and some I don't even know. What a strange realization it is to imagine that they will one day know who was praying for them and when. I have never thought about this until now. I naturally assumed that God would always be the only One who would know the subject and content of all of our prayers. I know praying for others is important, but when I thought about it this way, it took on a whole different meaning. Our faithful prayers are eternal. 

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 

When we pray for another person, whether it is someone we know well or even a complete stranger, it draws us closer to that person. It places them on our minds and in our hearts. It shows we care for them, and it is one way we can show our love for others and our faith in God. It can give us peace, knowing that we are trusting God to help in a situation that we are not equipped to handle on our own. We intercede for others with prayers of healing, protection, salvation, blessings, and any number of requests we may bring to God on another's behalf. It could be someone we see on the street, or a family member that we've been praying for over many years. Prayer is something we should be in the habit of doing continually, and without worrying that it's being done perfectly. I consider it an honor to be asked to pray for someone, and I take it seriously. This is a request I am taking to God, and I'm believing He hears me. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 

Sometimes when I am praying for a person, I have no idea what is going on in their lives. I just sense that I am to pray for them, and I do. I may never hear from them or know what is happening, and it's not for me to know. It is a privilege to pray for someone, as it is bringing a person to the Lord and not only asking Him to bless that person, heal them, watch over them, or whatever the prayer may be, but expecting Him to follow through!  It is most humbling to pray for someone we consider evil, or an enemy. It's not easy to pray for someone who is hurting you or others, but we are called to do just that.  We don't get to decide who gets prayer and who doesn't. It's up to God to decide vengeance and retribution on enemies. Personally, I don't feel I have enemies in the true sense of the word, but this world sure does, and we are expected to pray for them too. 

But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:43

I am praying for someone who is no longer actively participating in my life, but as long as God keeps bringing this person to me, I will keep asking God for whatever He puts on my heart for this person. It doesn't matter if you're speaking, on good terms, or if you even know what the person is going through. If a name continually comes to you from God, consider it a request to pray. I don't know what it all means, and I may find out one day, and I may not.  Who knows-maybe I'll be the surprised and humbled one. One thing these prayers have done so far is softened my heart toward this person, and enlightened me to some things I hadn't realized before. 

 With God, nothing we learn is ever wasted. My prayers for this person may never change them, but they may change me, and sometimes that is the power of prayer.  When God is in a prayer on either end, there will be an answer. I've often heard people say God's answer can be "Yes", "No", or "Wait", but I think another one of God's popular answers seems like silence. He often gives us what we need and not necessarily what we want, and it often feels like silence. It's not waiting. The answer was there all along. We just didn't want to hear it. If our own prayers for others change us for the better, that is an answer. Sometimes in praying for someone else, God will show us where we lacked effort or any number of convictions, if we're paying attention. 

Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 

When someone tells me they are praying for me or my family, I am very grateful. To take my concerns to the Lord on my behalf says to me that they care, and that they have listened to me.  They love and support me and want the best for me and my family. I couldn't ask for more than that. When blessings come my way, and even if the outcome isn't what I expected but I'm still okay, I know it's because those prayers of the faithful are being heard and answered. I am feeling the love behind those prayers and God's peace is resting on me. It's another opportunity to give all the credit and praise to God, and thank them for their willingness to pray.

This is not to say that all we need to do to help others is pray for them and then leave them alone. Prayer IS powerful on its own, of course, and so is jumping in with hands and feet to help others. God prompts us to pray, and He also equips us to help wherever possible, and we should be using our abilities to help others when they are struggling or in need. I thank God for all the helpers who jump in and for those who pray and for the ones who are able do both of those things very well. It's important that when "thoughts and prayers" are being criticized in the mass media, to understand just how powerful a prayer from a righteous person can be, and that those who pray also understand how to put actions behind a prayer, and not become too complacent in their prayer life. 

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 

I am praying for you, all who are reading this. I pray that you may have hope and peace, despite the state of this world, knowing that the Lord is, without a doubt, all that you will ever need.  May He bless you with the desire to know Him and love Him more, and to greet each day with gratitude and praise. 

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 


1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

Thank you for praying for me. I am very grateful.

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