Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bits and wandering mind

Natalie's choir concert was Tuesday night, the same day as my dad's 70th birthday. The doc called him not to wish him a happy birthday, but to tell him he now has type 2 diabetes. A common affliction among those his age, I guess. He can control it without insulin, so we're happy about that. No more of my PBO cookies, though. His very favorite.....
On Wednesday, I still wasn't feeling very well. I'm getting the cold everyone else has had, plus I'm pushing myself extra hard to try to get a million things done. Despite all of that, I baked cookies with the girls, did laundry, and got things ready for their school parties and teachers. Serena had her class party today, which I spent half the morning preparing for.... yawn....
Tonight we head over to celebrate dad's birthday, then Steve and I need to finish all the Christmas shopping. The girls are done, but we have little last minute things to get. We also have to paint 2 wooden puzzles for our great nieces....yawn....
In all of this hubbub and stress, fatigue and crankiness, we have not forgotten what Christmas is really about. It would be wonderful not to have all these extra things going on, but that's just the way December is and probably always will be.
I will be seeing some family and friends who are coming from long distances and I am looking forward to that.
On December 23rd of last year, while we sat in church, we got word that my Grandma Brown had passed away. Last Christmas was one of the worst we've ever had. In September this year, my uncle passed away. Some of the best times we've had as families were at Christmas time. Grandma with her giggle, carrying in wonderful food and gifts, her homemade towels, slippers, and pecan tarts. Uncle Larry with his gag gift, jokes, and easy laugh. It will be a tough Christmas again, but since those losses, other members of our family have grown closer together.
Holidays are tough for those who have lost someone.
You'll notice you're not getting much commentary from me. I am bone tired!
I am taking a vacation from my blog for awhile. Maybe a couple of weeks while the kids are home. Patty is coming home from Missouri and I hope to be able to see her. They will be checking out houses in Kalamazoo, so time will be limited. The weather may change all of that too. Serena's birthday is 2 days after Christmas, then we spend NYE with Glen and Sara. Lots of fun stuff coming!
I pray you all have a wonderful, safe, and blessed Christmas season. Enjoy your families, find time to be peaceful and quiet, and find time for fun and laughter. Hug a little longer, be generous with kind words, and make sure you let them know things wouldn't be the same without them.

Love to all .....yawn.....

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Christmas Letter

Dear Most Cherished Friends and Family,

I hope this letter finds you wishing you were us!! Not only did Bill get that huge bonus, but he got the biggest raise available at the company! We will finally be able to install that olympic size pool in the house. It will match the one in our yard! How wonderful. I am still in amazing shape, working with my trainer while the nanny raises the kids. Oh, the kids. I almost forgot. Little Billy is in first grade now at the Awesome Kids Academy. He was just voted "most awesome kid"! We're so proud. He's so smart and handsome and just does everything perfectly! He's just so awesome! I've attached 100 of the most recent photos along with his accomplishments. They're just too many to list here. Our daughter, Willamina just completed her master's degree, and will be celebrating her 12th birthday this week. Yes, we know. That's quite an accomplishment, especially with her many other talents! She will be spending her birthday in Paris again this year. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful, successful, good-looking family. We just couldn't wait to tell you all about it!
We're just rolling in happiness, success, and wealth. We never fight, and our kids never get in trouble. Our home is the best one on the block, and all of our cars are top of the line. I guess you could say we are a pretty perfect family!

I hope you enjoyed hearing about our lives this past year. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

The Wonderfuls

ABO Gifts

Hey, remember asking the kid next to you if they want a piece of "ABC" gum? Oh, yeah, you did it. Then with a sly grin, you pull the gum right out of your mouth and offer it to them. "Already Been Chewed!! A-ha-ha, you're so dumb, neener neener".....whatever you said as a kid....

Well, I'm here to tell you that I look at recycling and re-gifting just like ABC gum. I call them "ABO" gifts....Already Been Opened!! I know some of you guilty gusses are getting all up on your hind quarters right now. Well, sidddowwn for a minute, will ya? Let me 'splain it to ya.

Here it is....okay, I know we're in an economic slump, but gift giving is about being thoughtful, not cheap. Not practical. Not economical at all. It's a gift. It should hurt a little. Just a pinch. It's not about going up into your attic and saying, "Oh, that Allison is so nice, what piece of garbage should I give her?" Okay, if it's not good enough for you, why would your nice friend deserve that?? I don't care if it's brand new and still has all the tags, blah blah...I don't care that it's blue and matches nothing in your house. It doesn't matter that you don't have time to shop. Hello, if she's important, you make time!

Let me tell you what you can do with your ABO, now, I WAS NOT going to say THAT! Some good suggestions: give them to your friend ONLY if it is something they enjoy more than you do, only if it matches something they have, and if you know they will just die over it. Here's the kicker....DON'T WRAP IT! Just hand it over and say, "Someone gave me this and it made me think of you, I'd like you to have it." Period. No bow, no tag, no thank you. You don't deserve the thank you. You didn't buy it, sillyhead!!

Gifts come from the heart, not your basement tubs, I always say. And really, do you want to run the risk of one day opening a gift that you gave someone 5 years ago and they forgot it was from you?? Hey, that happened to me...embarassing, but not for ME! Cheap Cheap Cheap, says the dirty bird.

Okay, I'm all done having my fun now. If you're re-gifting, go for it, but let me tell you what is more worthy to me...Open up a bag of Kingsford Charcoal Briquettes, bag them up in a cutesy bag with a cute ribbon, and hand them out. Tell them it comes with a promise to grill steaks next summer and call it a party. On you. Yes, you pay for it. Yes, with your own money. If they don't like that idea, they're stuck with a bag of coal. So be it.

Thanks for letting me have my should stay tuned for my most impressive annual Christmas letter. I can't wait to tell you how successful little Billy is now!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Love a Parade!

That's a show tune ( I think), but it's also true. The Christmas parade goes right by my parents' house, and we've planned an afterglow party there for the past several years. Each year seems to get a little bigger! It's a great combination of a few generations, some family, some friends, and it is a blessed time! This year we had a whopping 26 people there!

Of course waiting for the parade to come gets the kids a little anxious, so a snowball fight usually breaks out. This year, Steve (my husband/kid) started the whole thing. I don't know why that surprises anyone. I had my new camera in hand, so I was not a target at all. Of course, Glen and Doug will never turn down a good snowball fight. Did you know you shouldn't throw snowballs in the dark when in a crowd of people? That poor old lady....

Did you also know how cruel it is to throw candy into a snowbank right in front of little kids? Bah humbug to you too, buddy!

So, come watch with us next year. We'll squeeze you in!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Truth and Where to Find It

Hey, do you like a good book? Do you like stories about war, natural disasters, disease, triumph, love, challenge, transformations, miracles, and much much more?

Look no further than your Holy Bible! It has it all.

The world is getting to many of us, and it's harder than ever to remain calm in the storm. Stocks are falling, jobs are lost, people are suffering, times are just scary right now. Needing a bailout?

Look no further than your Bible!

Worried about how you're going to pull off Christmas when you're not sure about the status of your job, your home, your life??

See what God says about His provision in the Bible.

It's not just a good book. Not just something to dust off when company comes. Not just a book of thin paper with thous, thees, and thys. It is the greatest book ever written, God-breathed, in fact, and the only TRUTH we can depend on. Believe me, it's a good read.

Now more than ever, we need to go to the source of truth for what we need. Wisdom, knowledge, strength, courage. None of that comes from our own efforts. God gives us what we need. God and only God.

I spent several hours looking up scripture on Tuesday morning because I needed answers. CNN has opinions, the newspaper has some too, but when I need the truth, I go to my Bible.

I found 80 scriptures that helped me deal with the storms life wants to deal out. We need to hold on tight, stay close to God and each other, and get through this together. Tough times are here, and they don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;he will never let the righteous fall" Psalm 55:22

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holy Walk

I can't believe I forgot to mention our trip to the Holy Walk on Friday night! We've gone before, but wanted to take my parents with us this time. It was their first experience, and boy,was it good!
If you've never done the Holy Walk, I URGE you to go one of these years. However, if you have small children who freak out over Monsters, Inc., you should probably leave them with a sitter.
Homer United Methodist Church sponsors it each year, and is in its 34th year. Now 8 churches are involved and it is a super performance. It is a recreation of Bethlehem and what travelers would have experienced on their way to see this new King that was being talked about. It is about as real as you can get, without the palm trees and the desert, of course.
I don't want to tell you about each and every detail because it really is an experience you have to have for yourself.
I will tell you that my mom got persuaded out of our "family" by a villager who was desperately trying to sell her a laundry basket. Natalie got snatched to try some bread, and they wanted to see my dad's teeth to see what he was worth! I got pulled a few times, but kept reaching out to grab my straying family members. Mom was just being too nice as usual! Those villagers wanted us to buy their wares, but we had to save our money for our taxes or we'd be in big trouble.
Of course our journey ended with the birth of our Lord and Savior. All the kids asked was, which one was Mary? The big one or the little one? Wasn't that a plastic doll? Do you think they're feeding those donkeys? Was that it? Did you see the gloves on Mary? And on and on. my funny girls.
My dad enjoyed the experience immensely. He got right into it!
What a great way to remember the reason for the season. What a gift we already have in Jesus!

Shalom! (you hear that a lot on the journey) I can't wait for next year.

CES sings CHRISTmas songs!

