Just so you know....I am not depressed and I am not avoiding church. I suffer from non-classic migraines and have had several in the past month. I have been sick on and off since the end of September. However, I am functioning just fine...no need to make sheet cakes for my funeral dinner just yet. We have had several weekends of either vacation or family obligations, so we have been doing a lot of running on Sundays, thus, my absence from my usual chair in church. The times I am home, I am trying to get caught up or trying to rest a bit.
Please don't worry, I am fine! I am not depressed. I do get frustrated when I don't feel well and can't tend to the needs of my family. I am annoyed that I can't make a lot of commitments lately. I get super tired! I have an appointment to see my doc in a few weeks, and all will be peachy again. I have a great family who helps me, and a husband who has been my personal nurse for about 20 years now. He takes great care of me and can cook up a storm when I'm not well. I could not ask for more.
Thanks for your concern, but really, I am fine!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Fantastical Elliptical
I am not a big fan of public gyms, clubs, etc... so I've always had some piece of exercise equipment. We started with the treadmill, which I enjoyed for awhile, then it became a great place to store things. It gathered clothes, dust and the kids used to put their stuffed animals on it and watch them fly. Of course, I was supervising and encouraging this event. Finally, the treadmill died. It died of natural causes, certainly not from over-use. I begged Steve for an elliptical machine last year and I enjoyed it awhile.. you get my drift.
Well, I went down to the basement, the home of the elliptical, and it spoke to me. I heard "Hey, lazy butt, pssssttt....over here!" I turned to it, obviously annoyed, and said, "what's with the rude comment, buster?" It replied, "I'm like the Tin Man here...gettin' rusty, lady, where have you been lately? Ya know, hubby there paid good money for me!"
"Are you kidding me? Can't you hear me running the vacuum upstairs, running from room to room, don't you hear the washer going? I am too busy for you!! Get off my back!" He whirled his little pedals up and down and said temptingly, "Don't you want a J-Lo butt? Don't you want thunder thighs? How about those flabby...." I cut him off there. Give me a break. Not one to back down from a challenge, I put down my armload of basement junk, and flipped on the tv. Ooh, I can watch Dancing with the Stars while I get on this thing, guilt-free! "Alright, bad boy, here I come, be ready for the shock!" I then hopped on and began a very slow pace, which increased as I stayed on for 30 minutes! Bad Boy and I were so happy. He's no longer dusty and rusty and I'm on my way to being J-Lo'd, I hope.
Of course, my victory only lasted a short time. I got hit with a nasty nasty headache that afternoon that put me in bed from 3:30 pm to 7:30 the next morning. It won't stop me from heading back down to my fantastical elliptical, if only to be able to watch my favorite shows!
Stay tuned as Steve's weight bench beckons.....
Well, I went down to the basement, the home of the elliptical, and it spoke to me. I heard "Hey, lazy butt, pssssttt....over here!" I turned to it, obviously annoyed, and said, "what's with the rude comment, buster?" It replied, "I'm like the Tin Man here...gettin' rusty, lady, where have you been lately? Ya know, hubby there paid good money for me!"
"Are you kidding me? Can't you hear me running the vacuum upstairs, running from room to room, don't you hear the washer going? I am too busy for you!! Get off my back!" He whirled his little pedals up and down and said temptingly, "Don't you want a J-Lo butt? Don't you want thunder thighs? How about those flabby...." I cut him off there. Give me a break. Not one to back down from a challenge, I put down my armload of basement junk, and flipped on the tv. Ooh, I can watch Dancing with the Stars while I get on this thing, guilt-free! "Alright, bad boy, here I come, be ready for the shock!" I then hopped on and began a very slow pace, which increased as I stayed on for 30 minutes! Bad Boy and I were so happy. He's no longer dusty and rusty and I'm on my way to being J-Lo'd, I hope.
Of course, my victory only lasted a short time. I got hit with a nasty nasty headache that afternoon that put me in bed from 3:30 pm to 7:30 the next morning. It won't stop me from heading back down to my fantastical elliptical, if only to be able to watch my favorite shows!
Stay tuned as Steve's weight bench beckons.....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Get A Hold Of Yourself
Sorry, guys...if you're looking for excitement in my blogs, it's not here. I do have some stories to tell, but they will have to wait for now.
