Monday, May 5, 2014


I recently got the nicest note from an old high school friend of Steve's, and it made my day. For one, it boosted my spirits! For another, it gave me encouragement to stay positive. 

It brought to mind this favorite verse: 

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. 
                              Proverbs 25:11

That sweet note could not have come at a better time! It was an unexpected time, unexpected source, and an unexpected word, but oh, the balm it was! 

Her note was the reason I decided to come back to Facebook and to blog about my experience with my health issue. If a positive attitude really does have power, I want to see it really work, wouldn't you? 

I want to see what happens if I only post positive things on Facebook. I have chosen to unfollow any negativity or negative people because I feel it affects my health and my attitude. I want to see if being hopeful not only brings peace but will also bring healing. I want to see change in me and hopefully in someone else. 

I don't want to waste time being frustrated because feeling sick is frustrating enough. See, you figure this out if you've spent any significant time at all being ill, not living your life normally. 

So...IF you are an encourager (not everyone is), know that you have the power to change someone's outlook with one word, a note, a hug, a verse, a comment, a hug, etc... 

And if you're not comfortable encouraging, I would suggest making that your goal-to know what it is to lift up another person's spirit. It is a joy and a blessing for both. Ask God to help you grow in compassion toward others or to lead you to step out of your comfort zone. It's not easy for everyone to see another person's hurt. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It just needs a willing heart. 

God put us here not to serve ourselves, but to serve Him by serving others. Sometimes we're laid up, as I am for now. But I still need to serve or I would be miserable. I have 2 baskets of laundry to fold and a floor to vacuum-serving! And I can serve with my heart and my words the best I can for now. 

Thank you to those who serve with your hearts as well as your hands!! 

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