Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy "Have a Nursery" to Us!

Ha! I fooled you with that title, didn't I? Did you really think we were having another baby?? Silly you! Nope. That title is based on what Serena used to say when she meant to say Happy Anniversary! She loves special occasions, that's for sure.
Today is our 14th anniversary! In a few days, it will actually be our 20th anniversary, as we like to celebrate how many years we've been together, not just married. It took that boy awhile to get his act together and ask me, didn't it?? I didn't make it easy either. Nope. We didn't live together either. He had to earn the right to see how scary I am in the morning!! All that waiting made us appreciate each other all the more and it has worked very well for us!
In honor of our anniversary, Steve is whisking us off to some romantic locations up north. I know, i know, it might be c-c-c-cold, but I actually LOVE to be up north, especially in the fall. He tells me our hotel suite (yes, suite!) is a two story jobber with a fireplace, balcony, and hot tub inside!! Oh, that boy IS good, isn't he? He has scheduled us for dual massages....still not sure what I think of that! I have 24 hours to cancel, is all I know. I don't like strange people touching me!! You all know they talk about you when you leave, right?? I just about have myself talked out of it already!!
I will be taking pictures with my NEW camera, and it is just Woweee good. I've been playing around with it and it is from planet awesome, just like Steve.
I will be posting about our trip later on!


Princess, Daughter of the King said...

How incredible!
I need to get me one of those...does Steve do any training?
Have a great time!
Enjoy the massage! It'll do all of those stressed muscles wonders!

Jennifer Bovee said...

Ohhhh....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Your guy sure is a sweetie!!! Im also wondering about the training...LOL!!
Hope you two have lots of fun and that your anniversary is as special as you are!!

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