Saturday, February 27, 2010


First let me say this.....GOD is Faithful and HE is awesome! He cares about the big stuff, and oh, does He care about the little stuff too!

Natalie just played her last games on Saturday. Their team ended up with 12 wins and 2 losses. Pretty good for a first year team! All season, Natalie has struggled with confidence, while the other girls seem to have a double dose. (one day I will blog about that) While she'd get her hands on the ball, she'd merely pass it along to the one who scored the basket. Sometimes, lacking aggression and confidence, she'd have the ball stolen by some sneaky chick. A few times she'd actually shoot, only to have the ball swirl around teasingly, and then miss the mark. A big "Awwww" from the crowd would follow, with a big "Rats!" from me, her biggest fan. She's clearly not the most athletic on her team. Everyone on the team (except for naturally athletic Aieren) play other sports, while Natalie excels in swimming. I can tell you with assurance that she did her very best! I am so proud of her for not giving up, when sometimes it would have been easy. She didn't whine or complain that she wasn't as fast or as agile as the others. She knew she had to work twice as hard. While I know her scoliosis plays a factor in her balance and coordination and speed, she certainly never used that as an excuse. What a kid.

So, it wouldn't probably surprise you to know that I actually asked some friends to pray for Natalie this past week. I asked that God would allow her to make one basket. Just one. Just give her one moment of glory before the season is done. Everyone else had scored but her. She wasn't dwelling on it at all, she just simply said one day, "I hope it happens." This was my opportunity to teach her something! I said, "Ask God to help you. Then do everything you can to get those rebounds and shoot it right back up there!" I also told her Saturday morning that I could just sense a ferociousness coming out of her that I'd never seen before! I told her, "Today is your day! You are going to get that basket. I just know it!" She smiled and said, "I hope you're right!" I said with confidence, "I know I am!" Then I prayed some more!

I invited people to come since it was in our hometown, and I was so touched to have so many people care to come out and support not just Nat, but the whole team. Thank you Mom, Dad, Jim, Jean, Pam, Aimee, Fred, Amelia, Brayden, Serena, Meagan, Emi, Allison, Toby, Tucker, Lori, and Vince, and for those who couldn't come but prayed for her. With our big group of fans watching, Nat got hold of the ball. I held my breath and clenched my hands. She threw it up there with ease and she scored!!!! Steve jumped to his feet and threw his arms up into the air. The crowd went wild! I stamped my feet on the bleachers just like I told her I would and screamed my head off for my baby!! Grandpa Rogers whistled his ear-piercing whistle for good measure. Let me tell you...It was the best feeling in the world! I quickly gave praise to God for knowing just how important this was to His little girl too. He still manages to amaze me even though I know just how good He is. I truly felt He was there, watching that game with us. Oh, man, that was cool!

Needless to say, Nattie was pretty happy with her one basket out of all those games. Surely her defense and passes and efforts helped her team score too, but at least for us, that one basket will be remembered forever as the "one that won the game".

Thanks again for cheering on our Nat....your love means so much to us!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Just Call Me "Dino"

I'm not much of an abbreviator
LOL is just not me
Don't care too much for "twitter"
Maybe it's just my "nerd-ity"
Who reads this silly blog of mine
I don't even know
What's the point of all of this
What happened to "hello"?
When friends were "real"
And didn't end in "book"
That's where I want to be
Real faces,
Real voices
Real talking
Over ordinary tea.
Texting, email, instant chat
Blue tooth, i-phone, who really needs that?
A letter in the mailbox, homemade calls,
No cell phone ringing in bathroom stalls.
That's just me. Not a popular view,
But funny, I'm still happy
Without all the "whoop-de-doo"!
If that makes me a "dinosaur"
In your screen-reflecting eyes,
That's a title I can handle
And one that satisfies.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Girls and Dads: A Dynamic Duo