Another great point from the book I'm reading, Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, by Kara Davis, M.D. is about self-control. She writes, "Victorious living requires self-control, which is an attribute of the Holy Spirit. If we abandon self-control, then the mind-set of the victim will soon follow, not only in our eating but also in every area of our lives". I think she's onto something here....
What? We can't be victorious until we get a hold of ourselves?? Makes sense to me. The opposite of victim is victor. What does it take to be victorious over the area of our health? Approach your circumstance with a desire to change it. Challenge yourself to gain self-control through the power of the Holy Spirit, which you already have in you.
The author makes another point with this situation: If an obese person was stranded on a deserted island and had a limited quantity to eat and had to work to find it, he would eventually lose weight. Someone get me there, quick!
Genetics do play a part in our body types, but the fact is, if we eat more calories than we can burn, we get fat. We don't need that extra food for energy, so it is stored as fat, plain and simple. There are some situations where weight loss is compromised, like with some medications or hormonal changes, other physical conditions, but most of us don't fit into those categories. My husband had thyroid cancer and his weight is very difficult to manage now. He gained a lot of weight after his surgery and it is twice as hard for him to lose weight. That really means he needs to work twice as hard at it. When you work a lot of hours and want to spend time doing things with your family, working out ends up at the bottom of the list.
Do you see yourself much the same way? Are your kids and family taking up most of your time? As mothers, we think that's the way it should be! Just don't let it become the reason you don't exert the self-control over your health.
We can't blame our positions, our relationships, or anything else on why we are the way we are. It's time to be the victor, accept the challenge, and choose to get a hold of ourselves!
She ends each chapter with a prayer:
Lord, I thank you for giving me a free will, and I thank You also for giving me wisdom in making choices that pertain to my health. I ask according to Your Word that You give me the strength through Jesus Christ to lead a lifestyle that is pleasing to You.
Another great point from the book I'm reading, Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, by Kara Davis, M.D. is about self-control. She writes, "Victorious living requires self-control, which is an attribute of the Holy Spirit. If we abandon self-control, then the mind-set of the victim will soon follow, not only in our eating but also in every area of our lives". I think she's onto something here....
What? We can't be victorious until we get a hold of ourselves?? Makes sense to me. The opposite of victim is victor. What does it take to be victorious over the area of our health? Approach your circumstance with a desire to change it. Challenge yourself to gain self-control through the power of the Holy Spirit, which you already have in you.
The author makes another point with this situation: If an obese person was stranded on a deserted island and had a limited quantity to eat and had to work to find it, he would eventually lose weight. Someone get me there, quick!
Genetics do play a part in our body types, but the fact is, if we eat more calories than we can burn, we get fat. We don't need that extra food for energy, so it is stored as fat, plain and simple. There are some situations where weight loss is compromised, like with some medications or hormonal changes, other physical conditions, but most of us don't fit into those categories. My husband had thyroid cancer and his weight is very difficult to manage now. He gained a lot of weight after his surgery and it is twice as hard for him to lose weight. That really means he needs to work twice as hard at it. When you work a lot of hours and want to spend time doing things with your family, working out ends up at the bottom of the list.
Do you see yourself much the same way? Are your kids and family taking up most of your time? As mothers, we think that's the way it should be! Just don't let it become the reason you don't exert the self-control over your health.
We can't blame our positions, our relationships, or anything else on why we are the way we are. It's time to be the victor, accept the challenge, and choose to get a hold of ourselves!
She ends each chapter with a prayer:
Lord, I thank you for giving me a free will, and I thank You also for giving me wisdom in making choices that pertain to my health. I ask according to Your Word that You give me the strength through Jesus Christ to lead a lifestyle that is pleasing to You.
Monday, October 27, 2008
"Count the Cost"
What would happen if we really made that lifestyle change we're always talking about? We're going to eat better, work out more, stop doing this, stop doing that.... For one thing, something might have to end...to fit exercise in your life, you have to say no to something else that takes up your time. This is what Dr. Kara calls "Counting the Cost". What are you filling your time with instead of making positive changes in your lifestyle. Can you accomodate eating well and exercise or will it take a back seat to something else? Are you looking for the quick fix, or are you going to allow yourself the time this will take to do it right and to make it permanent?