I am so glad to be part of a small town school system sometimes. Especially at Christmas time when the kids are talking about Jesus, and the teachers sometimes chime in. Many Coleman teachers and staff know the Lord, some are still on the fence. That will change in time.
Anyway, each year on the last few days of school before break, Mrs. Sentz and Mr. Cozat lead the Christmas sing in the media center. All the kids, teachers, staff, and some parents gather and sing carols together. Now, some are playful like Jingle Bells, but many are Christian.
One year Mrs. Robinson's class did "Away in a Manger" while signing the lyrics. It was beautiful. She's a well known Christian teacher in the school and it shows.
I am so thankful that my kids can talk freely about Jesus and not get told to be quiet. I am thankful that although some schools are pushing Jesus out, ours is not among them!!
Serena prays openly at her desk, which she just told me about the other day. I asked her what she prays about and she said, " when I'm having a bad day, I bow my head and ask for help." So precious! Her teacher, also a Christian certainly welcomes that in her class. I asked her what the other kids say, and she said, "nothin', they just wait to ask after I say "amen"." Too funny that girl! And what a good witness she is even to a class of third graders. I tell my girls all the time, you want them to want what you have! Not your coats and shoes, but your heart!! Show it off every chance you get. That's what those little Christians are there for if you ask me.
I may not be at the Christmas sing this year, but I sat through it as a kid year after year. It only gets better!
And world, you may have stopped someone else from singing, but CES is singing to the Lord. Listen up and listen good!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Christmas Holidays

Okay, this might rub some of you the wrong way, but I hope you understand....

If someone says "Happy Holidays" to you, he or she may not be really thinking about being "politically correct". He or she may just be saying to you, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and combining the two. It's done not out of spite, not to leave out Christ, and not so they don't offend non-believers.

Now, there are some employers who insist their employees say "Happy Holidays" just to remain neutral. This I do take offense to, and I always reply NICELY, not with snottiness, "Merry Christmas to you too". You don't want to come off haughty, especially around Christmas time! You never know if or when those people will come to Christ. You want to leave a good impression.

So, don't automatically get your nose hairs in a knot when you hear those two words, Happy Holidays. It doesn't always mean what you think.

For example, when I worked in an office, I had a customer who always used the word "holiday", but she also used it to refer to "vacation" as well. Some people use the term to mean a long break, or to acknowledge that there is more than one holiday between now and the time you may see them again. I was never offended by her. She was a believer, she just spoke differently.

Assume the best when you hear it this season and try not to let it bug you too much. Just plant a sweet seed and say to them, "Merry Christmas....I hope you enjoy your holidays". Be more annoyed with the prices being jacked up, then lowered and called a "sale". That one gets me!!

Merry CHRISTmas!!! and a happy new year too!

That Wet White Fluffy Pretty Stuff

One snow day is good. Two snow days and I start seeing double. It's not that my kids are driving me crazy, just not getting out is driving me crazy! I can only be lazy for so long!
I spent awhile on Tuesday making my kids a snow hill. We live on really flat land, so hills are non-existent. Well, I decided to push as much snow as I could against the higher part of the deck to make a hill. Having accomplished that, Steve then blew all the rest of the snow on top of it with the snow blower. We had quite a hill after all that! Nat was able to practice snowboarding, and Serena took the saucer down face first, as usual. I'd include the hilarious pictures, but I am too lazy. You'll just have to picture two girls with snow covered glasses and big smiles!
I even took a run on the hill and as soon as I could stand again, I got a round of applause. Boy, am I out of shape!
We live in the middle of the woods, so looking out my window is like looking at beautiful postcards. As much as I get tired of winter, it is restful to my soul to have such beauty around me wherever I look. The deer are hungry since the ban, and I am discouraged about that. A doe and her little one (not so little anymore) have decided to take matters into their own hooves. They are now walking right up to our front door and ringing the doorbell for food. Okay, they aren't really, but they are walking right up to our windows, which they've never done in the 3 years we've been here. Now they are helping themselves to our plants and the birdfeeders. One of them had the birdfeeder swinging like a tetherball last night. I kept yelling "whoa!" every time it came back around. The girls had a good laugh. They even come up when my dog is sitting on the deck. That's how hungry they are. It will be a long winter for the animals.
I agree with Jen Bovee about snow days. When I was a kid, I spent ALL day outside, building forts out of the snowbanks the city made. We would even cross country ski through town, hitting all the hills on the way. We were out until dark, soaking wet, having the time of our lives. Snowmobiling was a big thing in our family when I was young, but now we don't even have one. Toys cost money, but snow is still free! Maybe I'll build my own snowmobile....hmmm.....wonder how to do that?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What I Really Think About Everything

Ha Ha! Fooled you with that title. You couldn't care less what I think about everything. Hey, half the time, I don't even care what I think. Seriously now, can we be serious?
I have a mind that goes ALL the time. I always have! As a kid, I was so analytical and aware. I had to think about every aspect of everything. It drove me nuts! However, I have developed as a person and a writer because I think too much. You may think thinking too much is a bad thing. It's not for me. The only time it gets me into trouble is when I SAY or WRITE too much about what I'm thinking. Even then, though, some of us have to do that to survive. If I had to duct tape my mouth shut all the time to please people, I would be sitting in a corner, drooling all the time.
I love commentators because they THINK and speak their thoughts. I don't have to agree, but I love the human mind. I need to get in there! Sometimes once I get in there, I realize I could really use some Pine Sol and a good sponge because some thoughts are stinky! Sometimes mine are too! Oh, come on, you've never thought about pigpens before?
I enjoy a good hearty conversation with someone who has real thoughts, not just a cleaned up version of what they think I want to hear. I have a very small number of people in my life who share their brains with me. I don't think it's a coincidence that they are the people I am closest to. We have some good long interesting conversations and that is cool!!
So, my blog is unique because you may get a chronicle of my daily life, but most of the time you're going to get my mind, whether you are ready for it or not!

The next title I'm working on? What I really FEEL about everything! :) Don't hold your breath on that one....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Faithful Friends!

On Saturday night, we went over to Glen & Sara's, where we had our Christmas party with them, Doug & Theresa, and Rob & Mikki. What a great time! Great food, great friends, fun kids, lots of laughter, great food, and conversation. Did I mention great food? Oh, three times? really?

It is a unique thing to have good friendships with couples. They are hard to come by. There's always one part of a couple who doesn't connect with one part of the other. It's a bummer because I think hanging out with couples is a lot of fun. Especially Christian couples who all share not only their bond as Christians, but their commitments to their families. It's a good thing, as Martha would say.

We can get wild and crazy just like anyone else. It just doesn't involve some of the usual "wild" elements that are fairly common at parties. However, after Glen's 3rd glass of Mountain Dew, he begins his Lord of the Dance routine in front of the TV. Doug (yes, Doug) starts tossing children into the air, while Steve waits for his turn! Then of course, the children are also great entertainment, and passing gas always gets a good laugh! (we won't name names, Rob)

There wasn't much stealing with the White elephant exchange. We were much too kind, or maybe there was nothing worth stealing. After all, we just picked up stuff alongside the road and wrapped it!

These friends are awesome, true, and a real gift at Christmas time and every day! If you find yourself lonesome for coupledom, we would never turn you away!! The more the merrier, I always say! You bring the chips, we'll supply the "dips"!

Ch-Ch-Ch- Changes?

Well, if you read the paper or watch CNN, you know that like many other companies, Dow is cutting jobs again. It's never affected us before, but with the times the way they are, and the big mergers going on, it's closer than ever.

We don't know for sure yet, but depending on what a few people decide, our lives could change as we know them in a matter of days.

We are trusting God in all of this and know that no matter what happens, we still have His promise in Jeremiah 29:11....."for I know the plans I have for you..plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future....."

If we come to mind, please keep us in prayer this week as we await news of a possible change. This change could mean no job, a job and a big move, or no change. Of course, we prefer "no change", but if God leads otherwise, then so be it.

Thank you , friends.


Ha! Yes, I'm a bit growly sometimes, but today it's all about hunger!

I have been doing my little hunger experiment, and it is quite helpful. It is amazing how good food tastes when you're actually hungry.

I have lost a little weight and have gained some control over my diet. Thank you Lord for giving me the the daily strength I need.

Try a Little Tenderness

"Cease Expecting and you will gain all things."

Someone very wise said that and I can't remember who it was. I used to say this in my mind all the time and have found that I have started saying it again.

People would be great if they just didn't disappoint us, ya know? It would be great if they always remembered to include you. Sometimes it would be awesome if they just looked your way! Oops, there I go expecting again. What was I thinking??

I have a pretty soft heart, so I do expect people to treat me the way I treat them. I like to do kind things, so silly me, I appreciate kindness in return. I don't like to leave people out, so I try to include everyone as much as I can. Hmmm....why doesn't that always work in return?

It's not just me getting the short end sometimes. I see it all the time. This is not a "woe is me" attitude. I'm simply noticing that it happens to me and it happens around me. I don't know why. All I know is I believe in the Golden Rule, but a lot of people forget what that really means. Those of us who feel that way, maybe we should get together!