"It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping."
My dad certainly never offered to take me shopping. That was my mom's job! Steve's dad probably never took any of his sisters shopping either. Maybe they were too busy working non-stop, I don't know. More likely, they never thought it was important. Oh, but it is. Take it from this daughter.
Steve loves to hunt, fish, watch sports, and all that other "guy" stuff. You'd think "too bad he didn't get a son". Well, I used to feel bad about that until I saw him with our daughters. They love to hunt and fish with dad, though watching sports on tv may never happen with them. But even if they didn't enjoy those things, Steve has found a way to include himself in their lives. He knows all about their favorite shows, even going as far to laugh at i-Carley (which I can't stand!) with them. He engages them in whatever he is doing, although they don't think taking out the trash is all that much fun. Just last weekend, he and Serena geared up to go shoot with the 22. Serena hit a couple trees (oops), and brought back a leaf with a hole shot right through the center. Daddy did that, and was she proud!
When they were little, he used to play their little girl games: tea party (pinkies up!), and the princess games where you have to keep your tiara on. Sorry, Steve, I just took you off the "cool throne" on that one. The important thing is, Daddy is cool to those girls! Though he can't possibly relate to all the workings of a girl's mind (please, he's married to me!), he puts forth a valiant effort to stay involved. Yes, that includes shopping with them. He has been in many clothing departments with them, helping them pick out clothes and being happy for them when they find what they want. When they were younger, he wanted them to have pretty coats for church, and went and bought them the most beautiful brown fuzzy coats. They looked like little dolls wearing them, and he just beamed. I kinda beamed too. :)
Every little girl has a hero, and most will tell you it's their dad. Little girls say they are going to marry daddy when they grow up. Mine went from saying that to telling me they want to marry someone just like daddy one day. And though my dad never took me shopping or shooting or any of those things, I did know he loved me, and for him, it was the best he could do with what he knew. I married someone with my dad's values, and it worked out pretty well, even without the shopping!
Dads need to understand just how influential they are. From early on, I encouraged Steve to tell his girls they are beautiful, be there for them, talk to them about everything, yes, everything, and they will always talk to you. Don't be afraid to get personal with them, they need that from a male figure! They need to compare every sweaty, pimply-faced boy with their dad and ask if he is worthy to fill those shoes. Girls need to get their love and attention from dad, and chances are, they won't need to seek it in dark places with boys who don't care.
Dads are such a blessing in a girl's life and I hope they really know how much they are needed. I know it "emasculates" some men to have to wear a tiara or have an occasional fingernail painted pink, but to girls it says, "You want to be in my world and I need you there". I think some of the best dads are those with daughters, because they are stretched to be more than who they thought they could become.
Yes, we daughters make those men better men! :) And to dads who shop or put their pinkies up or make deliberate attempts to spend time with their girls, you rock! Keep on rocking, and keep on loving those future well-adjusted, loving women who will one day marry someone just like you.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Serena's Special Night

Last night, Serena was inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society! Membership is based on grades, citizenship, community involvement, and extra curricular activities. Natalie is on her second year. The group has done some great things so far, such as 2 fundraisers for Haiti. The first one was collecting pocket change, but then Natalie had an idea to present...the kids could pay $1 to wear a hat all day in school. The fundraiser was a great success and the kids are learning to give back where they can. I am proud that Serena is now a part of this group too! I know she will do great things.

Here are just a few of the new inductees. See how many you recognize! (Luke, Amelia, Elliot,Brooke, Kelsey...from our church!) Congrats to all of you! You will all do great things too!

Serena receives her certificate from Mrs. Fachting, the principal. The kids were then congratulated by staff and current NEHS members. Serena looked beautiful in her new dress and curly hairstyle that I managed to create. Her hair is her biggest nemesis, so the fact that it turned out made her night even better! She was just a little disappointed that the newspaper wasn't there this year, because her sister made the front page on her NEHS night last year. Oh, the perils of little sisterhood! She originally wanted to wear her sister's outfit from last year too. She looks up to Natalie so much and wants to follow her lead. I can't wait to see what these girls do next!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday, Natalie!

