Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Splendor in the Grass

Yesterday after school Natalie took Angel for a walk in the woods around our yard. I stepped outside for something and heard Natalie singing. It was a good distance off, so I couldn't quite make out what she was singing. It was a sweet sweet sound, along with the birds and even the buzzing of the bees. I decided to pull up a lawn chair and wait for them to come out of the woods. It was then that I heard her song. I smiled. She came closer, Angel pulling on the leash to make her way over to me, and I was just about to tell her how much I enjoyed her singing when she said, "Mom, did you hear me singing?" Yes, I answered, Our God, by Chris Tomlin is one of my favorites! She replied, "I just felt so good out here! It's so pretty out, the air feels so good, and did you smell that awesome smell out there? What is that? I couldn't find anything that would smell that good. I just felt God's creation out here and I felt like singing." Now that just warms a mom's heart, let me tell you! It's another reminder that no matter what is going on in our lives, we know God exists! We know by His creation that He wants us to feel comforted and mesmerized by the beauty around us. It's poetic and sappy, yes, but it's real! Nat went into the house and grabbed her dad's guitar and quickly ran back out to where I sat in the grass. She began strumming "Our God" and singing a little, and then just started playing little bits of all kinds of songs when she forgot the rest. By then we had decided to tie Angel up next to us, and she snuggled down in the grass as Natalie played. I must say I did a little snuggling myself, as I relished in this time with my daughter in our favorite place---outside. Dinner plans were put on hold. Soon Serena heard the music and made her way outside with Natalie's big music binder. She plopped down in the grass in front of Nat and held the book open for her as Nat made her choices. They decided on "Paradise" by Coldplay, one of my favorites too. They began trying to find their key, and I laughed as they unsuccessfully tried one too high and one too low! I tried to help them out a bit and finally they began the song. Nat decided to make some silly "guitar faces" as she played, and so instead of singing, we were all cracking up! Angel, sweet thing that she is, kept sleeping in the grass beside all this hoopla. Suddenly Nat began to sing a song she sings particularly well, and instead of harmonizing with her, Serena just watched Natalie play and sing, all the while holding the book open for her and turning the pages quietly. I wish I could describe the look on Serena's face, but all I can think of is "admiration". If a look could describe how Serena feels about her sister, that would be it. I know sisters fight and not every day is perfect, but I see a real love and respect between my daughters that makes my heart swell with love for them. They will never be alone in this world as long as they have each other. I took a few pictures of our fun time under the maple tree, but the one that depicted it best was the picture of Angel, sleeping in the grass while we all sat nearby. She was content, pleased, comfortable, safe, and relaxed. Just like me.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Band Mates

I just love a good band concert! The girls had their final one of the year on Tuesday night. They did really well, although they still haven't played any Muppets or Fraggle Rock music...always my suggestion! Natalie was honored with the Musicianship Award this year, one she has wanted for awhile now! We are very proud of both girls for their passion in music and hard work. There are a lot of good musicians in both bands, making earning these awards pretty tough! Natalie is very excited about joining Jazz Band next year and has been invited to play bass guitar. She will be practicing over the summer. Serena still loves playing her giant tenor sax and is doing quite well, according to her band teacher. Mr. B is a student favorite and is probably the main reason we wouldn't want to leave our school district! He's a pretty fantastic dude....and a Christian too!
They're both winners to me!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Camp Weekend