(Read Luke 14:28 for more about preparing for a big change)
I am deeply into this book I'm still reading. Sorry to bore you with it if you aren't into it! However, it is a journey for me and I am amazed by what I am discovering.
I have been very successful at losing weight in the past, and had even been able to keep it off for two years. Because it was always about the weight and nothing else, it was impossible to maintain that way of life for me. In other words, the change was not permanent. I made it to my specific goal, then I quit. When I gained weight back, I became discouraged and doubted I could do it again. I used to work out up to 5 days a week and I loved it. I believe it was the stress of building this house and now maintaining it that have me spinning, and I don't mean the spinning at the gym!
The author made this comment, "...the things that generate stress will not change just because you decide to eat cauliflower instead of candy bars." So true! Any time you decide to make a true lifestyle change, the heart has to change, your reaction to stress needs to change. It's just not all about what you eat, although we all know it plays a big part.
"Counting the cost" might mean letting some things go in your life because they are simply taking up too much time. How can you plan meals, shop right, and fit in exercise, if you don't prioritize it in the first place? That 4 hours we spend watching tv or the 45 minutes on the internet would make great times to walk, bike, do meal planning, etc... How much are we really willing to commit to ourselves? How many calls are you willing to miss?
What is driving me right now is the poor heart health all throughout my family. Being overweight is linked to stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. I don't want to be unhealthy. But like some smokers will tell you, hearing about lung cancer doesn't make them stop smoking. We can be motivated by all kinds of important things, but the bottom line is you have to exert self-control, you have to be organized, and you have to know what triggers your stress.
Desiring to be disciplined and being disciplined are so far from each other!! I am disciplined in some areas and not in others, so the key is to find out what the differences are and target that. I'm calling it my "mission:possible". For me it's not about losing weight and fitting into my skinny jeans. It's about having faith and taking action! (James 2:17)
So, don't watch for my pants to droop just yet. I am working on the heart and mind first. Anything worth doing takes important planning and strategy with a little patience worked in!!
(Read Luke 14:28 for more about preparing for a big change)
I am deeply into this book I'm still reading. Sorry to bore you with it if you aren't into it! However, it is a journey for me and I am amazed by what I am discovering.
I have been very successful at losing weight in the past, and had even been able to keep it off for two years. Because it was always about the weight and nothing else, it was impossible to maintain that way of life for me. In other words, the change was not permanent. I made it to my specific goal, then I quit. When I gained weight back, I became discouraged and doubted I could do it again. I used to work out up to 5 days a week and I loved it. I believe it was the stress of building this house and now maintaining it that have me spinning, and I don't mean the spinning at the gym!
The author made this comment, "...the things that generate stress will not change just because you decide to eat cauliflower instead of candy bars." So true! Any time you decide to make a true lifestyle change, the heart has to change, your reaction to stress needs to change. It's just not all about what you eat, although we all know it plays a big part.
"Counting the cost" might mean letting some things go in your life because they are simply taking up too much time. How can you plan meals, shop right, and fit in exercise, if you don't prioritize it in the first place? That 4 hours we spend watching tv or the 45 minutes on the internet would make great times to walk, bike, do meal planning, etc... How much are we really willing to commit to ourselves? How many calls are you willing to miss?
What is driving me right now is the poor heart health all throughout my family. Being overweight is linked to stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. I don't want to be unhealthy. But like some smokers will tell you, hearing about lung cancer doesn't make them stop smoking. We can be motivated by all kinds of important things, but the bottom line is you have to exert self-control, you have to be organized, and you have to know what triggers your stress.
Desiring to be disciplined and being disciplined are so far from each other!! I am disciplined in some areas and not in others, so the key is to find out what the differences are and target that. I'm calling it my "mission:possible". For me it's not about losing weight and fitting into my skinny jeans. It's about having faith and taking action! (James 2:17)
So, don't watch for my pants to droop just yet. I am working on the heart and mind first. Anything worth doing takes important planning and strategy with a little patience worked in!!
Finally...News Worth Sharing!!
