Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hot Topic

I've been thinking a lot about tithing. We still have not found a church to call home, and with my present medical state, it is put on hold even longer. 

Believe it or not the only problem I see in this is that I miss going to church as a family. My girls are missing out on us sitting together, worshipping together as a family. They just don't know it yet. Teens love two things. Staying up late and sleeping in. Oh, and eating. That's three. 

I don't feel distant from The Lord at all, and because my girls haven't stopped attending youth, they've maintained a regular connection, plus, of course, they live with us. Church is here. I'm sorry, but it's where I feel a connection with God and I can do that everywhere until we find where God wants to plant us for His purpose. Wherever that is will be for His glory! 

I have a theory on tithing and my husband and I had just started using it before we left our church. Tithing in cash only. No tax deductions, strictly between God and us, whether a huge amount or small. I don't think that needs any other explanation, but I feel that sometimes money=Power in churches. Power=voice, even when the voice is misinformed, misused, and frankly, loud. Is it that the giver expects or the receiver automatically gives power? Wait....I thought it was God's......I know we're not to question the tithes of others, but clearly it's an issue in churches, which is why when you google this, tons of articles pop up. Yes, people want to be treated fairly in their churches, and they don't want money to be an issue of power. We should not be fighting over what belongs to The Lord, which is maybe why it should be given in secret? Is it really anyone else's business? I don't think so, but somehow, they "know"....

I found a great website to find some great Biblical insight after quizzing friends and really getting no straight answer. Is it really 10%? Where is tithing in the New Testament?  Why is that tax deduction so important? gave some good information and backed it up with Biblical knowledge and Scripture. Check it out and comment your thoughts! Interesting topic I think! 

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

The tithe tax deduction is important because that is the gift God gives us through a law created in a God-led country. (Prov. 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turns it whither-soever He will.) God inspired the law makers to allow a tax deduction for the tithe because the tithe went to the need within the community. If there was no tax deduction your taxes would go up, because people would be less generous or stop acting out of compassion when a need is brought forth. Deductions are a motivator and that is a fact of life. We (the church) can do a lot more for our community with the tithe, on what God gives us to work with for those in need, then the Gov't can do through a bureaucracy that balloons to a lot of money having little effect; thus needing to raise more taxes. This is why we pray for our leaders so that God can work through them for our benefit (Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.) We gave ourselves to God when we received Christ as Lord. We also gave everything to Him, at the same time, including our wealth. He is Lord of all or not at all. If God through our Gov't, has blessed us with a deduction then I say, "Thank you Lord." Is that not part of God's prosperity plan for our lives? God chooses how and when He will bless us and if He wants to use a deduction because God is Lord of all governments, then I again say, "Thank you Lord God for your generosity toward me."
We tithe out of an Abrahamic covenant, not a Levitical one. Abraham tithes out of a relationship with God as they (God and Abraham) were friends, through grace, as the relationship we are in with Christ. Levitical tithing is law driven and brings no life. Many, today, give into out of fear, but hopefully one day they find the joy of giving by grace. The tithe argument is always from the Levitical point of view. If grace was leading there would be no problem tithing.
As to new testament verses on tithing there are quite a few, but my favorite is (Heb 7:6 But he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises. 7 And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better. 8 And here men that die receive TITHES; but there He receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives.)
Verse 8 Here men give. Here on earth in church on whatever day of the week you attend give to mortal men or pastors and elders who will die someday receive the TITHE: but THERE where Jesus is in the spirit He receives the TITHES to do with as He pleases, and if giving us a deduction is one of those pleasures, then so be it.
We should be using the tithe as an active prayer, rather then an argument in the church. I write on the back of my tithe envelope what I am sowing the tithe toward by faith. I see it as God is looking over my shoulder and we are "God and sons Ltd." I am asking Him, what Lord do I sow this tithe toward? By faith I have turned the tithes into an prayer of faith for those who need HEALING or help to get out of debt. Bring the runaway children home Lord to the parents who have cried themselves to sleep. The tithe will protect and bless our lives. Use the tithe, don't look for a way out of it. (1 Pet. 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour.) I have been in ministry since 1979 and one of my observations is that those who do not tithe and those who argue about it are easily devoured. This is just an observation, not a fast rule. I have also noticed those who do tithe and go through incredible and unthinkable hardships have been able to stand and say, "I know my Redeemer lives." The pragmatic side of me thinks I would rather have 90% of blessed money then 100% of cursed.
Hay miss Jami maybe I should blog this subject. Blessings.

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