Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I've been attending Jenn's "The Excellent Wife" study on Tuesday nights, and she was surprised that I hadn't been posting about it at all. Well, I think it just had to sink in a little, or maybe I just had to do the required reading... Remember, I don't like workbooks!! I do love to read, though.

Anyway, what is an excellent wife? My husband thinks I'm excellent, so who cares what I think, right? Well, it's been more than just learning how to be a better wife. It's about learning to serve God through serving my husband. Ouch, feminists, right? Well, news flash here. We serve God by serving ANYONE, so why not the man we cherish most?

My marriage is second only to God. I know my husband feels the same thing. We have an incredible marriage that has been a huge blessing to us and our kids. This does not mean that we are exempt from troubles and it sure doesn't mean we are the perfect pair. It does mean that we work at serving each other, and we spend time showing our love for each other. We work through issues respectfully and without yelling. Don't accuse us of having it figured out, it's just that neither one of us is a yeller by nature. I just don't do it because it's not me. It's not him either. Thank God!! I can't stand yelling.

So while our relationship works for us, I am always looking to make things better. We have been together for 20 years, and I'm smart enough to see how much we've both changed in that time. Things can always change. That's why you don't get too comfy and rest on your laurels!! Always strive to do better. Always. Say "I DO" again and again until you DO!

Someone in class said to me, "I thought you were a more submissive wife than what you're saying here." I think I was objecting to something the author said. I actually do submit to my husband out of respect, not out of feeling overpowered. That's a common mistake people make when thinking of the word "submit". He is the head of the household, and we make a lot of decisions together, he doesn't "require" me to bow down or be the "little woman", but I respect him as the spiritual leader in our home. I know my purpose as a woman, and I know his as a man. When we are carrying out our purposes and not trying to control the other, things work like a well-oiled machine, believe me!! I don't have to be a doormat and he doesn't have to be a dictator, contrary to society's distorted view of a Biblical marriage. We have a partnership, and we are equals. However, we were designed by God with our own unique purposes as a man and a woman. I won't get into all of that here. It would take too long! Read the book...it's by Martha Peace. Also check out Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerich's. I can't say it enough..it's an awesome book!!!

So, yes, my dear classmate, I am exactly the wife you thought I was! :) Something must be right about it, because it works! So, there you go, Jenn, my analysis of the first three weeks of class and of the first few chapters. I have been challenged and convicted by the reading of this book. While I understand it's a little "Howard and Marion Cunningham" at times, there is a lot of truth pulled from the Bible, and you can't argue with God!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Half- Birthday, Serena!

Serena was born on December 27, 1999....it snowed so hard on the way to the hospital at midnight that we could barely see the road ahead. With a winter and Christmas birthday, she often longed for a summer party. We've done one in the past and it was so much fun. This time we did a "half-birthday" celebration with just the 4 of us. She'll be hitting double digits in December, so this was her last blast as a 9 1/2 year old! This family needs no excuse to celebrate and have fun!!
The girls bust a move in the garage

A Hawaiian theme is a must for a summer bash!

Yummies for the "s'mores luau!

Natalie and mom made the surfboard...it says, "Ride the waves to 10!"

There she is, half birthday cake and 5 candles. We sure surprised her...she thought we weren't going to do anything special. After a wonderful dinner, Natalie and dad snuck out to the garage. I told Serena I needed her help out there. We shut off the lights and yelled "surprise!" when she came out. We sang "happy half-birthday" andshe even got to open a present.
The party went on with a competitive game of ladderball and a beautiful bonfire. These are the family times we will all cherish for sure!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Big Softball Game

We went to the church softball game tonight, and I took my camera, intending on taking some embarassing shots of the players. Just kidding, Steve. Anyway, I found the fans to be most adorable and fun to watch, so I took pictures of them instead.

You did NOT just strike out my daddy!! I'm telling mommy!

You can put that candy right here!

What kind of ice cream will I have tonight?

Look at Daddy run!! Help him, mommy!