A little that really too much to expect these days?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Relationships: Broken and Bonded

I absolutely love the Christmas Tea each year. It is so special to see all the creativity and beauty in the tables. It is great to see new faces, especially those who don't know the Lord yet. Those are the best! Carla Ives gave such a wonderful talk last night. It was honest, genuine, straight from the heart (and God), and real. There's nothing I enjoy more than a Christian who is real!! I have found that by bonding with all types of people that the easiest ones to talk to are the ones who don't try to flower everything up! Those imperfect, burping, grouchy Christians. I love them! I can relate to that! :)
She spoke of relationships and the importance of bonding with other women, whether it is our family women, women of the church, or our friends and co-workers. She made the point that women are often way too hard on each other. Ain't that the truth, girls?? Some of us are if we'd admit it! We're (and if you don't do this, you're excluded) so quick to jump on someone's Carla said, "I could nail them to a wall! But say something nice? Um, well, I hope you feel better...." It often is easier to criticize than to build up and encourage.
Her message was pretty clear. We are to love and hold each other up. You may not like the person sitting at the Christmas table, but God placed you and that person at that table for a reason, and placed that person in your family or church for a reason. If we walk away because it's uncomfortable, are we loving the way God commanded us to? Hmmm.....what a thought that is. It's pretty real, isn't it?
I was in awe over the many beautiful tables and the sweet welcomes I heard around me. If anyone didn't feel loved last night, they must have been in the bathroom too long! I was extremely blessed by the ladies at my table, 4 of which do not attend church, and 1 who is new to our church. More importantly, they left there feeling blessed by a church who loved them! Good job, CWC ladies!! That's what it's all about!!
Relationships can be easily bonded, over a similar lifestyle, situation, or bats in the toilet (you had to hear Carla on that one!). But they can be just as easily broken over mistrust, jealousy, pride, envy, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and the need to be "right". I don't want to preach about this, but I can guarantee that fixing it (with God's help) will bless you tremendously. And if it doesn't seem to be fixable, know that you did all that you could to make it right and move on.
That's my soapbox for the day....I promise you funny next time!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to You!

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! On Friday Steve is 42! Happy Happy Birthday to you, my Superman! Thanks for the help, Dr. Seuss.

Steve's due date was originally Christmas day, just like Serena's! In honor of Dad, the first three letters of Serena's name are her daddy's initials, SER. Incidentally, I am named after my Pops as well....Jami Leann/James Leo.

Birthdays are special and important around here. It's a time to celebrate the wonderful life of our family members, and thank God that they were born and placed right here with us.

My dad shared a special poem with us tonight at the Thanksgiving was written by a blind 16 year old girl way back in 1966 to her father on his 42nd birthday. He wasn't sure where this man and his daughter are now, but has kept this poem for a long time. Here it is:

Forty Two! Forty Two!
I really don't believe it's true.
No longer a babe, no longer a child.
No longer a teenager cocky and wild.
You're no longer sixteen or twenty-one;
No longer thirty- nine or forty-one.
You're now an ancient forty-two!
I really don't believe it's true.
Cheer up dad; don't look so sad.
Forty-two is not that bad.
The older you are, the wiser you get,
Then why all this worry, why all this fret?
We're proud to have a dad like you,
So what if you are forty-two?
God's been good to you all these years;
He's guided you, strengthened you, calmed your fears.
You're also much older in the Lord;
His grace to you He hath outpoured.
We love you for what you are, dear Dad;
You're the greatest anyone ever had.
May God bless you and keep, and in Him may you grow;
His love and mercy may He upon you bestow.
All our love to you, dear Dad,
Being forty-two is not so bad.
Signed, Your loving daughter in Christ, Sharry
September 26, 1966
Happy Birthday also to Tina Arrowood, who shares her b-day with Steve!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful for Everything...

As we go around the dinner table during the blessing, Serena always says the same thing..."Thank you Jesus for this food, and everything else!" We ask her, "everything? really? even spiders?" She insists that she is just thankful for everything, so we leave it at that.
I am not thankful for spiders or anything creepy, that's for sure!
In a way, I get what she means about this "everything" concept. I'm thankful for "everything" too, because I would have nothing and be nothing without God. Since He provides me with my "everything", then I guess I am thankful for all of it, good and bad. He has made the good good and the bad good too. Oh, that could be a really cool rap lyric, don't you think? The good good,the bad good,dooby dooby doo....word to your mama or whatever.

I am thankful for so many things, but basically I am just grateful to wake up breathing and to find that those I love have done the same. I am grateful that when my feet hit the floor, they know how to walk! I have a warm home, a vehicle, gas in the tank, food in the cupboards, family and friends I love dearly, a fuzzy dog who thinks I am royalty, and the gift of a fairly normal life. I have a husband who provides for our family, takes care of us when we're sick, works hard, loves the Lord, and loves us unconditionally. Oh, yeah. I'm especially thankful for him.

I also know that if any of those situations were to change, I would still be grateful, and I'm thankful for that hope and promise that God has placed in me.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...may all your waistbands stretch to capacity and may all your post-dinner snoring be blessed. I hope your football team wins, and there is a pie with your name on it. May your in-laws hug you and eat your salad. Long story.....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nose-Nippin' Weather

Oh, I know what you're saying...yuck! Winter already? Well, for me, winter brings out the fun in my kids and even Sophie, our precious dog. On Monday afternoon about 4:30, the snow was coming down in big beautiful flakes. I called the girls up from the basement to see it.
They ran to the biggest window and cheered, jumping up and down. They then ran to put on their outdoor gear, and flew out the door. I quickly grabbed my camera and the closest shoes to the door--my slippers. I followed them out to the deck, where Serena threw herself down and made a snow angel! Natalie did as she always has done. She ran out into the snow, mouth wide open, tongue reading to catch the flakes. Oh, the smiles and the laughter! It was music to my ears! They had their traditional snow fight, which usually ends with both of their glasses covered in snow, hats off, and giggling uncontrollably. Part of the giggling is always me! Someone usually yells "time out", then proceeds to fill the other one's face with snow. No one seems to mind at all. Now where is our 12 year old fluffy dog in all of this? Running and dipping her big black nose into the snow, then flinging her head back up! Her back is covered, her face is covered, and she hops like a rabbit, only stopping to bite the snow again. When she was younger and more energetic, she thought it was fun to grab my gloves right off my hands and run with them. I miss that! I still see a little bit of puppy in her aging body, and I cherish it as we all do.
Natalie always "writes" a big message in the snow outside the kitchen window for me to see. This time it said simply, "Hi Mom!" Serena carried her dad's funnel outside and began making mini igloos with it. While I watched her, I flashed back to when she was 3, and loved to do that very thing. Quiet, contemplative, and determined, she would take her time shaping that snow while her little cheeks turned pink. Her eyes look even bluer in the snow.
See, when your kids start to get older and don't play with "toys" much anymore, you don't get to see them "play" like they used to. When my kids are outside in the snow, they are like little girls again, being silly and free. I get the benefit of knowing they're not too old to play just yet.
So, before you start dissing winter, remember, it is a magical time for kids! Nothing thrills them more than fresh falling snow followed by cookies and cocoa from mom. It's a time when I can bundle them up, watch them waddle like toddlers, then stuff them with goodies when they come back inside.
Our play will advance this year to include skiing, tubing, and skating, and that will be fun too. But it's really just a simple snowfall that I will look forward to the most this season.

Where are the photos, you ask? Well, I'm working on that.... a computer genius I am not.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weight a Minute!

My doc told me today to lose weight! Duh, I know! She told me that possibly some of the issues I'm dealing with are related to my excess weight. HMMM....ya think? I gave her a good reply. Nope. I don't exercise much. I don't always eat right. However, I AM working on my self-control. Blank look and a scribble on my medical chart-"delusional and mentally unstable.."
No, I'm really just kidding, but I was so relieved to have someone I trust speak truth to me. People who love me lie to me. I get that, but helloooooo, I don't want to die of heart disease and diabetes here. Give it to me straight, I can take it. I laugh when I say that, really, because no one can really influence you if you don't want to be influenced! If someone speaks the truth to you and you're not ready to hear it or you don't acknowledge it, you are in deep doo doo for sure!
I already have the power of self-control within me. I now have to exert it. That can only be done by me and God alone.
So, here's my experiment, and feel free to give it a whirl. I want to know what it feels like to be hungry, really hungry. My body is so used to getting multiple snacks that it doesn't know what hunger feels like. From now on, I will wait for my body to tell me it is hungry, then I will eat. No more taking cues from TV commercials for KFC, ads for donuts, snacks at every church function, or anyone else's influence for that matter.
I will find out for myself what I am made of. This is not willpower at all. This is just healthy, smart thinking. I don't need willpower. I need a true application of self-control.
I am an overweight woman on a mission. This could get ugly. Maybe I'll do it on a weekend.....

Thoughts from Max to make you think!

Here is a great devotion from God Came Near by Max Lucado. Our Wednesday night mentor group is studying the book of John. This was found in our study guides. I know it will make you think! I've read it to my daughters and they want to hear it again and again. It makes Jesus very real to them and to me. I hope it does the same for you....

