Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fire Challenge #1 Awakening

 I'm jumping back in again this week because I'm doing a new thing! I've begun a series of "fire challenges" created by a YouTube content creator I've been following for awhile (Girl in the Woods, see below). The challenge is called "Change Your Life in 5 Fires." It is outdoor based and centered around setting goals, building confidence, and taking small steps toward reaching those goals. I wasn't ready for this challenge when she presented it in a 5 video series last year, but I feel up for the challenge this year, and I want to share my thoughts and experiences with you as I take these challenges on. Thankfully all of the challenge elements can be modified, and since we've had no rain for weeks, I won't be starting an actual fire(yet), but instead will be doing this challenge by the light of the sun for now!  I plan on executing my challenge on Tuesdays and sharing my thoughts on Thursdays each week. 

The first Fire Challenge is called "Awakening" and involves asking ourselves some questions– "What have I been missing/needing?" "Have I had any new realizations?" "What are my dreams, goals, visions?" We then set a goal, and ask ourselves what we are willing to risk/sacrifice to get to where we want to go. We then write the goal down and determine what small steps will it take to get there. The fire involves tearing off the goal and tossing it into the fire as a symbolic way of committing to it, I suppose. We then involve the body, mind, and spirit into the whole decision making process. And no, it's not "woo woo," because I'm not "woo woo", and neither is Brooke, from Girl in the Woods! But what we do have in common is a passion and love for God and the outdoors!

The challenge is to include some physical exercise (every day), using all of the senses outside, and reflecting on a Bible verse (Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is–his good, pleasing, and perfect will. )

Well, Tuesday was my first week of the Fire Challenge, and it wasn't what I was expecting. First of all, I have a 13 year old senior citizen companion dog who can't seem to live without me, and she followed along. Well, sort of. I set off with my plan, and she promptly set off to sniffing something she couldn't bear to leave behind. I was then surrounded by chickadees who recognize me as their "Snow White," and wanted their daily dinner served. I was only halfway down the trail and I turned around to go retrieve the birdseed and my precious pet. We eventually made it all the way to the cabin, where I sat on the small porch and wrote my goals down in a small notebook, all the while my dear pooch staring at me, waiting anxiously to return home.  

I succumbed to her plea to return, but as I turned, I stopped to catch some whirling tiny brown birch leaves that had been released from their summer captivity as a warm breeze swirled by. I took in the clove-like scent of the coming fall season, reached down and touched the curling rusting leaves of the ferns that surround my little cabin. I heard the chip-chip-chip of the sneaky chipmunks that torment Angel, but delight me as they dart away from her in the comfort of the woodpile. In searching for the most massive and the tiniest of things around me, I turned my face up to the sky to the covering of expansive black arm-like branches of a strong and timeworn oak tree, and then peered down to its base to the daintiest red wintergreen berries on tender green shoulders. The minty taste of one warm tiny berry melted in my mouth as I thanked God for placing all of His perfect details here to discover every need in me. 

As part of the exercise portion of the challenge, Brooke suggested 5 lunges, 5 push-ups, and 5 skips along the walk, as well as some time with socks off and hands and feet in the grass. Well, I did the lunges and the walking part. That went fine. I tried to skip, but realized immediately that while certain parts of me can skip, other parts say ski-nope. No worries, I got the important part of the challenge completed! 

I am hesitant to share what I wrote down in my small pocket journal, because our goals are not really everyone's business, but I do plan to share that goal with the people closest to me who encourage and support my dreams, values, goals, and visions. That way I can also share with them my setbacks and progress and they can do what they always do–support me. I'm not sure that the goal itself is as important as sharing with you that it is necessary to take time out in your day to exercise, ponder a goal, spend time with God in His perfect creation, and find a Scripture to reflect upon. 

If you're interested in doing a "Change Your Life in Five Fires Challenge," it doesn't require real fire or even grass, and all activities can be modified according to beliefs, location and health situation. Brooke (Girl in the Woods ) is an experienced outdoor adventurist, Christian, esteemed YouTube creator, and spent two seasons on the History Channel's Alone series! (Alone Season 4, Vancouver Island, B.C. 2017; Alone Season 5, Mongolia 2018) All credit goes to her for the content of this blog and the four that will follow! 


sirnorm1 said...

Go Jami GO!!!! love this:)

Anonymous said...

Love how descriptive you are in your writing. I can envision each scene as you share them with us. Can't wait for all the subsequent posts!

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