What a game! Who won again? If you want to come out and cheer on the Wesleyan Winners, they play on Thursday nights at Calhoun Park in Beaver town. It's a great time and fans have the most fun!

The Plan and How it Works

Just a quick post (you know better than that) , since I already posted today. I'm not feeling great today so far, but I'm hopeful it will turn around soon. I just have to share this with you.

I have been on my healthy lifestyle plan for almost 4 weeks now. I haven't said too much about it, as I was making sure I could be more "do" than "talk". Well, it turns out, I am a "do-er". ( I like to talk too) Finally, after years of yo-yo dieting and unhealthy body image, I am "getting it" in my spirit.

I have lost weight, I have built muscle, I have increased my energy level, and I am on my way to double digit weight loss. I am losing about 2 pounds a week, a healthy amount by anyone's standards, and I am not starving! I am not on a fad diet, nor any "diet" at all. No offense to anyone, I do not "count points", "drink weird shakes", join gyms, or anything else that to me, is not of a normal lifelong lifestyle. Food is meant to be enjoyed, not counted and tallied. It is up to us to have discipline, not the food. Food cannot have that much power or we will be powerless to stand up against it!

A non-conformist, I developed my own way of eating and moving that fits with my personality, my lifestyle, and my abilities. I have simply found things I enjoy eating, and I've adapted them so they are healthier for me. I have found the exercise that I don't dread doing, and I do it as often as possible. I make exercise fun, and eating is something to look forward to, not something you do mindlessly and carelessly. Food is meant to nourish and enjoy, not to comfort and heal.

Something has finally clicked in my spirit that is enabling me to stick to it this time. I can tell you from past experience that I have lost weight before, knowing it would be back. Scary thought, and I realize now that I set myself up for failure. This time feels much different, and I know it is, because I have entrusted God with my plan. He is the power, I am the "do-er"!!

When I step on the scales now, it is not with worry or regret, it is with a genuine desire to see where I'm at. It's not a measure of how good or bad I did the week before. It has no power over me. While I've always had the "head" knowledge of how to lose weight, I often did it in a robotic way, self-denying, and over achieving. It didn't stick because as soon as I lost it all, I lost the motivation as well. When the desired result is the way you feel and not the way you look, your motivation will certainly still be as strong as day one. When you make it all about the way your thighs jiggle (and mine do) or how your butt looks (no comment), it is doomed to fail. You can't base all of your personal motivation on outward appearances alone. That is "surface thinking" and it will get you nowhere and leave you depressed. Who has time for all of that nonsense?

Steve put my spreadsheet together so I can type in my weekly weight loss, and I have a goal date in mind for a total loss of 40lbs. Seeing that chart gives me hope that I can stick with it and not give up. So while my desired goal is certainly to lose weight, I'm already feeling I'm there because I have made peace with my body as it looks right now. Simply doing what I know is good for me is enough. It's like reading the Bible. You can't possibly read the whole thing in a day, but if you put the knowledge that you have read into practice, it is good enough even when you don't see the end result yet. There's no need to lament about what you don't know if you're doing what you do know and preparing to learn more!

Confused? It really isn't confusing to me at all. I can look in the mirror and see where physical improvements would be nice, but I also look in the mirror and say, hey, not too bad, girlie. Not your old body, but it will do. See, attitude about your own body is of most importance to your success or failure. If you love it, others will too. God sure loved it, and he loves it the way it is now. But, he wants what is best for us, and I'm sure eating well and moving are on the list of the things he wants for us, among many other things.

Don't catch yourself cracking jokes about your big --whatever, or worse yet, let your kids hear you talk that way about yourself. My husband caught me saying something negative about myself, and he said, "hey, don't be talkin' about my WIFE that way!" So cute, and he's right! "Love who you are....always", as one of my daughter's tee shirts says.

I am on the path to success, and I really can't fail this time. It's in me to do this thing and do it right! Whether I succeed or not depends on my dependence upon God's strength to get me through any challenge. If I do give up, I will start over. Plain and simple.