"It all happened in a moment, a most remarkable moment. As moments go, that one appeared no different than any other. If you could somehow pick it up off the timeline and examine it, it would look exactly like the ones that have passed while you have read these words. It came and it went. It was preceded and succeeded by others just like it. It was one of the countless moments that have marked time since eternity became measurable.
But in reality, that particular moment was like none other. For through that segment of time a spectacular thing occurred. God became a man. While the creatures of the earth walked unaware, Divinity arrived. Heaven opened herself and placed her most precious one in a human womb.
The omnipotent, in one instant, made himself breakable. He who had been spirit became piercable. He who was larger than the universe became an embryo. And he who sustains the world with a word chose to be dependent upon the nourishment of a young girl.
God as a fetus. Holiness sleeping in a womb. The creator of life being created.
God was given eyebrows, elbows, two kidneys and a spleen. He stretched against the walls and floated in the amniotic fluid of his mother.
God had come near.
He came, not as a flash of light or as an unapproachable conqueror, but as one whose first cries were heard by a peasant girl and a sleepy carpenter. The hands that first held him were unmanicured, calloused, and dirty.
No silk. No ivory. No hype. No party. No hoopla.
Were it not for the shepherds, there would have been no reception. And were it not for a group of star-gazers, there would have been no gifts.
Angels watched as Mary changed God's diaper. The universe watched with wonder as The Almighty learned to walk. Children played in the street with him. And had the synagogue leader in Nazareth known who was listening to his sermons...
For thirty-three years he would feel everything you and I have ever felt. He felt weak. He grew weary. He was afraid of failure. He was susceptible to wooing women. He got colds, burped, and had body odor. His feelings got hurt. His feet got tired. And his head ached.
To think of Jesus in such a light is - well, it seems almost irreverent, doesn't it? It's not something we like to do; it's uncomfortable. It is much easier to keep the humanity out of the incarnation. Clean the manure from around the manger. Wipe the sweat out of his eyes. Pretend he never snored or blew his nose or hit his thumb with a hammer.
He's easier to stomach that way. There is something about keeping him divine that keeps him distant, packaged, predictable.
But don't do it. For heaven's sake, don't. Let him be as human as he intended to be. Let him into the mire and muck of our world. For only if we let him in can he pull us out."

Courtesy of Max Lucado- God Came Near

I'm back now......
I don't know about you, but as I read that, I had an incredible feeling of joy and comfort. I was moved to read it to my girls and I watched their eyes as I read. They had pie eyes in a couple spots. Jesus burping? Wow! It made Jesus so real for them. As my girls are growing, they are questioning many things in a new way. This devotion made it easy for me to explain how God truly understands how they feel!

Be blessed~!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Future Posts

Hey, I finally started using my Nikon D60 and I love it! However, downloading pics is a little more confusing, so here's a tease until I figure it out.......

Future blog topics:

Our October anniversary trip to Grand Mountain Lodge and Spa!

Autumn Splendor at the Rogers' resort

Steve and Natalie with "their" 6 point buck on opening day!

Coming soon....don't miss it!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Dear Mom-o
Happy Birthday to you!

And many more...........

Helping Others

Okay, Mary, here are some of my ideas...we've done some of these in the past.

Pack a big basket of goodies and leave it on a needy family's doorstep. Don't let them know it was you!

Pay for a stranger's lunch...especially someone with kids!

Work in a soup mom has thoroughly enjoyed that

Adopt a family and provide can do this as a family or in a big group of friends.

Send them gift cards anonymously, so they don't feel indebted to you

Go caroling to their doorstep and leave them a special family gift...a wreath, an ornament, cookies...

Do the coats for kids and coats for adults too

I love buying gifts from the share fun to pick a child who just wants boots. Sad too.

Offer to drive them to dr. appointments then put some gas in their car while they're inside

give them the gift of a hot meal every Tuesday (or whatever day) for a year!

I once stood behind a lady I knew from town at the grocery store. She was buying things for her kids to come over. She ran out of money, so left some of her items behind. As she left, I told the clerk to ring them up on mine. I then delivered the items anonymously to her doorstep. I am not telling you that to brag myself up, but it is something God laid on me to do. Had I not been paying attention, we would have missed an opportunity to love someone else in that way. Don't miss out!!

These are small but very significant ways that you can help others. I promise you will feel more blessed than they do. It doesn't always take money. Most of the time it's just TIME. However, if you feel a pull to just give someone money, do it. It may be God's way of helping you fill someone else's need. In fact, I know it is!

Have a thankful and Blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don't forget to wish every clerk in the store a Merry Christmas. I may even wear a button that says,
"IT'S OKAY TO WISH ME A MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Gotta love that one!
Thanks, Mary for continuing to plant the seeds of giving in your blogs. It is so important to remember that every day of the year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friends in All Places

"There is a definite process by which one makes people into friends, and it involves talking to them and listening to them for hours at a time". - Rebecca West, Writer

"People should have more than one best friend."- Jami Rogers, aspiring writer

I have more than one best friend. I know, that kind of kills the meaning of the word "best", but that would mean I am elevating someone above another. The truth is, no two of my friends are alike! I have one who is extremely caring and thoughtful, one who makes me laugh uncontrollably every time we talk, one I've had since grade school who totally knows me, and one I've known a short time and it feels like we've known each other forever. I have more, but you get the idea. I get something different but just as valuable from each one.
For me to say to you, "hey, friend, meet my best friend so and so", what does that tell you? Well, if you're someone trying to make a close connection with me, it could put you off a little. Maybe make you feel like you can't get your foot in the door at all. Maybe you're looking for a best friend and I just scared you off. I don't know. I just don't want someone to think they are second best, so I will not use that term anymore. To be honest, it is a high schoolish term in a way and I feel silly saying it, even about my oldest friend, Patty.

Maybe a better term is "close friend", and perhaps you feel you'd have a chance at being that-no competition at all! It's okay to have a "Patty". Someone you've been friends with since childhood and will grow into old ladies together, but I realize Patty has other best friends too and that's cool with me. In fact, I don't think she even refers to me or anyone else as her "best" friend. We have that in common too, I guess. I want to be open to new friendships, but they have to be real. To be real, it takes time talking and listening, and frankly, there isn't a lot of time for that sometimes.

I don't collect friends like bottle caps. I may like a person and share with them, but maybe being true friends just isn't going to happen for one reason or another. Maybe we will be acquaintances instead. That's okay. I believe friendships are built on time, trust, and a true interest in getting to know that person. Time, time, time. Love=time.

I believe the saying that you don't need a ton of only need one or two really close ones. It's not quantity, it's quality.
May your life be blessed with REAL friends!!

Veteran's Day

I could say a lot about our armed forces, but all I can tell you is that when I see soldiers (former and current) marching in parades, on TV, in the newspaper.....when I see yellow flags or the American flag, I am speechless and I just cry......



Monday, November 10, 2008

A Hunting they will go.....

Steve loves to hunt, fish, and do all that "guy" stuff most guys like....he'll be all scruffy, smelly, and encased in flame orange this weekend, obsessed with getting the "big one".
This is a time of freedom for all showers, no shaving, napping whenever they want, ignoring their women unless they're talking 'deer', and passing gas like a sailor. Don't forget all the munchies and extra money spent on "equipment".
I think Tim Allen's "man" grunt will be heard 'round the world this Saturday on opening day of rifle season. My husband's will be among the loudest.
I'm not a hunter, but I have female friends who hunt. I have absolutely no desire! I have a sweet, soft-spoken friend who hunts bear! You go, girl! I guess maybe it has something to do with my aversion to wild game. Sorry all you venison fans, I never developed a taste for it! I will eat the sausage, but that's about it. Any extra meat we get is given to friends and family so it won't go to waste.
I wish you hunters all a safe and prosperous hunting season. I will be inside drinking hot cocoa and watching movies!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's You I Like...Just the Way You Are

I should have known my last name would be "Rogers" one day. My favorite show as a kid was "Mr Rogers' Neighborhood". I loved Mr. Rogers- that sweater-wearing, shoe-changing, fish-feeding, soft-talking gentleman. When he sang "It's You I Like", I felt he was singing it right to me, a little girl who needed to hear that all the time.
People like to make fun of Mr. Rogers, especially Eddie Murphy, who parodied him all the time on SNL. I was particularly protective of him, like you would be a favorite uncle, Grandpa, or father. Even into adulthood, watching with my girls, I was mesmerized by his unique way of speaking to children and relating to them. Many adults back then just didn't know how to do that, so it really stood out to me. He was a minister and a great family man. His character was real, unlike many of the characters on TV today. He was a father figure to children growing up without dads, a pretty big role to fill.
I loved Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and now I have my own Mr. Rogers to love. He doesn't wear cardigans and he never feeds the fish, but he likes me. Just the way I am.

Batman Wears Pink

Here's another Adams Street house story I won't soon forget. Sorry about this, Steve. Here ya go, Misty.....

I was upstairs in bed, reading, and Steve was taking a shower downstairs. The girls were probably 4 and 6 at the time, and were tucked in for the night. So there I am enjoying my quiet reading time, and something flew out of nowhere and dipped right over my head! No warning, of course. I immediately threw the covers up over my head and started yelling for Steve. "STEEEEEEEVE!! THERE'S A BAT UP HERE IN THE BEDROOM!! HEEEEELLLLLPPP!!" I'm not brave when it comes to bats and I don't care what you think of that.
Well, I could hear him yelling back "WHAT??" or at least that's what I thought I was hearing. I kept on yelling, "BAT...UP HERE...HELP ME!" He kept on yelling "WHAT?" or that's what I thought anyway. That, and a few other choice thoughts too.
So I finally ran out of air and had to peek out to see where the bat went and noticed it was gone. Of course, I didn't go check on my kids, who were probably being eaten alive and going rabid at that time. I just shut the door and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, I heard major banging noises from downstairs and I gathered that the bat had just said hello to Steve.

Finally, he came upstairs, opened the door and there he stood. Batman. (Music swells)
Yes, my brave husband stood there, outside the bedroom door. Tennis racquet in one hand, other hand holding up his bath towel, a little pink and white striped number that was too small. I wanted to laugh at first, but thought maybe I'd better ask what happened downstairs first.
I said, "Didn't you hear me yelling?"
With a little condescending tone, he says, "Uh, yeah..I was in the shower!"
"Didn't you hear me yelling "bat"?"
"Yes, I heard you many times and I kept saying, "I know!" and you just kept yelling "bat"!!

