Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Piece of Cake

I "celebrated" Valentine's day with a migraine that started sometime Friday night and lasted until 3:30 Saturday afternoon. It was a blinger! I was more than discouraged that my medications are not preventing my migraines. It was the 5th one in 7 days, that one being the absolute worst. It was too late to take the migraine abortive medication, so I had to suffer through that one, but boy was I glad when it was over. 
The girls had made plans with some friends and were already gone when I got up. Steve made me a nice dinner and we got into the planning of Natalie's birthday cake. 
There is just no such thing as a break around here. Migraines have awful timing. Natalie's 17th birthday was Sunday, and although I tried to plan ahead and tried to buy a cake, I couldn't find one in the theme I wanted. Steve convinced me I could make one, even though I really didn't feel up to it the night we went shopping for her birthday. After that migraine, I sure was wishing a cake would just appear! 
And it sort of did..Steve had Serena bake the cakes for me, and he got to work on the other elements needed-blue finger jell-o and Rice Krispie treats. Knowing my plan, we were able to sit together and draft up a sketch of the cake that night, and all I would have to do on her birthday was the decorating. As long as I didn't have another migraine...
As always, the day after a bad migraine is a "recovery day", and I was whipped. But it was Natalie's birthday, so I found some strength, and with my amazing team of Steve and Serena, this is the cake we created for our Minecraft addict: 

So, if you aren't familiar with Minecraft, it's a video game where you build with many different materials. The cake is made of "grass blocks", "sand blocks", "sandstone", and "water". Then we added the animals from the game, and the character "Steve" with his pick axe. It was pretty fun to make and she loved it. 
Turns out, she wasn't feeling too great either and has actually taken a couple days off school this week. 
Maybe it's the subzero weather around here! 
We sure could use a little warm weather and a lot less snow! Definitely no more migraines! 


Angela said...

Praying for no migraines and some small glimpses of spring. It has sure been a hard winter for everyone out east.

sirnorm1 said...

Happy Birthday Natalie

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