More benefits of exercise include: increased energy, improvement in mood, increased confidence, muscle definition, physiological conditions--heart, lungs, joints, etc... all improve, stress relief! There are romantic improvements too, as feeling good about yourself is imperitave to a healthy physical relationship. Nuff said, this is a family blog!

Take care of you, and learn from my mistakes! don't give up and if you feel like giving up, call me and I'll talk you down! If you need an accountability partner, let me know, because I could use one too. Stay tuned for more news on the weightfront!

Still More Good Things

More good things...some from recent times, and some from the past! It's ALL good!
A colorful fall day...my favorite season (2008)

Serena on "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" with Daddy...note the many pictures of Daddy's girls in the background (2007)

A picture of sweet Nattie in 2005...no glasses yet. I miss her at that age, and I miss our old little backyard where it was taken.

Mother's Day muffins and the love baked inside (2009)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Good Things

Here are some more "good things" to ponder as you finish off your week....

Getting a good nap or a good night's sleep

Delicious dinner on the grill and a gracious husband who cooked it

Watching the girls work as a team and helping mom and dad

Quiet study time

Mom's homemade donuts on garage sale day..mmmm! Just like when we were kids!

Find the good in every day, and MOST importantly, find the GOOD in others too. Don't let what someone else thinks of someone cloud your opinion of them. They've probably been through a lot, and you have no idea how they feel inside. There is GOOD in everyone, because like GOOD things, God created everything and everyone and called it GOOD!!!
Have a GOOD day!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Good Things

Life may be difficult, but it is full of good things too.... keep your eyes on them and you will be blessed daily! I have to remind myself of that each and every day.

Beauty in my backyard/ peonies from our very first house in Midland
our future smiling brightly on the last day of school

loving friends who can't wait to see you again

growing up together in Christ with friends by your side

you may recognize Amelia, Shane, and Serena...their team won both times!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Real Love

A line from a song keeps popping in my head, and it happens to be a song I can't sing or hear without choking up.

" Like a rose, trampled on the ground, He took the fall, and thought of me....above all." The rest of the song is beautiful as well. I'll search out the lyrics and post it later.

Humbling, isn't it? God gave His only son for lowly old me...and you. Just so we could spend eternity with Him. Because He loves us that much. Can you even imagine that much love?

I think that will be the last thought on my mind as I fall asleep tonight. Hope it's yours too.

My Kindred Spirit

My dear friend Patty just received word from the realtor.....the house is theirs!! They had been waiting for weeks and weeks, trying to buy a foreclosed home in the Vicksburg area. I am so excited for them. It's a beautiful house in a subdivision, but most of all, it's on Michigan soil!!!

She continues to raise her 4 kids while hubby is up here working at his new job, and it has been a lesson for me for sure! I depend on my husband for SO many things! She's had a lot of things happen that would put me into a tailspin. A car accident which totaled her van, a leaky basement, a lazy contractor, a deserted puppy on her doorstep, a flat tire, house showings, 98 degree weather, and the job of keeping all 4 kids safe and taken care of. Not to mention having her house carpeted and having to move all the furniture with the kid's help. You know me, I would probably be a shrew. God is working on my flexibilty, I'm pretty sure!! He continues to show me, through Patty, that life goes on and you can still enjoy life even when it's all a mess. It's all good, as long as you hang in there! I have learned more from her than I can tell you.

I am amazed by her perseverance, her attitude, her strength, and most of all, her ability to stay completely calm in a storm. My friends, I cannot wait to see her and to be able to spend time with her again. We always have a blast together, laughing until our sides split. That's when I'm most "me", is when I'm around her. I think sometimes we share the same DNA because we're so much alike. God certainly formed this friendship when we were just little girls.