I finally got my prayer answered....my dearest and oldest friend is moving back to Michigan in May '09!! Her husband Steve (yes, Steve) will be transferring to his new job in Kalamazoo in January. We'll still be a few hours away, but at least I know she'll finally be back on Michigan soil!! The family is pretty happy about the move. They have 4 kids....Taylor (senior), Sam (freshman), Chase (6th grade), and Regan (5th grade)...the first 3 are boys, the last is their only girl!
We are very happy that we will finally be able to spend time with them without it being a 10 hour drive! We have kept in touch for the last 10 years almost daily, but it's not the same as spending time together in person! God has blessed me with Patty and is now bringing her 7 hours closer!! Thank you!!
We are very happy that we will finally be able to spend time with them without it being a 10 hour drive! We have kept in touch for the last 10 years almost daily, but it's not the same as spending time together in person! God has blessed me with Patty and is now bringing her 7 hours closer!! Thank you!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Weight is just a symptom of a bigger issue
I'm not sharing my thoughts today, as I found a portion of the book I'm reading to really tell it like it is, and I can't do better than that, so here goes...
From the book, Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, by Dr. Kara Davis:
-Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. -Matthew 5:17
(author speaking) Our verse for today is taken from the Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus makes a point that would utterly confound the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes during His entire earthly ministry, and that was the distinction between a mere adherence to the law and an understanding of the essence of the Law. Let me make it clear before we go any further that I am not in any way equating the friction that existed between Jesus and the religious leaders with our goal of making lifestyle changes for better health. My point is this: the religious leaders were so determined to stick to the letter of the law that they failed to comprehend the spirit of the law-the big picture. And this tendency to miss the big picture is exactly what we want to avoid when we make a decision to lose weight.
The big picture is not that you chew your food at a slower rate and take longer to complete a meal. Yes, that may be important in terms of satiety signals, but that is not the big picture. The big picture is not whether or not you eat past six o'clock in the evening. Yes, that may be a good practice, especially if you have acid reflux, but it is not the big picture. Making sure you drink a specified number of glasses of water each day is not the big picture, although we certainly don't want to become dehydrated. Yes, these are the sorts of rules we are quick to follow, expecting results. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that unless we grasp the big picture, the rules don't do much in the long run. Just ask my friend who drank honey, lemon juice and vinegar each morning.
The big picture relates to the character traits (or character flaws) that prevent us from making permanent changes for better health. So if our daily menu (that is, what, when, and how much we'll eat and how it will be prepared) represents the letter of the law, then such attributes as self-control, discipline, moderation, sobriety, subjecting the flesh, and resisting temptation would represent the essence of the law.
With that analogy, it should be clear why diet plans are destined to fail unless attention is given to why the diet plan is needed in the first place. This would constitute the essence of the matter. Any dietician can prescribe a 1200, 1400, or 1600-calorie meal plan, but no dietician can make us practice self-control. A popular diet might favor proteins over carbohydrates or vice versa, but no diet plan-no matter how popular-can tell us how to subject our flesh and resist temptation. We can tally points, and we can make exchanges, bu6t neither points nor exchanges can teach us discipline and moderation.
One person may enjoy a slice of pie operation with a mature level of self-control, while another person may eat celery sticks and be severely lacking in self-control. The first person will enjoy the foods he or she eats yet maintain a healthy body weight. The second person will tolerate celery sticks for a season, then resume the bad habits that contributed to their weight problem, and in the long run find themselves weighing more than when they started.
Legalism hurt the ancient Palestinians, and it hurts us today. Never forget that it is the essence of the law that matters, and learning the essence comes by way of the Holy Spirit.
(me speaking now) This really hit home with me. I love this book!! It has been a great no-nonsense, tell it like it is kind of book. Jesus was a "tell it like it is" person too, and I feel a great combination between her medical degree and her spiritual one as well.
From the book, Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, by Dr. Kara Davis:
-Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. -Matthew 5:17
(author speaking) Our verse for today is taken from the Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus makes a point that would utterly confound the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes during His entire earthly ministry, and that was the distinction between a mere adherence to the law and an understanding of the essence of the Law. Let me make it clear before we go any further that I am not in any way equating the friction that existed between Jesus and the religious leaders with our goal of making lifestyle changes for better health. My point is this: the religious leaders were so determined to stick to the letter of the law that they failed to comprehend the spirit of the law-the big picture. And this tendency to miss the big picture is exactly what we want to avoid when we make a decision to lose weight.