Oops, I guess he wasn't saying "what?" after all. He then explained how hard it is to be Batman while wearing your wife's bath towel. He was just a swingin' that racquet, running from room to room, opening doors to the outside, all while trying to hold that pink towel on.
My Batman is so brave, dontcha think??

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I saw a great marquee at the Methodist church in Midland today....


Thought it was very cool and wanted to share that with you.

A Party in the Works!

No, it's not the democratic or republican party, and aren't we glad about that? I am blogging between party planning this week. On Saturday, I am hosting my parents' 40th anniversary party! Most of us kids and grandkids will be here and we are looking forward to it. It's a lot of planning! I've been looking all over for pretty cake napkins and plates and I can't find just the right ones. I'm a little fussy... Anyway, I discovered, quite by accident, that 40th anniversaries are represented by the color "ruby" or red, for you guys out there.
This is after I had already planned the color scheme and ordered the cake from Robaire's. Don't worry, I've called them back and red will be on the cake. So many details....
Now for a trip to the flower shop, another run to the grocery store, and a mega-cleaning session and we'll be good to go.
The menu, you ask? This is where it's a little and dad love homemade pizza and that's what they requested. No fuss, no bother, no formalities, just our family hanging out cooking and eating pizza, playing games and being ourselves. I think I can dig that.
This is a second marriage for both of my parents, who were both married young and divorced. Technically, I am the only child of their marriage. My siblings and I are "halves", although the word was never allowed in our home growing up. I'm pretty sure they used it on me most of the time. I was stinky and spoiled and had no right to live, of course! Somewhat true today as well, if you ask some of them!
My parents overcame many obstacles, coming from different backgrounds with lots of baggage, trying to raise each other's kids...I can't even imagine. There wasn't Dr. Phil or ministers to talk to about these things back then, you just did what you thought was best and that was that. They've been through some doozies through the years, that's for sure.
The fact that they have stayed together for this many years tells me what love can cover. When you really hunker down and stick together, for better or for worse, you get the blessing of a strong marriage. Not a perfect, trouble-free marriage, but a marriage that can take a lot of pressure and still not crack. A good lesson for anyone who wants to stay married.
Forty years is a long time with one person. It seems we should be celebrating with the finest cuts of whatever is finest, but instead, we'll be slobbering over pizza and toasting our parents with grape juice in plastic champage cups. That's just who they are.
And who I am is proud to be their daughter....Happy Anniversary mom and dad...I love you! May God continue His work in your lives and in your marriage!

Decisions '08

The election is finally over and it's about time. Ya'll know me and my anti-political discussion stance, so you know I am looking forward to hearing folks talking about the weather again. Yes, I care about issues, and I am pretty informed! I will be watching with the rest of you to see what happens to our nation from now on with a new president.
Instead of complaining and moaning about this and that though, we really need to step up and be proactive where we are passionate. We can waste a lot of time and energy feeling frustrated and speaking negatively, and sometimes it feels good to be all fired up. However, if you don't do anything past that, it really becomes just a bunch of hot air! I'm sorry, but I can't stand that. I wish I could tell you why, but that's another story for another day. Maybe.
If I'm angry about abortion issues, it does no good to complain unless I'm pairing it with support of pro-life organizations. Yes, I'm pro-life, but that's all you're getting out of me today!
Whether we like who is in command now or not, we have to come together as a nation and be what America stands for. We are united. No matter what, no matter who, we are united.
My mom used to tell my brother, who was a total rebel, that it didn't matter if he liked his teacher or not, she held the grade book and that was that. I often think of her saying that. She was encouraging us to respect authority, whether we think they're right or wrong. Life isn't fair. Good lesson.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Living in America

I like living here in America. I'm not going to get all "land of the free, home of the brave" on you, but I do appreciate my freedom and I love my country.
With Steve's job at a global company, he has many opportunities to work in other countries, such as India, China, Switzerland, and Germany. Out of those 4, there are only 2 I would even remotely consider if the choice was mine. It is usually a 2 year commitment, so it's really not that long. Right now, it's not in Steve's career path to do that, but most people who are above Steve have worked in other countries, so who knows what the future holds.
As much as I love America, I think I would love it more after living somewhere else!
On this election day, we think of America and its freedoms and we are grateful. EVERY day should be so patriotic if you ask me!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Giving 101

In chapter 6 of Matthew, Jesus tells us how to give to the needy....

"Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your father in Heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you they truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Amen to that. I enjoy giving, but I feel even more blessed when I do it anonymously!! Give and give again, but don't take the credit. Really, all that we give belonged to God first anyway. We're just giving through Him what was already His to begin with, right??

Enjoy this season of giving, but do it all year long too. It really does come back to you, only I can't tell you why I know that or I'd be giving up my secrets!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Panty Raid on Adams Street

Oh, you're just wondering what this one's about, aren't you? Well, this one's a classic. Here's a story from when we lived on Adams Street in our old house. It was a charming old house, built in 1886, and had little gaps and cracks which sometimes allowed for unwanted "guests" to check in. Here's what happened....

Steve got up early one Saturday morning, with the intention of letting me sleep in while he cared for the girls, who were still little at the time. I knew he'd be down cooking up a great breakfast as he always did on Saturdays, so I snuggled back down to sleep. That lasted about 10 minutes, when I heard a clinking sound coming from my vanity area. I heard it a few times, so I looked over toward where my glass angel sat on the vanity, and it moved! I was sure I saw something brown and fuzzy sitting there, but because I hadn't put my glasses on yet, eveything looked brown and fuzzy. By the time I got my glasses on and looked, it was gone and so was the noise. Of course, I couldn't go back to sleep, so I headed down to the kitchen to tell my husband there was something brown and fuzzy running around our bedroom, knocking over angels. Yeah, I wasn't too confident about that one. Okay, deep breath. "Hey, Honey, I heard a weird noise in our room, so when I looked over, I saw my angel figurine move and I think maybe a chipmunk or something might be up there." Weak smile from me, typical smirk from him. "Uh, okay. Were you fully awake when this chipmunk or something was running around our room?" I couldn't blame him. I had told him many times of weird noises, shadows, maniacs with chainsaws, but something told me this one was for real.
I told him to humor me, and just go check up there. I must have looked pretty pitiful, because he just went up there, no argument at all. Now, I'm sure he laughed all the way up the stairs while rolling his eyes, wondering how I came to be such a bonehead, and why he married me.
A few minutes later, he assured me that his extensive bedroom search yielded nothing. "I checked the closet, under the bed, the windows...there is nothing up there. I promise you." Now, I trust this man with my life, but I still would not go up in the bedroom for the rest of the day. I imagined he walked in there, jumped on the bed a few times, did a little dance, slammed a couple doors, then came back down to eat the bacon.
Now that night, we were watching TV in bed and I didn't hear anything coming from the vanity. I had to admit that maybe I was imagining things and let Steve laugh at me a bit. It was when I turned off the lamp that the action began, and I don't mean that kind of action. We immediately started hearing a clunking noise, which sounded like something pounding from inside a drawer. That was it for me. "I told you!! There's something in here!" Then I flew out of there, shut the door behind me and ran downstairs, leaving him to deal with whatever it was. Serves him right, he should have actually looked when he went up there!
So, I sat there on the couch, listening to some gruesome banging noises coming from our room, and I suddenly had a terrifying thought. What if it was some venomous, vicious critter and it was attacking Steve? No, I didn't go check. He's a big boy and he has life insurance.
It seemed like a long time, but I finally heard him coming down the stairs. There he was, in his underoos, carrying one of my vanity drawers with a board on top of it. I panicked slightly, then asked, "Is there something in there? What is it?" He said, "well, I followed the noises to the drawers and opened each one. When I opened this one, all I saw was a little pink snout, so I hurried up and shut it. I covered it with this board and I'm just going to take it outside."
"A snout?? What on earth has a snout?" I was beyond freaked out. Something with a snout was in my drawer. While I slept in there! Steve had me open the front door, and we both walked out to the front yard, where he dumped the contents of what turned out to be my underwear drawer on the front lawn. Thank God for darkness is all I could think at that point. So, out runs our little unwanted guest, a baby possum, which tore out of the drawer, through my pile of delicates and up the tree in the front yard. We both looked at each other, completely stunned. Did we see what we think we just saw? Are you really out here in your underwear? Is my underwear really all over the front yard? Can anyone see us??
Needless to say, we were in shock over this little panty raider. We laughed like crazy when we told the story to anyone, and it's still fun to tell to this day. We have a theory for how it got in our house. I think I may have actually carried it in in a laundry basket that was outside and full of clean clothes from the clothesline.
I know possums are nasty. One of the ugliest critters around, in fact. However, babies aren't too bad, especially when they're covered in undies!

Stay tuned for "Batman wears pink"......

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Clearing up the Mystery

Just so you know....I am not depressed and I am not avoiding church. I suffer from non-classic migraines and have had several in the past month. I have been sick on and off since the end of September. However, I am functioning just need to make sheet cakes for my funeral dinner just yet. We have had several weekends of either vacation or family obligations, so we have been doing a lot of running on Sundays, thus, my absence from my usual chair in church. The times I am home, I am trying to get caught up or trying to rest a bit.
Please don't worry, I am fine! I am not depressed. I do get frustrated when I don't feel well and can't tend to the needs of my family. I am annoyed that I can't make a lot of commitments lately. I get super tired! I have an appointment to see my doc in a few weeks, and all will be peachy again. I have a great family who helps me, and a husband who has been my personal nurse for about 20 years now. He takes great care of me and can cook up a storm when I'm not well. I could not ask for more.