I had gone online to look at the house they were trying to buy, and when I saw it, I thought to myself- they're going to get this house. So I went out to mapquest and printed out the directions, because I was sure we were going to help them move. When the realtor wasn't calling or returning calls, they withdrew the offer, as they need a house almost immediately. Suddenly, the house was theirs. I had been telling her that if God wanted them in that house, he would open the doors. They flew open!!

Well, enough gushing, I have a day to plan. Just wanted you to know I have positive happy thoughts on my mind again with the garage sale stuff behind me now!!

Vicksburg, here we come!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

God Speaks!

Happy Father's Day to my Heavenly Father and to my earthly father too!

We had a nice father's day today, starting with the most hilarious children's presentation at church this morning. All I can say is, watch out Doug and Theresa. Nathan is on his way to stardom....or maybe clown college!! What a hoot and a blessing all in one.

It was a great day of Tiger watching and steak eating, relaxing, and dessert, and also a day to honor our dads. We love our dads to pieces and they are always there for us, no matter what. We are so grateful for them.

Tonight we watched a very special DVD of our friend and former pastor, Steve Shangraw. He is the pastor at Billings Bible Church over in Allbright Shores, at least he is for now. He spoke at Calvary Baptist recently on his decision to take a call at a church in southern California. What a story, one that would take me too long to tell, and it was amazing. God was all over it, in the big details and in the most tiny ones. Some of the things God used to speak directly to Steve's heart about this call were things most people would miss. Steve, having his eyes open, saw it all as clear as day.

.....a materialistic guy, wrapped up in the latest and greatest, depending on self and worldy things. The same guy who would later attend seminary and invite Steve to his church to speak. This after selling his possessions, including his stock portfolio and collection of cars.
...... a marathon Steve could not turn down because he spoke too soon about always "wanting to run one". The training led to discussions of the Lord while gasping for air, then a call that his running partner (the same guy above) accepted the Lord as his Savior.
......a bumper sticker and a license plate, both with the names of the churches each man would eventually serve. On cars that were thousands of miles from home
....... a key in a church in the Bahamas, where God encouraged him to trust for a home in LA
......a daughter who used her missions trip money to buy a plane ticket to California so she could see where her dad wanted to interview... The $500 that was placed in her hands that covered the ticket and replaced her missions trip money.
...the wife who didn't poo poo his idea this time
...the elderly who held on to his 5 minute sermon like he had just given the sermon of his life and kept telling him they wished he was their pastor.
...the pastor position that needed filled was the exact desire of his heart..to be a care pastor for the elderly, a funeral pastor, and a family care pastor. At the very church the above described man was now senior pastor. WOW
....... a McDonald's restaurant (long story) and the man he met in Massachusetts with not only a California plate, but with the name of the church Steve was interviewing at on the plate! Turns out they were both going to the same Mass town too! The man had attended that church and said it was wonderful.

God speaks! He sure spoke in Steve's story, using such "coincidental" things to keep Steve searching for God's leading. God kept pulling more and more out of Steve until he listened and obeyed. Being such a faithful man of God, it didn't take long for Steve to get the message and do as God instructed.

Wow. What a message. Listen for God and step out in faith. Trust Him with your life and watch what happens!! God does speak. We need to be ready to listen.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, and thank you for our very first pastor, who we love dearly.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Faux Pas x Two = Tasty Flip Flops

What a couple of days! Today was busier than yesterday, and more stuff disappeared from our garage sale! We talked to many interesting people. I'll leave it at that. I am an interesting person too, as it turns out. I'm sure I didn't score any points on this one.

I tasted the fine flavor of pink flip flop and choked on it. Only it was completely innocent. A case of mistaken identity really. I thought I sort of recognized this lady as one of my sister's old friends. My sister is 6 years older than me. So, I asked her if she knew any of my older siblings. She didn't recognize any names, yet I was sure she was someone familiar. Then she informed me that she didn't know them because she's only 39. I said, oh, you're my age then. DUH!! Why did I say that?? I didn't think she looked old at all. I was just locked into that familiar face! She's probably a younger sister of my sister's friend, but we didn't get that far. She just kind of walked away. Mom whispered to me, "you just stuck your foot in your mouth big time!" Oh, that made me feel so much better! I couldn't stop thinking about how stupid I was and how I had offended this very young 39 year old. I'm pretty sure she'll come back and maybe teepee my house sometime.