The big picture is not that you chew your food at a slower rate and take longer to complete a meal. Yes, that may be important in terms of satiety signals, but that is not the big picture. The big picture is not whether or not you eat past six o'clock in the evening. Yes, that may be a good practice, especially if you have acid reflux, but it is not the big picture. Making sure you drink a specified number of glasses of water each day is not the big picture, although we certainly don't want to become dehydrated. Yes, these are the sorts of rules we are quick to follow, expecting results. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that unless we grasp the big picture, the rules don't do much in the long run. Just ask my friend who drank honey, lemon juice and vinegar each morning.
The big picture relates to the character traits (or character flaws) that prevent us from making permanent changes for better health. So if our daily menu (that is, what, when, and how much we'll eat and how it will be prepared) represents the letter of the law, then such attributes as self-control, discipline, moderation, sobriety, subjecting the flesh, and resisting temptation would represent the essence of the law.
With that analogy, it should be clear why diet plans are destined to fail unless attention is given to why the diet plan is needed in the first place. This would constitute the essence of the matter. Any dietician can prescribe a 1200, 1400, or 1600-calorie meal plan, but no dietician can make us practice self-control. A popular diet might favor proteins over carbohydrates or vice versa, but no diet plan-no matter how popular-can tell us how to subject our flesh and resist temptation. We can tally points, and we can make exchanges, bu6t neither points nor exchanges can teach us discipline and moderation.
One person may enjoy a slice of pie operation with a mature level of self-control, while another person may eat celery sticks and be severely lacking in self-control. The first person will enjoy the foods he or she eats yet maintain a healthy body weight. The second person will tolerate celery sticks for a season, then resume the bad habits that contributed to their weight problem, and in the long run find themselves weighing more than when they started.
Legalism hurt the ancient Palestinians, and it hurts us today. Never forget that it is the essence of the law that matters, and learning the essence comes by way of the Holy Spirit.
(me speaking now) This really hit home with me. I love this book!! It has been a great no-nonsense, tell it like it is kind of book. Jesus was a "tell it like it is" person too, and I feel a great combination between her medical degree and her spiritual one as well.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Unconditional Love
"God's love is not about what we DO, it's about WHO he is!!" ~Joyce Meyer
Sure, God wants us to live by His ways, but guess what?? He loves you right where you are--no strings attached. He wants to be let into our hearts entirely and he'll find a way to do it if you are willing to let him in.
Sometimes we think we're beyond hope, but God can turn any mess into something beautiful if you let him have it all!!
Most of all, let him love you, because he already does!!
Be blessed...
Sure, God wants us to live by His ways, but guess what?? He loves you right where you are--no strings attached. He wants to be let into our hearts entirely and he'll find a way to do it if you are willing to let him in.
Sometimes we think we're beyond hope, but God can turn any mess into something beautiful if you let him have it all!!
Most of all, let him love you, because he already does!!
Be blessed...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bad timing and Big questions
It has been one of those weeks where so much has happened in a short period of time. On the day of my uncle's last viewing, his sister and her husband had to leave the funeral home as their 40 year old daughter's water broke! She had a healthy baby boy, and they missed it by 10 minutes. They also missed Uncle Larry's passing by 10 minutes.
My aunt's neighbor, who was such a big help to them when Uncle Larry died, lost her own father the day of my uncle's funeral. On October 5th, my nephew's girlfriend's brother died suddenly at age 32. My nephew attended a funeral for my uncle and a viewing of his future brother in law on the same day. Tragedy doesn't take turns and it doesn't know timing.
I heard so many comments from so many people, and the majority of them were questions. Why this, why that? When someone dies, there are so many different things that go through your head. Why now? Why this way? Why this day? Why at that age? Why at that circumstance?
It made me realize even more how important, how crucial it is to have a relationship with our Lord and Savior. Sure, Christians have the same questions, the same pain and anguish, but we have a certain peace too. It's the peace that we know God is going to use this loss for His glory. He will turn it into something good, and hopefully we will be watching for it and recognize it for what it is.
Be blessed.
