Monday, June 3, 2024

Short and Sweet

 If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are. If you are blamed, you won't be discouraged; if anyone calls you a saint, you won't put yourself on a pedestal. 

–Mother Teresa 

Perhaps this was what I was trying to say last week, but in too many words, because sometimes that's who I am. Forgive me, I am still recovering from some tough things. I am still trying to navigate myself through a world that is no longer a walk in the park with the same people. I am trying my best to find ways to reach others in peaceful ways, hence the whole point and title of this blog–The Olive Branch! I'll keep it short today.

I would also like to be reached toward, so I can't allow my frustrations to discourage me from being that instrument of peace. In this world, when we walk by faith and not by sight, everything has spiritual meaning. Everything, including the things we argue about, become diffused when in the presence of God. When we engage with people, our humility becomes our holiness. Our pride becomes the very thing that divides us. We have to decide what we are willing to put forth. For me, I want my faith to stand. My true, solid faith–the kind that is unrattled because the Lord is going before me and His joy is with me. To be this person, I have to remain in my faith, and not be shaken by the world. I have to know Whose I am. 

I hear a lot about people preparing for emergencies by stocking up on supplies, but I can say with certainty that the biggest thing I want to stock up on is meaningful relationships. Sadly, many of those have disappeared due to different circumstances, and it's still sad to me. Love is important to me. It's not important for me to have well-stocked shelves. Maybe that seems crazy to preppers out there, but I feel a more desperate need to have people close to me. There is love and comfort in people. Love provides strength, while fear steals it away. This is why we are to take care of our relationships and look out for others. 

"Sometimes when people speak, the impact of their words is so strong and goes so deep that they seem to have a quality of eternity about them." Thomas Moore, The Soul's Religion 

A quality of eternity. Perhaps if our conversations had that, we'd solve all the world's problems.  1 John 5:13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. 


A special THANK YOU to my talented and patient daughter, Natalie, who stayed very late on Friday to re-design my blog! Natalie is self-taught, so creative, and very caring and passionate about what matters to others. She is always thinking of ways to promote others and help people excel in life. She freely gives of herself to her work and family. This is part of what makes her such an amazing young woman! I love my new look! 

Visit her Etsy shop at 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog design! You are truly blessed.

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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...