Well, it wasn't exactly "belated", because we celebrated last weekend, but this silly computer is so slow, it takes a week to download pictures....blame it on technology, I know.

Here's our 12 year old "little" girl! I actually made her cake this year and decorated it in her favorite decor.....zebra print! I got the idea off the internet, so don't think I'm all creative. The coolest thing about this cake was that the inside was zebra print too! I made a "bullseye" pattern with chocolate and vanilla batter...she flipped when she realized the inside was zebra too! I scored big time mom points that day for sure! :)
I used all "recycled" materials to decorate our kitchen for her party. I always have fun trying to meet their theme request without spending tons of money. The "runner" in the middle of the table is a window valance! I bunched up some hot pink sheers and used it like crepe paper on the window behind the cake. I had a blast decorating, as I always do! When she walked in the door from school that day, she was so thrilled about her cake and the decorations that she just grabbed me, hugged me hard, and said, "Oh, thank you mom! I love it! You're the best!!" I'm keeping the wrapping from that gift, my friends!
So, enough about the decor and the cake...... Natalie had a great birthday. She was in rare form when everyone came over. She hugged everyone robustly (yeah, I know!), made loud exclamations when she opened her gifts (wow, I know!), and cried when she opened the gift from her daddy and me. (super wow!) It is clear that our little girl is growing up into a young lady. We are very proud of who she is inside and out! It is such a blessing to see her coming out of her shell and truly expressing who she is inside!
Happy 12th, Miss Nattie, and thank you, God for letting us borrow her! You knew just what we wanted! :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Every Wonderful Moment

"If I could only freeze this moment..." That's a thought I've had since the minute you were born. But any moment I'd choose would cost me so many others with you. As I've watched you grow, every wonderful moment and age and stage has given way to another moment and age and stage and stage wonderful in a different way. Each step has its unique demands and its once-in-a-lifetime joys. And each step is priceless as I discover who you are and rediscover the world through your eyes and your heart.
Author Unknown

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Are You a Winner or a Whiner?

"The difference between a winner and a whiner is simple: a winner does what is right and then they feel good about it. A whiner waits to feel good before they do what is right."
John Maxwell
I don't know about you, but I happen to like winning and I can't stand whining!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valuable Valentines

I'm always trying to get my two cents in with some of my friends' husbands who are, shall we say, a little less than romantic. Some men are just not naturally romantic or thoughtful. We women have to plant seeds and then shake the soil up a bit to get it growing! I also believe women need to help each other when it comes to asking for what they need from their hubbies. Some women are just afraid to let them know they want a hug every day. I say if you want a hug every day, go out there and just get it! If he cringes, so what! Give him about 40 hugs until he softens up. You can't give up on those men who just don't get it. You have to keep trying! If he's selfish, well, that's a whole different thing, but if you love him when he's kind, you love him when he's being selfish too. Remember, we're not the perfect wives either! :)

My advice is always simple: open the car doors for her, lock them before she tries to open her own door if you have to. Rub her shoulders and do a good job of it! Wash the dishes now and then, run the vacuum if you really want to impress her, wash her car and leave a love note on the dash! Offer to watch the kids so she can relax awhile by herself. Look into her eyes...really look at her and tell her how much you appreciate her! Tell her she's beautiful, fill her car up with gas and leave a coke (or other favorite drink) in the beverage holder, bring home takeout so she doesn't have to cook, ask her what movie SHE wants to see and then watch it with her, put her first! Tell a friend "no", you can't go with them want to spend time with her and her alone! (only very secure men can handle that one) Call her just to say you're thinking of her. Emails and texts are nice, but voices are so much better! Come home from work early or take a vacation day just to hang out with her, offer to run the errands, do the shopping once in awhile, hold her hand! Hug her every day and let her know she is number one in your life! Oh, and a really good one....give her the remote!!

