Monday, September 28, 2020

Love in Action

 Let us not love with words or speech but only with action and in truth. 

1 John 3:18 

I've been marinating on the topic of love for quite some time, wondering how to tackle this seemingly easy topic and how it manages to become a huge challenge sometimes. I gotta say, friends, I love most people so easily! I really do. Even when I'm mad at you, I probably still love you bucketloads. It's just the way I'm wired. And I know God wired me to love, and He wired you to love too! So, why are so many people angry at each other all the time? What is making it so hard for people to love people? Is it the state of the world? Is it all the disagreements over politics and the virus?  Is it "them"? Is it "us"? And then it slowly started to hit me. "Them". "Us". There was never meant to be a division of them and us at all, but somehow people are dividing themselves. And  I was starting to divide people too. Us, them, good people, bad people. Those labels don't really exist at all, only in an unloving, fearful state of mind. When we start thinking in terms of "Us" vs. "Them", we're already headed for trouble, especially when we're all trying to reach the same goals. Whether it's a marriage, a friendship, a sports team, or a country, it has to be a "one team" mentality or it's doomed to fail. 

We are in the sixth month of a pandemic, and the strains of relationships are showing. It has become a very "us" vs. "them" society in many ways, creating even more divisiveness than we were already experiencing. The problem with that is that we were not created to be divided. We were created with love by God with the purpose of loving him and others. 

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 

 I believe the strain and the pain we are feeling is because we are outside of that purpose. We are fighting when we are supposed to be at peace. We are arguing with people we are supposed to be loving. In fact, many people have attacked their very close friends and families over something that will one day be old news. I keep waiting to wake up to find out it was all one big nightmare, but nope, this is all really happening, and people really are doing what they're doing. And even as I write this, I want you to understand that we all have our own perceptions of things. How I perceive what is going on in the world may be very different from how you see it and vice versa. People react and respond based on how they perceive situations and we won't always agree on perception. Being sensitive to how others might see things is a humble way to love someone with whom we don't agree with at this time. Most people understand that we don't have to agree with people to love them, but I am occasionally surprised by the people who don't get this and have parted ways. 

When we start thinking our politics and policies are more important than the way we treat people, we need to start asking ourselves what we are here for. If the people you know don't feel better for knowing you and me, then we had better be figuring out what we are doing wrong, because life is short and some things are just not worth losing our minds and our loved ones over.  We need to start asking God to humble us and help us be the one to stir up peace and help unite. We need to be the one to set aside any opinions and differences or judgments we may have and put people first instead. In other words, be an example of the love God shows to us, because we are certainly never without flaws and dirt.

 What is more important to you as it applies to your personal relationships? To get your opinion heard (which most likely won't change anything) or to share your heart instead and get your love heard?(which can change everything!) Because I can tell you, what I need from people right now is life-changing love, and what I can offer you is my heart. I am keeping my opinions close to the vest right now. Why? Because they don't serve a purpose to anyone but me. They won't change your life, your mind, or your heart, and unless you ask for it, I'm not sharing. That's how opinions work. Other than this blog opinion, and I pray it helps in some small way. I hope it brings you joy or help, and if it brings you neither, it has wasted your time and I'm sorry. But I still love you and I hope that matters. 

Why ARE we so quick to jump on someone else's opinion just because we don't agree? Why do certain things get certain people so fired up? Fired up to the point where they are spewing anything and everything on anyone? Why are people attacking each other so viciously over politics and masks and other hot button issues? I believe we are letting our fears and emotions override our sensibilities and take over our relationships with people. Even strangers in a grocery store. We all need to do better. Maybe you're doing all the good things, but we also need to show love to the ones doing the bad things. It's the only way they'll see the way God has changed you and the way peace (and love) can change them. It's easy to lose our cool when someone is being rude to us, but it's much more powerful and courageous to stand strong and hold your fire against someone who is being unreasonable. Most hotheads just don't know what to do with themselves when their wrath is met with complete silence. 

The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues. Proverbs 17:27-28

We are either motivated by love or motivated by fear, and there are a lot of scared people in the world right now. It is palpable. The fear reminds me of September 11, 2001, to be quite honest, with the exception that Americans came together in love to help one another become strong again. It may sound cliche, it may sound like a John Lennon song, but love really is the only thing that will bond any people together again for any purpose to accomplish any good thing. 

The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these.

 Mark 12:31

There's nothing wrong with being annoyed with rude people. But there is something wrong with treating others with disregard or disgust because you don't agree with them. You can step away from people without interacting with them negatively. You can choose to see a person as acting with bad behavior, but not as a bad person. You can choose to see every person the way you choose to see yourself. A person created by God, loved and forgiven. A person who makes the same mistakes you do. A person who has the same kind of passion and beliefs you do. And a person who loves like you do too. You just may not ever agree on anything and that's okay. 

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 

Like the mom who created the "get along shirt"-a giant shirt meant to be worn at the same time by two feuding children until they get along,  God knew we would have our troubles getting along too. Our get along shirt is the command to love one another. It's not a suggestion and it's not a shirt we can take off later when we behave better. Love is not pretty words and speech, it's a choice and it's putting another person's needs above your own, whether you feel like it or not.  When I feel overwhelmed by angry or confused people or I get angry or confused myself, I am going to choose to be quiet, and offer what God offers me in that time of confusion or anger. He offers me his peace. In that time of quiet, we can give others what this crazy world cannot. 

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 

Matthew 5:9 

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

I like that, God made a get along shirt for us by putting on His love.

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