My aunt's neighbor, who was such a big help to them when Uncle Larry died, lost her own father the day of my uncle's funeral. On October 5th, my nephew's girlfriend's brother died suddenly at age 32. My nephew attended a funeral for my uncle and a viewing of his future brother in law on the same day. Tragedy doesn't take turns and it doesn't know timing.
I heard so many comments from so many people, and the majority of them were questions. Why this, why that? When someone dies, there are so many different things that go through your head. Why now? Why this way? Why this day? Why at that age? Why at that circumstance?
It made me realize even more how important, how crucial it is to have a relationship with our Lord and Savior. Sure, Christians have the same questions, the same pain and anguish, but we have a certain peace too. It's the peace that we know God is going to use this loss for His glory. He will turn it into something good, and hopefully we will be watching for it and recognize it for what it is.
Be blessed.
Happy "Have a Nursery" to Us!
Ha! I fooled you with that title, didn't I? Did you really think we were having another baby?? Silly you! Nope. That title is based on what Serena used to say when she meant to say Happy Anniversary! She loves special occasions, that's for sure.
Today is our 14th anniversary! In a few days, it will actually be our 20th anniversary, as we like to celebrate how many years we've been together, not just married. It took that boy awhile to get his act together and ask me, didn't it?? I didn't make it easy either. Nope. We didn't live together either. He had to earn the right to see how scary I am in the morning!! All that waiting made us appreciate each other all the more and it has worked very well for us!
In honor of our anniversary, Steve is whisking us off to some romantic locations up north. I know, i know, it might be c-c-c-cold, but I actually LOVE to be up north, especially in the fall. He tells me our hotel suite (yes, suite!) is a two story jobber with a fireplace, balcony, and hot tub inside!! Oh, that boy IS good, isn't he? He has scheduled us for dual massages....still not sure what I think of that! I have 24 hours to cancel, is all I know. I don't like strange people touching me!! You all know they talk about you when you leave, right?? I just about have myself talked out of it already!!
I will be taking pictures with my NEW camera, and it is just Woweee good. I've been playing around with it and it is from planet awesome, just like Steve.
I will be posting about our trip later on!
Today is our 14th anniversary! In a few days, it will actually be our 20th anniversary, as we like to celebrate how many years we've been together, not just married. It took that boy awhile to get his act together and ask me, didn't it?? I didn't make it easy either. Nope. We didn't live together either. He had to earn the right to see how scary I am in the morning!! All that waiting made us appreciate each other all the more and it has worked very well for us!
In honor of our anniversary, Steve is whisking us off to some romantic locations up north. I know, i know, it might be c-c-c-cold, but I actually LOVE to be up north, especially in the fall. He tells me our hotel suite (yes, suite!) is a two story jobber with a fireplace, balcony, and hot tub inside!! Oh, that boy IS good, isn't he? He has scheduled us for dual massages....still not sure what I think of that! I have 24 hours to cancel, is all I know. I don't like strange people touching me!! You all know they talk about you when you leave, right?? I just about have myself talked out of it already!!
I will be taking pictures with my NEW camera, and it is just Woweee good. I've been playing around with it and it is from planet awesome, just like Steve.
I will be posting about our trip later on!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Limey Straightenbaccchhh....
We just arrived home from another trip to the surgeon and orthotist in Saginaw. Nat was due for an x-ray and checkup. We've had a lot of challenges with her brace so far, and it has been tough trying to figure this out! We had some issues with the way part of the brace was shoving into her armpit, and the fact that it was so long in the back that she couldn't use the bathroom. Her clothes sort of fit over it, but pants are the real challenge. She has some that will go over it, however, as she walks or sits, they creep down the back and she can't feel it happening. Hello! Who wants their pants falling down? Especially at school! Fifth grade is hard enough to concentrate on without all of that monkey business going on back there.
Our answer to that was to have her put it on immediately after school and wear it until she woke up the next morning, leaving it at home for the school day. However, we weren't sure that it was helping her much doing it that way. We just didn't know what else to do. The surgeon sent over a prescription to the orthotist to cut it down a bit, which Ed did not want to do! He said, Oh well, if Tony wants it done, you gotta do it! Tony is Dr. Debari to us, of course. I insisted something needed to be done about this bathroom issue. No one should have to put up with that.