Thanks for your concern, but really, I am fine!

Fantastical Elliptical

I am not a big fan of public gyms, clubs, etc... so I've always had some piece of exercise equipment. We started with the treadmill, which I enjoyed for awhile, then it became a great place to store things. It gathered clothes, dust and the kids used to put their stuffed animals on it and watch them fly. Of course, I was supervising and encouraging this event. Finally, the treadmill died. It died of natural causes, certainly not from over-use. I begged Steve for an elliptical machine last year and I enjoyed it awhile.. you get my drift.
Well, I went down to the basement, the home of the elliptical, and it spoke to me. I heard "Hey, lazy butt, pssssttt....over here!" I turned to it, obviously annoyed, and said, "what's with the rude comment, buster?" It replied, "I'm like the Tin Man here...gettin' rusty, lady, where have you been lately? Ya know, hubby there paid good money for me!"
"Are you kidding me? Can't you hear me running the vacuum upstairs, running from room to room, don't you hear the washer going? I am too busy for you!! Get off my back!" He whirled his little pedals up and down and said temptingly, "Don't you want a J-Lo butt? Don't you want thunder thighs? How about those flabby...." I cut him off there. Give me a break. Not one to back down from a challenge, I put down my armload of basement junk, and flipped on the tv. Ooh, I can watch Dancing with the Stars while I get on this thing, guilt-free! "Alright, bad boy, here I come, be ready for the shock!" I then hopped on and began a very slow pace, which increased as I stayed on for 30 minutes! Bad Boy and I were so happy. He's no longer dusty and rusty and I'm on my way to being J-Lo'd, I hope.
Of course, my victory only lasted a short time. I got hit with a nasty nasty headache that afternoon that put me in bed from 3:30 pm to 7:30 the next morning. It won't stop me from heading back down to my fantastical elliptical, if only to be able to watch my favorite shows!

Stay tuned as Steve's weight bench beckons.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Get A Hold Of Yourself

Sorry, guys...if you're looking for excitement in my blogs, it's not here. I do have some stories to tell, but they will have to wait for now.

Another great point from the book I'm reading, Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, by Kara Davis, M.D. is about self-control. She writes, "Victorious living requires self-control, which is an attribute of the Holy Spirit. If we abandon self-control, then the mind-set of the victim will soon follow, not only in our eating but also in every area of our lives". I think she's onto something here....
What? We can't be victorious until we get a hold of ourselves?? Makes sense to me. The opposite of victim is victor. What does it take to be victorious over the area of our health? Approach your circumstance with a desire to change it. Challenge yourself to gain self-control through the power of the Holy Spirit, which you already have in you.
The author makes another point with this situation: If an obese person was stranded on a deserted island and had a limited quantity to eat and had to work to find it, he would eventually lose weight. Someone get me there, quick!
Genetics do play a part in our body types, but the fact is, if we eat more calories than we can burn, we get fat. We don't need that extra food for energy, so it is stored as fat, plain and simple. There are some situations where weight loss is compromised, like with some medications or hormonal changes, other physical conditions, but most of us don't fit into those categories. My husband had thyroid cancer and his weight is very difficult to manage now. He gained a lot of weight after his surgery and it is twice as hard for him to lose weight. That really means he needs to work twice as hard at it. When you work a lot of hours and want to spend time doing things with your family, working out ends up at the bottom of the list.
Do you see yourself much the same way? Are your kids and family taking up most of your time? As mothers, we think that's the way it should be! Just don't let it become the reason you don't exert the self-control over your health.
We can't blame our positions, our relationships, or anything else on why we are the way we are. It's time to be the victor, accept the challenge, and choose to get a hold of ourselves!

She ends each chapter with a prayer:
Lord, I thank you for giving me a free will, and I thank You also for giving me wisdom in making choices that pertain to my health. I ask according to Your Word that You give me the strength through Jesus Christ to lead a lifestyle that is pleasing to You.


Monday, October 27, 2008

"Count the Cost"

What would happen if we really made that lifestyle change we're always talking about? We're going to eat better, work out more, stop doing this, stop doing that.... For one thing, something might have to fit exercise in your life, you have to say no to something else that takes up your time. This is what Dr. Kara calls "Counting the Cost". What are you filling your time with instead of making positive changes in your lifestyle. Can you accomodate eating well and exercise or will it take a back seat to something else? Are you looking for the quick fix, or are you going to allow yourself the time this will take to do it right and to make it permanent?

(Read Luke 14:28 for more about preparing for a big change)

I am deeply into this book I'm still reading. Sorry to bore you with it if you aren't into it! However, it is a journey for me and I am amazed by what I am discovering.

I have been very successful at losing weight in the past, and had even been able to keep it off for two years. Because it was always about the weight and nothing else, it was impossible to maintain that way of life for me. In other words, the change was not permanent. I made it to my specific goal, then I quit. When I gained weight back, I became discouraged and doubted I could do it again. I used to work out up to 5 days a week and I loved it. I believe it was the stress of building this house and now maintaining it that have me spinning, and I don't mean the spinning at the gym!

The author made this comment, "...the things that generate stress will not change just because you decide to eat cauliflower instead of candy bars." So true! Any time you decide to make a true lifestyle change, the heart has to change, your reaction to stress needs to change. It's just not all about what you eat, although we all know it plays a big part.

"Counting the cost" might mean letting some things go in your life because they are simply taking up too much time. How can you plan meals, shop right, and fit in exercise, if you don't prioritize it in the first place? That 4 hours we spend watching tv or the 45 minutes on the internet would make great times to walk, bike, do meal planning, etc... How much are we really willing to commit to ourselves? How many calls are you willing to miss?

What is driving me right now is the poor heart health all throughout my family. Being overweight is linked to stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. I don't want to be unhealthy. But like some smokers will tell you, hearing about lung cancer doesn't make them stop smoking. We can be motivated by all kinds of important things, but the bottom line is you have to exert self-control, you have to be organized, and you have to know what triggers your stress.

Desiring to be disciplined and being disciplined are so far from each other!! I am disciplined in some areas and not in others, so the key is to find out what the differences are and target that. I'm calling it my "mission:possible". For me it's not about losing weight and fitting into my skinny jeans. It's about having faith and taking action! (James 2:17)
So, don't watch for my pants to droop just yet. I am working on the heart and mind first. Anything worth doing takes important planning and strategy with a little patience worked in!!

Finally...News Worth Sharing!!

I finally got my prayer dearest and oldest friend is moving back to Michigan in May '09!! Her husband Steve (yes, Steve) will be transferring to his new job in Kalamazoo in January. We'll still be a few hours away, but at least I know she'll finally be back on Michigan soil!! The family is pretty happy about the move. They have 4 kids....Taylor (senior), Sam (freshman), Chase (6th grade), and Regan (5th grade)...the first 3 are boys, the last is their only girl!
We are very happy that we will finally be able to spend time with them without it being a 10 hour drive! We have kept in touch for the last 10 years almost daily, but it's not the same as spending time together in person! God has blessed me with Patty and is now bringing her 7 hours closer!! Thank you!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weight is just a symptom of a bigger issue

I'm not sharing my thoughts today, as I found a portion of the book I'm reading to really tell it like it is, and I can't do better than that, so here goes...

From the book, Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, by Dr. Kara Davis:

-Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. -Matthew 5:17

(author speaking) Our verse for today is taken from the Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus makes a point that would utterly confound the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes during His entire earthly ministry, and that was the distinction between a mere adherence to the law and an understanding of the essence of the Law. Let me make it clear before we go any further that I am not in any way equating the friction that existed between Jesus and the religious leaders with our goal of making lifestyle changes for better health. My point is this: the religious leaders were so determined to stick to the letter of the law that they failed to comprehend the spirit of the law-the big picture. And this tendency to miss the big picture is exactly what we want to avoid when we make a decision to lose weight.
The big picture is not that you chew your food at a slower rate and take longer to complete a meal. Yes, that may be important in terms of satiety signals, but that is not the big picture. The big picture is not whether or not you eat past six o'clock in the evening. Yes, that may be a good practice, especially if you have acid reflux, but it is not the big picture. Making sure you drink a specified number of glasses of water each day is not the big picture, although we certainly don't want to become dehydrated. Yes, these are the sorts of rules we are quick to follow, expecting results. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that unless we grasp the big picture, the rules don't do much in the long run. Just ask my friend who drank honey, lemon juice and vinegar each morning.
The big picture relates to the character traits (or character flaws) that prevent us from making permanent changes for better health. So if our daily menu (that is, what, when, and how much we'll eat and how it will be prepared) represents the letter of the law, then such attributes as self-control, discipline, moderation, sobriety, subjecting the flesh, and resisting temptation would represent the essence of the law.
With that analogy, it should be clear why diet plans are destined to fail unless attention is given to why the diet plan is needed in the first place. This would constitute the essence of the matter. Any dietician can prescribe a 1200, 1400, or 1600-calorie meal plan, but no dietician can make us practice self-control. A popular diet might favor proteins over carbohydrates or vice versa, but no diet plan-no matter how popular-can tell us how to subject our flesh and resist temptation. We can tally points, and we can make exchanges, bu6t neither points nor exchanges can teach us discipline and moderation.
One person may enjoy a slice of pie operation with a mature level of self-control, while another person may eat celery sticks and be severely lacking in self-control. The first person will enjoy the foods he or she eats yet maintain a healthy body weight. The second person will tolerate celery sticks for a season, then resume the bad habits that contributed to their weight problem, and in the long run find themselves weighing more than when they started.
Legalism hurt the ancient Palestinians, and it hurts us today. Never forget that it is the essence of the law that matters, and learning the essence comes by way of the Holy Spirit.

