Saturday, May 10, 2014

Appreciate Where You Are

Recently I uploaded this photo to my "Reflections" board on Pinterest. It's just behind the garden area where the trails begin. Obviously it was flooded at the time, but I thought it looked beautiful with all the trees reflecting in the water.  Now it's just a trail again...

As I checked my " Notifications" on my Pinterest account this morning I noticed someone had "pinned" this picture. Curious to see what kind of board category it was pinned on, I went searching. To my delight, it went on a young woman's board labeled "Places I'd  Rather Be"...

How easily we can take for granted the beauty in our own backyards! Well, I don't really think I do just yet, since I remain amazed by where I get to live! 

Places I'd "rather be" usually involve beaches, lakes, streams, oceans, yeah, you get the picture.... And I have none of that here! 

So, I'm appreciating that place "she would rather be".... And she's probable loving my lake.... :) 

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