I can tell you these things are foolproof and valuable, because these are some of the ways my husband shows his love for me. He doesn't have to do them all or all the time, just like I don't do everything perfect just for him all the time, but we do put each other first. When you do that, kindness comes naturally.

If you're a candy and flowers or jewelry kind of recipient and you're happy with that, that's good, but I don't happen to want any of those things for Valentine's Day or any other day. I just want real showings of love and attention, and I think most women would agree! I mean, not that I would turn down any of those things, but if a guy thinks that is going to solve it all or makes up for his lack of attention, we girls will fade away just like candy and flowers! WEll, candy kind of sticks around on the hips, if you know what I mean.

Oh, and if you don't happen to have a significant other for Valentine's Day, love the ones you're with! Moms, Dads, Grandparents, friends, kids, and other family. Someone suggested making Valentines for nursing home residents and the veterans....such a good idea! Who doesn't need a little extra love in their lives?

So guys, if you're listening, or your love printed this out and left it on the toilet seat in the bathroom where you hide for an hour each day, if you get anything valuable out of this, get this.....your job as a husband is to love her as much as humanly possible and to show her that love. When you do any of the things above out of love, you will be blessed even more by her. We won't get into too much detail, but a man doing dishes...hubba hubba! :)

Happy Valentine's Day, all you giggling girls!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spring in February

I'm just crazy about growing things, so winter is a major pain in the behind for this gardener! Steve's mushroom hobby has been booming right there on my dresser in the bedroom. Or should I call it the "bedshroom" now? Anyway, it is nearly harvest time for the oyster mushrooms!

Hello, Amaryllis. Glad you could wake up and join us! What a bright spot you are in my kitchen window!
Now if I could just get my kids to STOP growing so fast!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Go Blue!

Comet Blue, that is! Here is Nat in action against Evart. She's in the middle of the mix doing a good job of guarding. She is really enjoying herself and just told me she will be so "bummed" when basketball is over. Although I will be glad to get our Saturdays back, we have really enjoyed going to her games and cheering on the whole team!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Out on a Limb

On the sign out in front of the small church down the road, it says exactly what this squirrel was saying to me today, "Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. It's where you find the best fruit!"

Look Ma, one hand! His little paws look like a heart, don't they? Or maybe he's praying.

Squirrels are such stinkers and Steve is constantly kicking them out of the feeders, but I love to watch those little stinkers. I see so much of me in them!

Project Snoopy Mail

Lots of things get in the way of family time and keep us running in different directions. Lately it's been basketball practices, games, and work obligations. I am a firm believer in the family dinner table, so it's thrown me for a bit of a loop. Since Natalie has practice at 5:30, I make dinner at 4:00 so she can eat a healthy, home-cooked dinner, not just a quick bite. Serena and I sit with her while she eats, then run her up to practice. I then get back home, and get dinner ready again for the rest of us. I won't compromise by making quick unhealthy meals just to get us out the door, so it's a bit more work. I enjoy cooking, so it's not that big of a deal, just a bit more time and planning.
Serena has birthday parties the next 2 Saturdays, and of course, we have basketball games the next two Saturdays. Since we can't be in two places at once, we are trying to get creative about how we get everyone where they need to be. I do groan a bit about it, but it's all new to me, and I'm trying to find a balance. The root of my frustration is just that I don't like to compromise our family time. That's really what it comes down to. I'm not ready for all of that yet. I find myself longing for the days before school started and life was simpler. Well, in some ways it was anyway!
So, in my efforts to keep us from feeling too detached, I came up with a solution. I pulled out my old Snoopy mailbox and set up a "post office" in the kitchen. Each day we write notes to each other and place them in the box with the flag up. (No peeking, of course) At dinner time, or whatever time we are all in the same area, we open the mail and read it out loud together. The notes have been really sweet, and it has encouraged the girls to find one nice thing to say to each other instead of bickering. The notes don't have to be fancy or long. It's amazing what one little note can do for your day! We might just keep this up after Valentine's Day is over.

