Friday, May 16, 2014

Thank You

Praising God, thanking all of you for your prayers, and thanking my doctor for his wisdom. My appointment went well today and he has set up a referral with the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor-Neurology. I am so hopeful now that I will get the answers I need. 

I broke down in the office today. I didn't mean to... I was just so weary- so frustrated- my life has been turned upside down for too long. I have never felt this sick for this long with absolutely no answers and so much fear. 

I am also glad that I will not have to go back to the neurologist and I won't be increasing my nasty medication dosage to 100 mg tonight. This means there is a good chance I will be well enough to go to my daughters' concert on Sunday, and track meet on Wednesday. Staying hopeful that all will go well. 

Going to Ann Arbor means I will meet with top neurologists and do in-depth testing and get to the bottom of what is going on with my brain dysfunction. No more "wait and see" business. 

So I will be waiting for U of M to call and in the meantime coping with the symptoms I fight on a daily basis. Still hoping some of this is medication or stress induced. 

Praising God for good doctors, and the prayers of the faithful. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Praise the Lord! That is good news. I hope the appointment is soon. I'm also praying that you can go to the concert and track meet. Hope you have some relief in the next few weeks.

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