Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fantastical Elliptical

I am not a big fan of public gyms, clubs, etc... so I've always had some piece of exercise equipment. We started with the treadmill, which I enjoyed for awhile, then it became a great place to store things. It gathered clothes, dust and the kids used to put their stuffed animals on it and watch them fly. Of course, I was supervising and encouraging this event. Finally, the treadmill died. It died of natural causes, certainly not from over-use. I begged Steve for an elliptical machine last year and I enjoyed it awhile.. you get my drift.
Well, I went down to the basement, the home of the elliptical, and it spoke to me. I heard "Hey, lazy butt, pssssttt....over here!" I turned to it, obviously annoyed, and said, "what's with the rude comment, buster?" It replied, "I'm like the Tin Man here...gettin' rusty, lady, where have you been lately? Ya know, hubby there paid good money for me!"
"Are you kidding me? Can't you hear me running the vacuum upstairs, running from room to room, don't you hear the washer going? I am too busy for you!! Get off my back!" He whirled his little pedals up and down and said temptingly, "Don't you want a J-Lo butt? Don't you want thunder thighs? How about those flabby...." I cut him off there. Give me a break. Not one to back down from a challenge, I put down my armload of basement junk, and flipped on the tv. Ooh, I can watch Dancing with the Stars while I get on this thing, guilt-free! "Alright, bad boy, here I come, be ready for the shock!" I then hopped on and began a very slow pace, which increased as I stayed on for 30 minutes! Bad Boy and I were so happy. He's no longer dusty and rusty and I'm on my way to being J-Lo'd, I hope.
Of course, my victory only lasted a short time. I got hit with a nasty nasty headache that afternoon that put me in bed from 3:30 pm to 7:30 the next morning. It won't stop me from heading back down to my fantastical elliptical, if only to be able to watch my favorite shows!

Stay tuned as Steve's weight bench beckons.....

1 comment:

Princess, Daughter of the King said...

You ALWAYS bring a smile to my face!
Thanks for getting back in the blogging world!
You've been missed!
Much Love!
M :)

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