I thank God every day that I am still able to be home for my family. To be here to cook a healthy meal, to run them here and there, and to be ready for those emergencies, like dirty practice clothes. I know it is a privilege to be here, so I am making the most of it.
Be blessed and protect your family time. You will not regret it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Offense, Compliments of Joyce

I love the Bible, but I also love preachers who can make it come alive! Joyce Meyer is one of those people, in my opinion. I've been watching her series on "Offense", and what an eye opener it has been. I will both quote and paraphrase and add to what she said, but you will be able to tell Joyce's words from mine. She is phenomenal! Let's get right to it...

"Offense, from the Greek word, scandalon, which refers to entrapment, in other words, the bait of Satan". What a mouthful there, but Joyce's point is that offense is a trap! If Satan can get you offended, and get you to stay offended, that offense turns into anger, unforgiveness, affects your prayer life and your begin to gossip, tell others about who offended become a talebearer in the Body of are beginning to spread everyone hates this person and it is all your fault." Wow. I've actually seen this in living color. It's no good!!

The Lord considers it an abomination when someone sows seeds of discord among others. An abomination! That's huge! Why would the Lord think that is so awful? Because He wants us in unity! He wants us to be one with the Spirit, like Jesus is with His Father. We can't do that if we're fighting and divided. Satan just loves that kind of mess. Especially if he can pit Christian against Christian and in church too! Too many people think that just because you're in a church you can't get offended like out in the world. Those kinds of unrealistic expectations are what cause the big stink in the first place. (some of these words are mine)

Offense consumes your thinking. It becomes "me-centered" and is a distraction from God's leading. It hinders what God is trying to do in your life. Offense can stop you from experiencing miracles, forgiveness, and blessings. Oh, man! Don't do that, guys!!

A lot of times we're offended because we're relying too much on what our feelings are saying instead of the truth of the matter. A lot of times we assume someone is thinking something of us and it has no basis of truth at all! Sometimes a person blatantly offends us and there's no question of what they mean. Still, we are to approach it in a godly way. Take the high road. Think the best of that person. Humble yourself. Be kind to them anyway. Get over it!! Why? Because that's the kind of life GOd wants for you. It is what you are called to do.

Joyce talks about the need to be right. Well, sometimes we do get offended when we think we're right and someone else is wrong about something. I love her thinking on this one. Remember, we're supposed to be doing everything we can to preserve the unity of the Spirit. We're to be pursuing peace, even wearing the shoes of peace. The peace that God left us and gives us. Okay...well, it's impossible to live in peace if you don't know anything about humility!

"There are times when you will have to just drop something that you'd like to make a big issue out of. Times that you will have to NOT push to prove that you're right, even though you're sure you are. You need to just say "it's not that big of a deal- I don't really have to look right".
Real humility says 'I think I'm right, but I could be wrong.' " Love is humble. It doesn't need to be right. Joyce went so far as to say she believes marriages could be saved and divorces could be stopped with that one simple statement- "I think I'm right, but I could be wrong". Which leads to this...

Sometimes we're more concerned with what people are doing to us than what they are doing to themselves. If we're really walking in love, we should be more worried about what they're doing to themselves. We should feel sorry for them, not get angry. Why? Because they just sowed a seed that they will someday have to reap! They are insensitive, thoughtless, they have no honor, no respect. They are miserable and unhappy. And you? You can keep your joy because you have the Spirit of God in you. It's clear to me who can take the high road after all.

There are going to be people who say and do things that hurt, whether they mean to or not. It's our job to give that over to God and let him handle it. If we try to handle it, we can fall right into the enemy's hands. God is our vindicator, and when he vindicates us, it is sweet! (Joyce's words) So no matter how we feel about something or someone, we can choose how we behave about it. She said that about 4 times, so it must be pretty valid!