I hate the thought of being so careless with my words, even if it wasn't meant that way. I should have learned yesterday with the blonde haired boy..oh, Jami, you're such a dope!!

I could blame it on fatigue and stress, but I'll just call it my two big ole dummy moments of the day. I earned 'em!

I did have a couple bright moments too, I have to say. My aunt and cousin stopped by today, and we had a very nice visit. Uncle Larry (their husband and father, respectively) passed away last September, and it's been a rough year for them to say the least. June represents his birthday, father's day, and their anniversary. Tough week. It's been a rough struggle for their family. These "firsts" are very painful. I sat with my cousin today and said to her that people really don't know the pain of losing a parent unless they've gone through it. Turns out, that is something that is hard for her to deal with. Some people at work just don't empathize well, and it leaves her with few people to talk to about it. I listened and agreed, and she told me that she knows I care and can talk to me about it. Thankfully, my foot stayed out of my mouth. God knows how I don't want to say anything wrong in this situation.

Then, my dear friend Patty called with a request. What should she do for a friend who's having a double mastectomy tomorrow? I just happen to know someone who has gone through that, and although we didn't talk about it regularly, I did remember some things that comforted her during her bout with cancer. I gave her some ideas, and she said, "I knew you'd know what to do".

God knew how much it bothered me to offend that sister friend lookalike lady, and he knows how I beat myself up over stuff like that. He gave me two goods to cancel out my two bads. He just works that way, and I am so grateful for His mercy! I need it.

Tomorrow is the last day of the sale. I can't wait to see what I'll learn next!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Not that I'm dwelling on it or anything, but this week has had its challenges. We are finally on the downside of that, having begun the dreaded garage sale today. My mood and state of mind are better, but I'm thinking if I ever do this again, I will be a fool for sure.

Nettie has forgiven me for being AWOL during VBS week, and I assured her I would do double duty next year. Think she'll put me in the nursery? Probably! I deserve that!

The company picnic got rained out and I not so secretly sighed a big relief! It gave me back 3 hours, and I sure needed them. With all this garage sale prep going on, I had quite the laundry pileup!

So, blessings were there, as I always remind myself. I just get a little frenetic sometimes. I am not perfect!!

We had fun today, and managed to unload some stuff too. We spent some time with a teenage boy today, and that was interesting. His mom wanted to purchase our dresser, so she had to drive all the way back to Wise Rd, which is quite a haul from here. She left her son here, and we don't really know why, but it turned out to be a good thing. We joked with him about maybe she wasn't coming back, and what did he want for dinner, all that silly stuff. We started asking him questions about school and life, and soon realized he was a foster kid. This is his 19th home, and he has lived in 43 states. He's about 16 years old. Suddenly I felt really stupid about joking with him about all that. He seemed like a nice enough kid, polite, soft-spoken, and friendly. He answered our questions, and I joked with him a bit. The conversation turned to Pastor Dave, as mom explained how he worked with the football team and weight lifted with them, stuff like that. She brought up Pastor Shannon and how great he is with the teens. He asked where our church was, then explained that his mother brought him up as a JW, and he wasn't allowed to have friends outside of church. Seeds were being sown, as he sat there sipping lemonade from the girls' lemonade stand. He felt funny accepting it, as they had been selling it all day. When his foster mom arrived, they loaded the dresser, and I handed him a bunch of the cookies the girls were selling. He didn't want to take them. I said, go ahead. You don't even have to share with the other kids! He said, oh, I will share them for sure. He left, and I may not see him again, but I will remember him, especially in my prayer time. I hope that you will pray for him and the many other boys in the home where he lives, along with the people caring for them. What a calling that must be. I don't know if I could ever do that.