So, we will try it again. The x-rays with the brace on showed that there is improvement while she wears it, so that's good, I guess. He put some pads in it today, as her body is trying to fight the brace a bit and overcorrect on the opposite side. At this point, we still don't know if this will be enough to prevent a future surgery, so we are just doing what they tell us to do and trusting them.
She will probably wear her brace to school this week. I pray the kids will be understanding. She has a lot of friends and is well-liked in her class, so I really don't think she'll have a problem. She's pretty well-adjusted and she likes herself!! Praise God for that!! I'm probably more worried than she is.
It was a long day in Saginaw, so Daddy stopped at Baynes and got us some nummy yummies...cider donuts, apple cinnamon rolls as big as dinner plates, pumpkin ice cream, and honeycrisp apples. I just may eat them all and go to bed. I stillllllll have my headache, but I got a nice call from an angel who says she has a remedy for me. I will be calling her tomorrow for sure!!!
Our answer to that was to have her put it on immediately after school and wear it until she woke up the next morning, leaving it at home for the school day. However, we weren't sure that it was helping her much doing it that way. We just didn't know what else to do. The surgeon sent over a prescription to the orthotist to cut it down a bit, which Ed did not want to do! He said, Oh well, if Tony wants it done, you gotta do it! Tony is Dr. Debari to us, of course. I insisted something needed to be done about this bathroom issue. No one should have to put up with that.
So, we will try it again. The x-rays with the brace on showed that there is improvement while she wears it, so that's good, I guess. He put some pads in it today, as her body is trying to fight the brace a bit and overcorrect on the opposite side. At this point, we still don't know if this will be enough to prevent a future surgery, so we are just doing what they tell us to do and trusting them.
She will probably wear her brace to school this week. I pray the kids will be understanding. She has a lot of friends and is well-liked in her class, so I really don't think she'll have a problem. She's pretty well-adjusted and she likes herself!! Praise God for that!! I'm probably more worried than she is.
It was a long day in Saginaw, so Daddy stopped at Baynes and got us some nummy yummies...cider donuts, apple cinnamon rolls as big as dinner plates, pumpkin ice cream, and honeycrisp apples. I just may eat them all and go to bed. I stillllllll have my headache, but I got a nice call from an angel who says she has a remedy for me. I will be calling her tomorrow for sure!!!
Is there such a thing as Grief Relief?
My Uncle was finally laid to rest yesterday after passing on September 29th. It has been a long and emotional week for our small family. This is a huge loss for us. Since he began his health struggles, we have pulled together and prayed harder than we probably ever have. We have heard and seen things we would have never experienced without this situation. I know God will make this good. He has promised that much, but it doesn't make this feel any more right, any less painful, or any more "okay". It is not okay! My grief has come in the form of a constant migraine that I've had since last Monday. I can't even imagine how my aunt and cousins feel. Our family is small. My mom only has 1 sister, so I lost my only uncle. This comes on the heels of losing my grandma in December, so my family is getting smaller. I am determined to learn from this, as I don't want another family member to leave without my telling them how much they mean to me. I am so grateful for email, as my uncle and I exchanged so many emails while he was still able. He loved to play pranks and laugh and had an awesome sense of humor. Our connection was always based on something funny, so I sent him things to keep his spirits up. I told him how much God loved him. I am so glad I did that!! I learned a lot about that side of the family that have touched my heart. The way they cared for their dad and husband and how hard they fought with him was just so full of love. They kept a tireless vigil by his bedside, never leaving him alone. They were able to spend precious time with him that most of us don't get when someone dies.
I don't know if there is such a thing as "grief relief". Right now, there isn't. I will replay memories of my uncle in my mind for a long time. I will miss him and the light he brought into our family. For now, he will be perfecting his golf game in heaven, playing pranks on the angels, and waiting for all of us to come home.
I don't know if there is such a thing as "grief relief". Right now, there isn't. I will replay memories of my uncle in my mind for a long time. I will miss him and the light he brought into our family. For now, he will be perfecting his golf game in heaven, playing pranks on the angels, and waiting for all of us to come home.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Preparing for the Days Ahead
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Creation Scapes
It's been an insomniac week for me, so I was flipping through channels the other night and came across a really cool show!!