(me speaking now) This really hit home with me. I love this book!! It has been a great no-nonsense, tell it like it is kind of book. Jesus was a "tell it like it is" person too, and I feel a great combination between her medical degree and her spiritual one as well.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Unconditional Love

"God's love is not about what we DO, it's about WHO he is!!" ~Joyce Meyer

Sure, God wants us to live by His ways, but guess what?? He loves you right where you are--no strings attached. He wants to be let into our hearts entirely and he'll find a way to do it if you are willing to let him in.

Sometimes we think we're beyond hope, but God can turn any mess into something beautiful if you let him have it all!!

Most of all, let him love you, because he already does!!

Be blessed...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bad timing and Big questions

It has been one of those weeks where so much has happened in a short period of time. On the day of my uncle's last viewing, his sister and her husband had to leave the funeral home as their 40 year old daughter's water broke! She had a healthy baby boy, and they missed it by 10 minutes. They also missed Uncle Larry's passing by 10 minutes.
My aunt's neighbor, who was such a big help to them when Uncle Larry died, lost her own father the day of my uncle's funeral. On October 5th, my nephew's girlfriend's brother died suddenly at age 32. My nephew attended a funeral for my uncle and a viewing of his future brother in law on the same day. Tragedy doesn't take turns and it doesn't know timing.
I heard so many comments from so many people, and the majority of them were questions. Why this, why that? When someone dies, there are so many different things that go through your head. Why now? Why this way? Why this day? Why at that age? Why at that circumstance?
It made me realize even more how important, how crucial it is to have a relationship with our Lord and Savior. Sure, Christians have the same questions, the same pain and anguish, but we have a certain peace too. It's the peace that we know God is going to use this loss for His glory. He will turn it into something good, and hopefully we will be watching for it and recognize it for what it is.
Be blessed.

Happy "Have a Nursery" to Us!

Ha! I fooled you with that title, didn't I? Did you really think we were having another baby?? Silly you! Nope. That title is based on what Serena used to say when she meant to say Happy Anniversary! She loves special occasions, that's for sure.
Today is our 14th anniversary! In a few days, it will actually be our 20th anniversary, as we like to celebrate how many years we've been together, not just married. It took that boy awhile to get his act together and ask me, didn't it?? I didn't make it easy either. Nope. We didn't live together either. He had to earn the right to see how scary I am in the morning!! All that waiting made us appreciate each other all the more and it has worked very well for us!
In honor of our anniversary, Steve is whisking us off to some romantic locations up north. I know, i know, it might be c-c-c-cold, but I actually LOVE to be up north, especially in the fall. He tells me our hotel suite (yes, suite!) is a two story jobber with a fireplace, balcony, and hot tub inside!! Oh, that boy IS good, isn't he? He has scheduled us for dual massages....still not sure what I think of that! I have 24 hours to cancel, is all I know. I don't like strange people touching me!! You all know they talk about you when you leave, right?? I just about have myself talked out of it already!!
I will be taking pictures with my NEW camera, and it is just Woweee good. I've been playing around with it and it is from planet awesome, just like Steve.
I will be posting about our trip later on!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Limey Straightenbaccchhh....

We just arrived home from another trip to the surgeon and orthotist in Saginaw. Nat was due for an x-ray and checkup. We've had a lot of challenges with her brace so far, and it has been tough trying to figure this out! We had some issues with the way part of the brace was shoving into her armpit, and the fact that it was so long in the back that she couldn't use the bathroom. Her clothes sort of fit over it, but pants are the real challenge. She has some that will go over it, however, as she walks or sits, they creep down the back and she can't feel it happening. Hello! Who wants their pants falling down? Especially at school! Fifth grade is hard enough to concentrate on without all of that monkey business going on back there.
Our answer to that was to have her put it on immediately after school and wear it until she woke up the next morning, leaving it at home for the school day. However, we weren't sure that it was helping her much doing it that way. We just didn't know what else to do. The surgeon sent over a prescription to the orthotist to cut it down a bit, which Ed did not want to do! He said, Oh well, if Tony wants it done, you gotta do it! Tony is Dr. Debari to us, of course. I insisted something needed to be done about this bathroom issue. No one should have to put up with that.
So, we will try it again. The x-rays with the brace on showed that there is improvement while she wears it, so that's good, I guess. He put some pads in it today, as her body is trying to fight the brace a bit and overcorrect on the opposite side. At this point, we still don't know if this will be enough to prevent a future surgery, so we are just doing what they tell us to do and trusting them.
She will probably wear her brace to school this week. I pray the kids will be understanding. She has a lot of friends and is well-liked in her class, so I really don't think she'll have a problem. She's pretty well-adjusted and she likes herself!! Praise God for that!! I'm probably more worried than she is.
It was a long day in Saginaw, so Daddy stopped at Baynes and got us some nummy yummies...cider donuts, apple cinnamon rolls as big as dinner plates, pumpkin ice cream, and honeycrisp apples. I just may eat them all and go to bed. I stillllllll have my headache, but I got a nice call from an angel who says she has a remedy for me. I will be calling her tomorrow for sure!!!

Is there such a thing as Grief Relief?

My Uncle was finally laid to rest yesterday after passing on September 29th. It has been a long and emotional week for our small family. This is a huge loss for us. Since he began his health struggles, we have pulled together and prayed harder than we probably ever have. We have heard and seen things we would have never experienced without this situation. I know God will make this good. He has promised that much, but it doesn't make this feel any more right, any less painful, or any more "okay". It is not okay! My grief has come in the form of a constant migraine that I've had since last Monday. I can't even imagine how my aunt and cousins feel. Our family is small. My mom only has 1 sister, so I lost my only uncle. This comes on the heels of losing my grandma in December, so my family is getting smaller. I am determined to learn from this, as I don't want another family member to leave without my telling them how much they mean to me. I am so grateful for email, as my uncle and I exchanged so many emails while he was still able. He loved to play pranks and laugh and had an awesome sense of humor. Our connection was always based on something funny, so I sent him things to keep his spirits up. I told him how much God loved him. I am so glad I did that!! I learned a lot about that side of the family that have touched my heart. The way they cared for their dad and husband and how hard they fought with him was just so full of love. They kept a tireless vigil by his bedside, never leaving him alone. They were able to spend precious time with him that most of us don't get when someone dies.
I don't know if there is such a thing as "grief relief". Right now, there isn't. I will replay memories of my uncle in my mind for a long time. I will miss him and the light he brought into our family. For now, he will be perfecting his golf game in heaven, playing pranks on the angels, and waiting for all of us to come home.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Preparing for the Days Ahead

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Creation Scapes

It's been an insomniac week for me, so I was flipping through channels the other night and came across a really cool show!!
It's on the Daystar channel, which for me and Dish Network is channel 263, I believe. It's called Creation Scapes. It plays beautiful music while gorgeous nature scenes play. Every now and then scriptures will come up. There is a different theme for each show. I set my DVR and I now have 13 of them to watch! These would be so great for ill people to have on while they recover, moms on bedrest, waiting rooms, nursing homes, church nurseries, etc.... I can see so many places where it would be so soothing to have. It's great for the insomniac like me! I also turn it on while I clean or decorate the house. I do have a DVD recorder, but have no idea how to record shows on it!!
Even if you're not into that kind of thing, maybe someone you know would like it. Once in awhile I like something soothing to put on while I read. This works great! Add to that my hot tea, stretch pants,and very fuzzy throw, and I'm a happy camper!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Be An Organ Donor.....start with the heart

I just erased everything I was going to say because I just don't want to share it right now. What I want to make sure I say is that if you don't plan on using your organs after you die, do you think you could donate them?
I am an organ donor and I firmly believe that being one is vitally important to someone else.
Families who are desperate for organs are going through tremendous anguish.
If you believe God will give you a new body when you die (and he will), then you don't need them anymore! Give them to someone who needs a chance at life. Your body will not look any different on the outside, but maybe your heart or lungs will breathe new life into someone else's body! How cool is that??
God made amazing people who can do amazing things. He placed many of them at Cleveland Clinic. After the stories I have heard of this place, I will recommend it to anyone with heart and lung issues. One day I will share more, but I'm feeling a little sad about the whole thing right now, so I will ramble too much.
The point is.................BE AN ORGAN DONOR. Until you can be one, share your heart with as many people as you can. As my uncle kept reminding us is all there is. Nothing else matters.
Since God IS love, you all know why that matters. If you don't, then maybe it's time for you to find out. It wasn't too late for my uncle, and for that I am grateful. I want to be with everyone I love in heaven one day. If anyone wants to know more about what that means, they can call me or my friend Mary at the church and we will happily tell you!
God bless...more later...I'm a bit frazzled.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Return of the Chocolate

I blogs have been a little introspective and kind of depressing lately. Well, that's the way life is sometimes!! Up and down like a stinking roller coaster. You get off and throw up. Well, that's the point of my story.
Steve came home from work last week with a few groceries I had asked him to get. Well, I didn't know he picked up a bag of peanut butter m&m's, cherry cordial chocolate kisses, and a bag of hershey's minis. I don't know what that guy was thinking. We got home from church and immediately I smelled chocolate. I looked down and saw a grocery bag and chocolate strewn all over the floor. My dog was nearby, looking a little green around the gills. I panicked, as most of you may know, chocolate is toxic for dogs! I immediately assessed the situation. She didn't get much chocolate as the m&m's were mostly peanut butter. The kisses were mostly cherry filled, and she didn't quite get the bag open on the miniatures, so they were safe. We went on the internet to see what kind of trouble she was in, and it was good news. She hadn't eaten enough to kill herself. Whew! That's all we would have needed with all that was going on at that time.
Anyway, we were getting settled for the night a little later than usual, and it started. The "it" being major chocolate vomiting by the dog. It started around 11:00 pm, and lasted however long it takes to barf 12 times in 3 different rooms. We followed her around with a dustpan, but she wanted us to back off, probably so she could eat it all over again, I don't know. Sorry about that, but it's true. Cleaning it up was quite unpleasant, as I have a very weak stomach. Poor Steve. He always wanted to be a doctor, and he should have been! He can handle vomit like a pro. He's a pretty good dingleberry cutter-offer as well. If you have a long-haired dog, you know what that means.
So, I now know how to kill my craving for chocolate, and it will save me many many pounds of weight gain in the future. If chocolate ever comes into my house again, it will not be sitting in a bag by the back door, I can guarantee that! Oh, and our yard is speckled with pretty bits of bright pink cherry cordial kisses wrappers wherever our dog relieved herself. It's quite sparkly when the sun shines.