I spent my week annoyed that I had so much to sell and all day to work on it. I whined about a sore back and too many commitments. I was exhausted from moving "things". God has a way of bringing me back to reality. This boy probably doesn't have a lot of "things" to call his own. He probably showed up at his 19th house with the clothes on his back. He doesn't have a mom and dad who remind him of how cute he looked in the cowboy outfit they're putting in the garage sale, or parents who agonize over whether to sell the favorite toys and books or keep them for future grandkids. What kind of family legacy is left to a kid in the foster care system anyway? It is sure sad to me to even imagine what their lives must be like.

This kid was broken from the time his parents let him down the very first time. I'm sure he's been in some kind of trouble, I'm sure he has a lot of issues. I would too if I was in that situation. I actually felt guilty when I comforted one of my girls in front of him. How many times I complain about their arguing, and does he even have siblings? Boy, we have it pretty good here.

God reminds me from time to time that I need to look beyond ME in order to SEE what's going on around me. I've asked him to show me people to bless, and he does it in the most unique ways.
I had a question on my mind to ask this boy, and my mom spoke it for me. She asked him if he was happy in his current home and he said yes. I don't know what happens to these kids at 18 years old, but I can't imagine him being on his own in a couple years. When I think of how my parents have helped me, and still do, I can't imagine life without their constant presence.

I got it, God. I got it good. Thank you for a week of lessons. Thank you for the blonde-headed boy. Amen...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is It Worth It?

As you know, we have been very busy lately, and I am getting to my exhausted level. Too many late nights, long days, and running. Lots of running. Today was no different, as I sped around from daylight to dark, working on this garage sale. I started out my day pretty tired, having not slept well at all. Got up early, made some coffee, and read from the book of Romans. Felt pretty confident, and got going on my jobs. I actually felt weary, trying to lift, sort, move, decide, carry, price, think, answer questions, clean, fix, etc... I was just overwhelmed. Not enough rest, not enough sleep, not enough relaxation. Not enough joy. Is this worth it? I am telling you it has not been at all. I consider myself a pretty strong and determined person, but this has been a new me for the past couple of weeks. I think God has been trying to reach me and I've been too busy to hear.

My kids asked if we could just build a fire and play some ladderball, but I couldn't stop what I was doing, as I am already pushing just to be behind. Nothing has been going right at all. Steve fixed our broken patio umbrella today, which was so appreciated, but then lost control of the wrench. It hit him in the head, then landed on the glass top table. Need I say more? At that point, I would have cried just from frustration, but I was too busy to do that, and I don't cry much! Steve is fine, by the way. My back has been killing me from all the excess strain, and I have lost my appetite. It is just not worth all the hassle to lose my joy. I am telling you this as a lesson, not for a call for a pity party in my honor.
When our power failed at 6:24 tonight, I was ready to throw in the towel. I had just about had all I could stand. The girls went to VBS with a waffle and a raw carrot. We ate the grilled chicken by ourselves. Three hours later, we got our power back, and though I'm glad, it didn't help me get my laundry done at all.
So, what is all of this trying to tell me? Stop!!! I have made myself an easy victim of an attack by the enemy for sure. I have myself too tired, too busy, and too stressed to be an effective Christian. Since this is an unusual circumstance for me, I'm sharing it with you in hopes you will not fall into the trap of "doing it all" and losing your joy in the process.
I am very glad to have had the past few days hanging out with my mom while we prepare for the sale. Having her calmness and sense of wisdom near me has helped me to stay sane. She brought all the lunch and snacks today, cleaned the kitchen and living room with the girls, and has done nothing but try to make my life easy for me this week.
She pretty much drops everything for anyone, even though she is very behind on her chores too, and doesn't feel well much of the time. Not a martyr, just a loving mom and person. I include dad in this too. He has been here too!! Helping and doing what he can to be of service.
So while I've missed the mark on many good things this week, I can still see my blessings clearly, and I have already promised a big family picnic and bonfire for all of us!
I think as women we get pretty impressed with ourselves when we can so-called "do it all", but it's not something to be proud of at all. All I could think about today after each small frustration was this...."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil. 4:13
That's "through Christ", not through me at all!!
Be blessed and stay tuned...