It's on the Daystar channel, which for me and Dish Network is channel 263, I believe. It's called Creation Scapes. It plays beautiful music while gorgeous nature scenes play. Every now and then scriptures will come up. There is a different theme for each show. I set my DVR and I now have 13 of them to watch! These would be so great for ill people to have on while they recover, moms on bedrest, waiting rooms, nursing homes, church nurseries, etc.... I can see so many places where it would be so soothing to have. It's great for the insomniac like me! I also turn it on while I clean or decorate the house. I do have a DVD recorder, but have no idea how to record shows on it!!
Even if you're not into that kind of thing, maybe someone you know would like it. Once in awhile I like something soothing to put on while I read. This works great! Add to that my hot tea, stretch pants,and very fuzzy throw, and I'm a happy camper!
It's on the Daystar channel, which for me and Dish Network is channel 263, I believe. It's called Creation Scapes. It plays beautiful music while gorgeous nature scenes play. Every now and then scriptures will come up. There is a different theme for each show. I set my DVR and I now have 13 of them to watch! These would be so great for ill people to have on while they recover, moms on bedrest, waiting rooms, nursing homes, church nurseries, etc.... I can see so many places where it would be so soothing to have. It's great for the insomniac like me! I also turn it on while I clean or decorate the house. I do have a DVD recorder, but have no idea how to record shows on it!!
Even if you're not into that kind of thing, maybe someone you know would like it. Once in awhile I like something soothing to put on while I read. This works great! Add to that my hot tea, stretch pants,and very fuzzy throw, and I'm a happy camper!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Be An Organ Donor.....start with the heart
I just erased everything I was going to say because I just don't want to share it right now. What I want to make sure I say is that if you don't plan on using your organs after you die, do you think you could donate them?
I am an organ donor and I firmly believe that being one is vitally important to someone else.
Families who are desperate for organs are going through tremendous anguish.
If you believe God will give you a new body when you die (and he will), then you don't need them anymore! Give them to someone who needs a chance at life. Your body will not look any different on the outside, but maybe your heart or lungs will breathe new life into someone else's body! How cool is that??
God made amazing people who can do amazing things. He placed many of them at Cleveland Clinic. After the stories I have heard of this place, I will recommend it to anyone with heart and lung issues. One day I will share more, but I'm feeling a little sad about the whole thing right now, so I will ramble too much.
The point is.................BE AN ORGAN DONOR. Until you can be one, share your heart with as many people as you can. As my uncle kept reminding us all....love is all there is. Nothing else matters.
Since God IS love, you all know why that matters. If you don't, then maybe it's time for you to find out. It wasn't too late for my uncle, and for that I am grateful. I want to be with everyone I love in heaven one day. If anyone wants to know more about what that means, they can call me or my friend Mary at the church and we will happily tell you!
God bless...more later...I'm a bit frazzled.
I am an organ donor and I firmly believe that being one is vitally important to someone else.
Families who are desperate for organs are going through tremendous anguish.
If you believe God will give you a new body when you die (and he will), then you don't need them anymore! Give them to someone who needs a chance at life. Your body will not look any different on the outside, but maybe your heart or lungs will breathe new life into someone else's body! How cool is that??
God made amazing people who can do amazing things. He placed many of them at Cleveland Clinic. After the stories I have heard of this place, I will recommend it to anyone with heart and lung issues. One day I will share more, but I'm feeling a little sad about the whole thing right now, so I will ramble too much.
The point is.................BE AN ORGAN DONOR. Until you can be one, share your heart with as many people as you can. As my uncle kept reminding us all....love is all there is. Nothing else matters.
Since God IS love, you all know why that matters. If you don't, then maybe it's time for you to find out. It wasn't too late for my uncle, and for that I am grateful. I want to be with everyone I love in heaven one day. If anyone wants to know more about what that means, they can call me or my friend Mary at the church and we will happily tell you!
God bless...more later...I'm a bit frazzled.
What is Your Message?
We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...
It was nothing but net on Saturday, as we went on back to Gladwin for a couple more basketball games. The girls did really well again, and t...
Natalie is 15 now. There, I said it out loud. I’m beginning to accept that she’s not a baby anymore! If she is, then I guess she wouldn’t ha...
I am not a scholar of anything in particular, but one thing I can do most of the time is learn new things, and that is saying a lot, as som...