Monday, September 29, 2008


My uncle is finally at peace. He entered heaven this evening and met up with his parents, granddaughter Brittany, my Grandma Brown, and best friend Russ. My uncle was a believer, and his faith grew stronger and stronger as people witnessed around him. His illness was an opportunity for him and his family to grow closer to God in ways they never imagined.
We didn't get the miracle we prayed for, but blessings were definitely there.
Thanks to all who have been praying for him and the family. I know it kept them going.

He Reigns!

I have another song stuck in my head today....."He Reigns!" I know some of the lyrics, but for some reason, I just keep singing that part out since yesterday. I'm not sure who sings it, but I like whoever it is. I just love my WOW Hits 2008 CD too. If you want a copy, let me know. I am always willing to burn great music for a friend!


Sunday, September 28, 2008


As you know, my Uncle Larry has been struggling for his life these past few weeks, in need of a lung transplant. I thought you'd want to know how God has been working in this!
They wanted to take him off the vent last Thursday, as he wasn't improving. Well, God had other plans! He began improving later that evening. He continued to stay stable and was placed at the top of the transplant list at Cleveland Clinic. He can receive a lung (or 2) from a 2000 mile radius. We don't know what the future holds for him now, but being on the list gives his family hope.
God has sent wonderful people to care for him, pray for him, and pray for his family. The people at Cleveland Clinic are amazing, thoughtful, and so professional. What they do can only be a gift from God himself!
As far as I'm concerned, he's receiving a miracle every day he is still with us. Thank you all for praying for a family you may never meet. It has meant so much to us!!

Weighty Matters II

I'm still working on getting to the heart of the weight issue, and guess what? It's going to take awhile! That's just the way it is with anything that is worth doing. It's never easy, there's never a quick answer, and it usually hurts first!
Knowing that my eating is a spiritual stronghold does not make finding the solution an easier journey. It just makes the journey begin.
I was getting a migraine during service today (not your fault PD), and the first thing I asked Steve to do for me was get me a coke and some salty chips. Hmmmm....the coke is normal....I usually try caffeine to head it off, but the chips were a comfort thing.
I spent 6 hours in bed when I got home, which wasn't pleasant, and it tends to depress me to have to ruin a whole day. So..physical pain leads to emotional pain, leads to eating, then back to emotional pain. WHOA!! Time to break that cycle!
I was diagnosed with migraine, non-variant, vascular headaches, with mild depression, anxiety, tacchycardia, MVP, and something weird with my lung capacity. I am generally healthy, but chemically, there's stuff going on all the time! The MVP (mitral valve prolapse) causes the oxygen issue, which causes the anxiety. The fatigue from having my heart racing a lot makes me feel like an old woman at times. I don't like to take medicine if I don't have to. I guess I've been using food to comfort me, and I hadn't put that all together like that before. I think not feeling well for the past several years of my life has made me a bit resentful. I have missed out on a lot.
Confessing that, and making that connection with weight is a first for me. I guess I haven't fully given that over to God, and that is now my direction.
Stay tuned as I make more revelations. God is peeling back some layers on me, and I don't know what will come out next!!
God Bless!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weighty Matters

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17

But food does not bring us near to God;we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do." 1Corinthians 8:8

If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple. 1Corinthians 3:17

I am reading yet another book on weight control.....yawn, I know. However, I am searching for the reason I don't take care of my temple. This one is spiritually based. No points to count, no meetings to attend, no weird diets of all-green foods or no carbohydrates. Those are ways to treat the symptoms, but I'm looking for the cause. I'm looking for a lifetime lifestyle change. Not just a way to drop an easy 20. I've been successful in losing weight in the past, however, at some point, I gain most of it back. I'm tired of failing!!
I don't need willpower. I just need to care about myself. See why I'm reading the book?
Many of us girls spend time discussing our weight, size, diet plan, etc...but we rarely open up about what's in our hearts and minds behind the food issues we have. I'm willing to share mine with anyone who wants to share theirs. Food is too much of a comfort in our lives, and we need to shift that focus to God and the comfort he gives us. He loves us just the way we are, but he wants what's best for our temples. It's where he resides! I want to be healthy and active, energetic and strong! I may never be the bony girl I used to be, and that's okay, but I want to know I'm doing something that will enrich my life, and provide a positive example for my growing girls. We focus on health and staying active, not what we weigh.
So, this is my new journey and I will keep you posted as to what I learn from this book. If you struggle with your weight or lack of motivation, share your thoughts with me.

Proverbs 27:17...As iron sharpens iron, so one man (or woman) sharpens another.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reality TV and Me

Ever since the first season of Survivor, I have been a reality TV fan. I tuned in to Big Brother for the first season and found that I was fascinated with human behavior. Sure, I took lots of psych in college, including abnormal, but the human behavior in these shows was much more than I could learn from a textbook! It's amazing how people will turn on each other so quickly. They "claim" it's because they're playing a game, but it's almost like they're doing it because they have the freedom to act on bad behavior. Well, I got over my "survivor" addiction pretty quickly when it got kind of raunchy. The emphasis shifted from the game to airing whatever got the best ratings. Of course, my kids can't watch shows with so-called "good ratings", so it's out at our house. Besides, I could only stand so much of Jeff Probst, his annoying dimples, and the way he makes the loser put out his torch. Very cliche' if you ask me. Bring back the original "survivor" and I may watch again.
I am a huge fan of music, so of course, I tune in for American Idol each season. Everyone knows what a maniac I become when that show is on. It's like the Superbowl each week for me! Love it!
I am also watching Dancing with the Stars, which just aired for the first time last night. I won't give my commentary on the show, but I will say the costumes are getting skimpier and skimpier. Natalie was watching with me and said "WHOAAAA where are her underpants????" I would have told her, however, I wasn't sure she was wearing any.
I also love Jon and Kate Plus 8, Ace of Cakes, Design Star, The Next Food Network Star, Mythbusters, Survivorman, Wipeout, and a few others.
Because of the lack of "family" type shows, we watch a lot of the above shows as a family. Some of the "TGIF" family shows need to be resurrected from the 80's! Bring us the Cosby's, the Seaver's, The Keaton's, Mrs. Garrett, and even Urkel!! I don't know about you, but I would watch a nerdy kid with a nasaly voice over a dumb girl in a too-small bikini any day!! I know "it" sells, but I'm not buying!
Thankfully, there's a little something called TV on DVD, and you can purchase many, if not all, of your favorite shows on disc! When reality tv finally wears itself out, I will be happily watching reruns and eating my jiffy pop popcorn. Maybe I'll start with "The Muppet Show". Gotta love that one!

Music To My Ears

Ever have a song stuck in your head? Every time you get in the shower, drive the car, wake up in the middle of the night....there it is again?? Sometimes it will drive me crazy, especially if it's a song I don't really care for. This time I've had a song in my head since last Wednesday and it's okay with me. Here it is....

Praise You In This Storm- the amazing Casting Crowns

I was sure by now
God, you would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again
I say Amen,
And it's still raining.
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear
you whisper through the rain
I'm with you
And as your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
You are who you are
No matter where I am
And every tear I cry
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise you in this storm.

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to you
Raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find you


I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of heaven and earth.

This gem is from their album, Lifesong. Check them out at for more great songs for your heart and soul!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Just Love II

My uncle's poor condition has put him back in ICU today. They are going to put him on a vent, however, it will not mean that he can't be on the transplant list as we had heard before. If all goes well, he will make the list by this Thursday. He has been taken off the blood thinners so he can be prepared for the surgery.
My parents are in Cleveland with them this weekend and will stay as long as they are needed. My mom has grown so much in her faith through this trial. She prayed with the family over my uncle and has encouraged them to pray with him and together. You go, MOM!! This took a lot of courage for her to do, being her first time really expressing her faith in this way. I am so grateful she is there praying with them, since all of us are here and unable to be with them. She called to ask me if she was doing the right thing, and I reassured her that God will enable her to do all she needs to do! And yes, you're doing the right thing. I told her, "Be a light!"
We are so grateful for all of the prayers our church family and friends have been sending up. We have been continually blessed by the prayers of the church. I don't know how people make it through difficult times without a church family and Christian friends. God bless all of you.

Where To Begin

 Where to begin.... I've been absent but present in my own world, and it seems that world has been spinning at a speed I can't contr...