Joyce gave some good tips about how to handle feeling offended.

First off...PRAY! Create a positive atmosphere, focus on good things, don't fixate on what the person said or did. Make a decision to keep your peace. Stay in the Word of God. Believe the best of others and LET IT GO! If someone offended you and you need to talk to them about it, do it in a godly way and give them the benefit of the doubt. Your efforts to make peace will be rewarded by God. Guaranteed.

One last thing she said... All of your unhappiness is not somebody else's fault. All of your happiness is not somebody else's responsibility! There is power in agreement, there is God's anointing in unity. Make the decision to not be offended and you will be a champion for Christ!

Well, I don't know about you, but I have had issues with offense, and I have to work on it sometimes. I now realize that most times it is just fear-based or a reaction to however I feel that day. I certainly don't want it to affect my relationship with God, so it is a part of my flesh that needs to be killed and buried! As Joyce says,"Once that part of your flesh is dead, you will be at peace." The only way it can die is if I stop feeding it. In fact, the only way to stop any behavior is to stop feeding it.

(Joyce speaking) "We look at ourselves through rose-colored glasses but we look at everyone else with a magnifying glass. If we want to get after anybody with a magnifying glass, it ought to be ourselves. If YOU will face the truth about YOU, YOU can work with the Holy Spirit, and He can change you. But YOU cannot change other people no matter what you know is wrong with them, and even if you're right, YOU cannot change them because people will only change if they see and face the truth, and GOD is better at that than you are."

I will close with that, my friends. Be happy, and live un-offended!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Saturday Fun

It was nothing but net on Saturday, as we went on back to Gladwin for a couple more basketball games. The girls did really well again, and the sportsmanship of "that one team" was considerably better. Natalie is starting to get a little aggressive, which is way out of her comfort zone! It's the one time we tell her it's okay to steal something!! It is really fun to watch the girls play and learn the game.

Both sets of grandparents came to the game, as well as "adopted" aunt and uncle John and Pam. Pam used to play BBall in high school, and from what she tells me, was pretty aggressive. I know! If you know her, you'd never guess that! John played in school too, and said he could give Nat some tips. Pam didn't think that was such a good idea! Now, that I would guess about John!
We're trying our own "coaching at home" techniques by "guarding" the cereal cupboard from Natalie, trying to get her to step up her aggresiveness. It's pretty fun, and it makes the Cinnamon Toast Crunch feel special too. Oh, what we don't do for these kids.

SPeaking of those kids....Saturday night when we got back from the games, I was craving something sweet. I found some "heartmallows" and proceeded to bring the bag into the living room. Serena wanted one, so I zinged one at her, then Nat wanted one, so I whipped one at her, then starting tossing them to the dog and Steve too. Pretty soon I was putting them on all of their noses (think dog treat style), telling them to "wait" and then "GO!", at which time they would toss their heads back and try to catch the marshmallow in their mouths. Steve was actually pretty good, but the girls never did get the hang of it. I started shooting them into Natalie's mouth from way across the room, and that was fun for awhile. Serena just became my target. She was giggling so much she couldn't hold her mouth open! Soon I was whipping marshmallows up into the ceiling fan to see what would happen. The dog was going crazy, trying to find all the marshmallows that hit the floor, and of course with the "5-second" rule, many of them didn't stay on the floor for long at all. So I zinged them up high into the fan and it was like spring action, the way they'd hit the blade and then take off like a bat out of China. It had the girls laughing so hard, which is why I kept doing it! We tried all three speeds of the fan too, so I'd say it was like a science/aviation educational experience as well. We always try to teach our kids smart stuff, ya know.

Yes, this is what the Rogers Family does on a Saturday night. It's cheap fun, we were in our pajamas, and hey, my kids are thanking me for entertaining them once again. Who needs TV with a mom like me? And to hear my kids laugh like that? I will do almost anything!!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...