Thursday, December 15, 2022

A Lesson in Faith from Someone Who Needs One

 It's been a challenging week, but I am trying to stick with my Alphabet Project! I've realized as I've written on these happiness traits, that they are much like "love and marriage"- "you can't have one without the other!" To be Disciplined, you must be Consistent, to be consistent, you must be Balanced. To be balanced, you must understand Acceptance. And the concept of Eternity? Well, that's the whole alphabet all put together in one Awesome place. 

This week, I've had to keep telling myself, "faith over fear. faith over fear", as I've walked through some challenges that threaten my spirit. I've realized many times throughout my life that when I've leaned in to fear, I've found myself giving up, making impulsive decisions, and letting myself down in some way. When I've trusted God with my thoughts, decisions, or fears, I've been able to free myself of the wrestling I've done, trying to "fix" it all myself, and in my own strength. 

The truth is, I would be nothing without my FAITH. My belief that God is my creator, my Savior, my strength, and my everything, is the reason I have been able to walk through all of the things that come my way. Trust me when I say I would have given up long before now if it wasn't for the love and the grace of God carrying me through every rotten test, loss, and desperate day in my life. I hold on to God, because He is the reason I can keep going when there doesn't seem to be any good thing. He is the good thing. He shows me the good things. He reminds me that I am in fact, a good thing too. 

I can rest in Him, and in resting in my faith in God to supply my needs and my strength, I can in fact, be calmer, more content, and in peace. I know when I am not trusting, because I am fatigued, worried, grumpy, and a stressed mess. 

A short message today, but it is a simple one. I am going to let my faith carry me to a place of joy, because I know I can drop my worries at the feet of Jesus. He has it all under control. He has my best interests at heart, and He knows what I need, when I need it, and what everyone else needs too. I don't need to spin out of control, trying to fix everything that I can't fix anyway. Faith is God energy. Worrying is a waste of energy. 

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-23 


Lori said...

I have enjoyed how you have explained faith. God is with us guiding us through our journey. But I find myself also trying to fix everything. Thank you and something to really work on.

sirnorm1 said...

Amen and amen!

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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...