Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thoughts of Thanksgiving

 It is Thanksgiving Day here in America, and I'm not celebrating with the family today. They have chosen to go elsewhere, and will instead come here over the weekend. It's the third time in my entire life that this has happened, (major snowstorm, my dad's cancer surgery, and this year) and I have to say that this leaves me feeling blessed, though initially I admit I didn't take it very well! (New empty nester here-wet behind the ears) But as I sit here, I realize that I am blessed to know my family is enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with various families, they are relatively healthy in most cases, and I am at peace, knowing that the Lord has watched over all of us another year. 

There are so many hurting families around us. So many situations that others are dealing with that some of us will never know, or may never understand. These holidays can be so difficult when remembering those who were once the center of our lives, and meant so much to our families, and to those whose homes or countries are in turmoil, there is so much more missing from theirs. Yes, it can be hard to feel blessed sometimes. Pain can cloud those blessings and lead us away from being grateful, but one thing that helped me deal with the loss of my dad was thanking God for the 46 years I had him in my life and for taking him the way he had always wanted to go, even though I wanted more time with him. I had to find the blessings within the pain in order to find some kind of peace within the heartache. 

We miss those who are not here with us, but we rejoice because they are free of the toils of this world, and free of pain and disease. We know they are with God, and that gives us great peace and joy, mixed in with the sadness and nostalgia of a happier time. We honor them by repeating treasured traditions and speaking their names, making their recipes, and maybe most importantly, telling stories about them, and stopping to remember their voices and their laughter. My grandma had the best giggle, and my dad, the softest, kindest voice. My brother didn't laugh much, but when he did, we all perked up! And there are so many more we miss, whose presence meant something special to all of us, and whose absence changed us all. 

We are warm, safe, fed, clothed, loved, and free, and that is so much more than many on this earth can say. We have more than we need most days. We can complain, sure. But we can also be grateful, and it is best to find reasons to say "thank you, Lord, I probably don't deserve this." At least, that's what I say. 

 I am praising God for every blessing, and thanking Him for all the days He gave me of those who remain present in my life, even if they are no longer here in spirit or in flesh. 

May the Lord give you a heart of thanks, and a spirit of peace as you sit down today, whether you are with family, or remembering those who used to sit beside you. Know that you are not alone. God is with you. Blessings, and Happy Thanksgiving to you. 

..."Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 


Anonymous said...

Very thankful for you today!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving

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