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Woman on the Edge

Well, since life is not all about me all the time, I guess I 'd better tell you what we did all weekend first. On Saturday, we celebrated the high school graduation of Jessica, Steve's sister Sandy's lovely daughter. She had a tail gate open house, U of M style, fight song and all! It was decorated so beautifully and we had a super time. They had great food and games, and we visited with Steve's family, which we don't do often enough. Jess is an honor student and an all around wonderful girl, headed to U of M in the fall. We are so proud of her!

On Sunday after church we headed back to Mt. Pleasant to celebrate the graduation of another Oiler, Mariah! Mariah belongs to Steve's sister Cyndi, and is following in both her sisters' at U of M this fall as well. They are just a big U of M family, what can I say? Mariah is smart, beautiful and so very kind. The open house was a dessert extravaganza, which is always popular with my family. We visited with more family and enjoyed trying all the goodies. We are also so proud of Mariah!

Both girls have been a joy to watch as they grew up and to see the wonderful women they have become is such a pleasure! I am so glad that there are so many good role models for my girls to look up to. Those girls have set the bar very high!

Okay, so back to me now. You didn't think I could go without talking about me did you? I had one stinking migraine after the party on Saturday and ended up in bed. All of this stress of the garage sale and all has nearly sent me to the loony bin. So what did I do after Mariah's party on Sunday? Went home and began painting the garage at 7pm. I was a determined woman, throwing laundry in while I worked. After a very late night, I awoke this morning, determined to keep going. I was also trying to prevent my parents from carrying things up from the basement, so I tore into it as fast as I could. At least I got in a good workout, those 50 trips up and down the stairs!

So today I have been running in circles trying to get everything ready for the sale, and wore myself out. I started getting a headache late in the day, so I begged off VBS for tonight. Please don't be ashamed of me! I think I have proved that I am not superwoman and I can't do it all! I shouldn't even try, and I'm not proud that I do try from time to time!

Learn from me. Never bite off more than you can chew, and swallow before you take another bite. I don't often get myself into these pickles anymore, but this just kind of crept up on me and I went into overload! I may add that I don't accept help well either. That could contribute to my problem. It's not that people are knocking down my door, but when they do, I say, nope, I got it. Miss Independent. Miss Migraine!
I am ready to begin enjoying life again very soon! Sitting on my deck, hanging out with my girls, and riding bikes without a care in the world. Life is too short to be busy. Take it from me, a woman on the edge!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Where Have I Been?

I'm back for now, but boy, oh, boy, summer is in full swing already. This means we have our days planned for us for the next month (or so). I don't do "busy" well at all. I don't do "overwhelmed" any better! I don't like "adjusting to change" and "company picnics". I just threw that one in.... I certainly don't like having 3 events in the same night, and are expected at all three. I don't like parties when you're low on cash. I don't like "company picnics" when you're low on clothing and enthusiasm. We've all been there, and I don't think I'm a big meanie for feeling this way. I just don't like to feel pushed and pulled in all different directions, and then wonder where my time goes.

A couple of things happen to me in this situation. I lose my positive attitude (horror of all horrors), I become agitated and tired, I get snappy, and protective of my time. Added all together, you could call me a shrew. It's okay, go ahead and do it. I call myself one from time to time. My prayer life suffers, as my agitation makes it hard for me to clear my head and find my words. My walk is compromised because I would rather avoid people when I'm grumpy because I don't want to infect them with my nastiness!! Some days I can pull it together, but some days I can't. Welcome to life.

And so the busyness continues on and I'm doing my best to stay on top of all the things I need to do. So far, I'm making it by the skin of my teeth! In the middle of it all, we are having our previously postponed garage sale (thanks to lovely jury duty) next week. Did I mention I've been planning to paint my garage and stain my deck before that? Are you laughing? I think I can hear you. I'm just hysterical too.