This past weekend was the annual camping trip for the sixth grade, and since it is Serena's last field trip of her elementary career, I agreed to go. Due to various things, it really wasn't the greatest weekend for me to go. We just got our dog and she's still a bit wary of Steve, who was going to be home with her alone. I was a bit worried about them both! I still wasn't feeling well from my back issues, and had some other things going on. However, I put it all aside and focused only on my darling daughter, great mother that I am. Tee Hee. I drove separately and got lost on the way up. That should have been my first clue! I got to the cabins and couldn't find a bunk. Second clue! We went on an hour long nature trail, including a rickety, scary bridge over ooky water, up steep hills, down sandy ones with mosquitoes, no water, and freaked out girls. One of them was me. Now, I'm no chicken, but I don't like water...or bogs that are extremely deep and I'm standing on it!! So, third clue that maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all. After the hike, we got out our home lunches, mine being salad and fruit. Hello. I just did an hour long hike and that's what I decided to eat for the whole day?? Starving! Oh well. There was also no available bottled water and the fountain was a 1/4 mile hike to the main lodge. Really? Did I sign up and actually pay for this experience? Silly me. Believe me, I am leaving out some very unnecessary details, but this was going to be a verrry long weekend, and I just knew it. My dear daughter linked up with her friends, one group clearly not approving of the other. Have I mentioned the drama this past year? Amazing how she tries to be friends with everyone and still no one is happy. I'm so tired of that! Aside from that, we did have fun with the open activities and I was able to play some volleyball with Serena and some of the kids. They had various arranged games set up as well. Basically the kids and the chaperones were on the go the whole time. Between canoeing, archery, games, hikes, fishing,horseback riding, rock wall climbing, etc....there was never a dull moment or a dry one, for that matter. The campfire was my favorite part of the trip. It was a beautiful night and we were lakeside, listening to the loons. It was so peaceful, though I was reminded occasionally that I was surrounded by several sixth grade boys. They are just so fun. The camp counselors were amazingly funny and kept us all entertained with their various skits, one of which I just had to put on my phone. It makes me laugh, so I play it often. It is Youtube worthy! A tradition of the camp is to tell a Bigfoot story, which freaked out one of the girls, so as we made our way to the cabins that night, she finally lost it and I had to spend some time soothing her. It took some time to get the girls in bedtime mode, being that a few chaperones wanted things to settle down and some wanted to party. I just wanted to hit my bunk and die, to be honest. And I tried, when a few minutes later the girls began arguing between my bunk and another chaperone. Did I mention the drama that's been going on all year? Ugh! I sent them all to bed. No porridge for you, stinker girls! :) I did make it through the night. Barely. Getting in the bathroom was IMPOSSIBLE! I have to wonder why girls want to do their hair and then go play in a dirt pit all day. Beats me. I felt like I'd been in a dirt pit for a week after that hike, but no showers for the wicked, apparently. Anyway, I survived, and after a heart to heart with my dear daughter, she decided she wanted to spend time with me after all, and we went on a walk. It seemed she was avoiding me a bit, and it was bothering me. Here I had nearly died in a bog, slept on a metal deathbed, and she wanted to run the opposite direction of me. But we cleared it up and ended up having a really nice time. Her friends ended up mad at her because she didn't "save them a seat" at lunch. Sigh. You know why she couldn't? Because she was saving it for me. So nyah nyah, girls. Grow up. Please. We were both so glad to get home! I realized that I've never left the house for that long without my family. It was a weird feeling. I truly missed them, though it wasn't even for a long time. Steve and I both missed this trip when we were in 6th grade for different reasons, and so at least now I can say I did it. And I'll never do it again!! I came home with a sore foot (from falling in the bog), shin splints (from all the hills), and a backache from the bed. What a great time!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gradually Graduating

This year seems to be the year of graduations. Serena just completed her final year of Christian Life Club, which she's been in since she was in 1st grade....i think. It was bittersweet, seeing her up on the stage for the last time as a "kid" and me in the audience, the last time as a "mom" of a CLC kid! She will now graduate up to the youth group, which she is happy about, but sad to be leaving CLC. I know how she feels in this "tug of war" life we all seem to lead. We want to advance, we want to stay put. We want something new. We miss the old. We long for old times, we long for the future. One toe in, one toe out. Happy tears. Sad tears. They all stain the same. So, the leaders gave a wonderful finale for the kids, ending with a decorated cake for them and balloons, which were quickly ripped from the table. Sixth graders? No, it felt like a room full of 5 year olds! Serena is planning to complete the study they began in September, which may help her to keep her memories of class fresh too. Her teachers were amazing, and people I hope will always influence her growth. She will also be graduating from sixth grade at school. When we step out of the elementary school, we are finished forever. No more field trips, no more birthday cupcakes, no more stapling clouds on bulletin boards. No more carnivals, book fairs, no more seeing the adorable little kids every day. Sad, yes. But moving on is part of life, and we have to look to the good future we all have in store. Seventh grade means she will be treated more independently, have more expected of her, more freedom with more responsibility, and more exposure to the things I can't control. It will mean being part of a school team for the first time! We look forward, because looking back really is only going to hold us back. That's the best way for a mom to graduate too, I've found. I have to keep looking at the good things to come in their lives and fully embrace the changes we will face. It takes the mystery and the fear out of it. It prepares me to have a good attitude and not to look back too much. Natalie will graduate from eighth grade this year, meaning she will be a freshman next year. High school. I'm a mom of a high-school kid. Whew. Can I still call myself a "stay at home mom"? I'm still mom. I'm still home. Yeah, I guess I'll stick with that for now. My girls may be independent, but as they get older, they seem to need me more. As I go through these graduations with them, I have to remember that their life is changing. Theirs! It's not about me. I'm just here to support. I've already done all that. Who am I to want to stop or control what time will do eventually? No, I must roll with the changes and do what I can as a mom to teach them how to accept change and how to move on. They will do it over and over and over again for sure. So as we all turn our tassels to whichever side they belong, I will also keep turning the pages. This is part of our life story and it's just beginning!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...