I volunteered to help with VBS next week, not realizing my garage sale was going to end up in the same time slot. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pull it off. The girls are doing a cookie stand, so guess who gets to bake for that? Guess I'll do that while making the dessert for the picnic at the girls swim lesson while helping at VBS.

Well, I am back and where have I been? We lost our internet service last Friday and just got it back today. sigh. The girls have been home for just a few days and my house looks like it's been ransacked after a tornado. Last night's dinner is still in its pot in the garage refrigerator, so I guess I better take care of that. We had to be at the ball field early to "warm up" before our DOUBLE HEADER (surprise!) so I didn't get the dishes done and came home too late to care!

Waah waah waah. Just thought I'd throw that in for good measure. Aren't you glad I'm back? Just keepin' it real, my friends. Hope you are too.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Busy Weeks Ahead

I can't believe I'm even here blogging. The next 2 weeks and beyond are filling up like crazy. Yesterday was busy, today was and is busy, and on and on it goes until after Father's Day. Then I hope we have time to breathe. It's not that I planned too much. Nope. It's just end of the year stuff at school....D.A.R.E. graduation today (Nat read her essay at the ceremony), orthodontics appointments tonight, and field days Friday and Monday. Not too mention all the teacher thank you gifts...then we have a garage sale coming up, 2 open houses on the same weekend, then VBS, father's day......not only is it time consuming, but expensive. Summer flies by too fast because of these busy things we have going on. Fun, yes, but I do enjoy a break in between activities, and June is just crazy. I don't like being overbusy. It makes the time go by, and I feel like we missed a whole month of summer. Whatever happened to the "lazy days of summer" anyway? I want them to come back!!
I used to lament about it even more than I am now! I would make all these plans, then go to the mailbox and we'd have all these invitations to things, and I would just stomp all the way back to the house! There goes our vacation! There goes the last few bucks this month! There goes our quiet weekend at home! Can't we ever just have our time to ourselves anymore??
Sometimes life is just "too much", and "too busy". It takes the fun out of it sometimes.
So, for now I am busy, but soon I will be home watching the girls playing in the pool. Now for that, I will sit ALL day!! As I always say, life is short. Try to enjoy it while you're here.
Have a great and not too crazy summer!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Weird Things About Me

Since I don't share enough here on my blog (tee hee), here are a few strange and possibly surprising facts about me. You'll wish I never told you....

1. I do not like feet unless you are 3 years old or younger. Then I love them.

2. Double stuf oreos are better than regular and I will only eat them when dunked in milk.

3. I like to drive fast with the radio blaring and the windows down.

4. I can moonwalk and I do it pretty well. No, don't bother asking me. I won't do it for you.

5. I have never fired a gun, and I don't plan on it any time soon. I enjoy super soakers and will stalk Steve on the lawn mower, but that is as far as my shooting desire goes. No, you're not a stronger woman than me because you shoot guns, sorry. :)

6. I am deathly afraid of snakes, spiders, and creepy things. Bugs don't bother me though. Weird.

7. I don't care for hot dogs, though I will eat them to be polite. They are just wrong if you ask me.

8. I don't enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes. My dream would be to have someone do it for me.

9. I count to eight before flipping my pancakes. Go ahead, have me committed now.

10. I don't like my food touching on the plate. I know it all ends up in the same place. so what?

11. I go around the house turning off lights because it drives me crazy when they are all on at the same time!

12. I am not afraid to admit I'm weird!

Was this too much information for you? Well, I guess you shouldn't have looked then, should you? Just having a little fun with you today. That's another surprise you may not have known. I love to joke around!! Please don't be too serious and stuffy. Life is short and even shorter if you're boring.

Where To Begin

 Where to begin.... I've been absent but present in my own world, and it seems that world has been spinning at a speed I can't contr...