It's fall here in Michigan, but with a second fresh blanket of snow and a single digit on the thermometer,I will challenge that title as I put on a fuzzy pair of socks. I caught myself complaining about the snow yesterday as I woke up early in the morning, prepared for a positive day. The snowy morning caught me off guard, realizing my oldest daughter, who had stayed an extra night at home this weekend, had to make the almost 90 minute drive back to her college apartment that afternoon. I had looked at the weather report the day before and didn't see anything about this surprise snow storm, and as some mothers do, I began to worry. Oh, how I love finding a surprise ten dollar bill in a winter coat pocket the first time I wear it, or come upon a sale at my favorite store, and yes, they have my size, but my zeal for surprise snow storms ranks right up there with surprise plumbing malfunctions.
My beautiful, smart, courageous daughter assured me she had driven in much worse conditions, and she would take it slow and carefully on those hilly, curvy, so-far-away-from-cell-tower roads. Yes, she would, but what about everyone else? Why should I trust that everyone else was going to be slow and careful around my precious cargo? She hugged me tight, we shared "I love yous" and I caught her hazelish, bluish-green gaze for a few long seconds. Out the door she went, and my worried mom mind wondered why she looked at me that way. She "shared her location" with me on her cell phone so I could basically be her digital passenger, watching her every stop and move, losing her only through those dead zones only open wild country provide. I prayed for her protection and safety as I do every day, yet why was I so worried? Why can't I "let go and let God"?
It took awhile after my prayer to suddenly feel peaceful. After a long, slow drive, she did make it back to college safely in time for her test. I was grateful, but I know this is something I need to work on intentionally. It's coming up a lot lately. Trust. Faith. Letting go. And these are the keys to peace, my ultimate goal. God knew all these shakeups, big and small,were going to be a part of my life one day. What I didn't realize is that I was going to try to juggle them all by myself and get myself all out of balance. I can't stop the snowstorms, I can't fix my mother's depression, I can't heal my youngest daughter's migraines, I can't stop people from doing things I wish they'd stop doing! Hey, I can't control anything. Did I just figure this out? No. I must be a slow learner.
However....the Word of God has a lot to say about my goal of peace. I can't get this through osmosis, I actually have to keep APPLYING this in order for it to take hold of my heart, soul, and mind.
John 14:27 PEACE I leave with you;my PEACE I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
He has already left me with Peace, and I lose it every time I give it up to worry.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,PEACE,forbearance,kindness,goodness, faithfulness.
These qualities are produced in me by the Spirit when I align myself with Christ. Again, it's already been given. It's what I have when I am more like Him in all I say and do. How can I say I trust God and then turn around and worry about the very thing I just trusted Him for? That's so worldly of me. That's me expecting God to do what the world does. Not many people in this world can be trusted-to stop at stop signs, to drive carefully on snowy roads, to be kind instead of hurtful, to keep a secret, to do what they say they will do. But I know Who can be trusted, and who comes through every time even when the outcome isn't what my worldly mind can understand. A spiritual osmosis.Letting God's way take over my spirit. Now that, I can get behind.
Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives strength to his people;the Lord blesses his people with PEACE.
Psalm 34:14 Turn from evil and do good;seek PEACE and pursue it.
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect PEACE those whose minds are steadfast,because they trust in you.
Peace is a wonderful and desired side effect of trust. It is who God is. He is not just the epitome of peace. He IS peace. If He is in me, then I am peace too. I love words that are repeated over and over in the Bible. It means it is important to get that point! God is the parent who knew we had to have things repeated over and over because we are stubborn, wayward children sometimes who don't listen as they should. I am one of those children. I am a child of one of those children, and I may have a couple of those children. But it's no excuse. We DO know better. We just need to DO better.
Lord, help us all become who you designed us to be. Refine us into the peace-seeking, Christ-minded, people-loving individuals who will continue your work here on earth. And help us to remember to trust you, seek you, and yes, even love and honor you more in all we say and do. Amen.
Let that be all for today. I'm glad to be back writing. I've had all kinds of obstacles, but I am knocking them over one at a time. Love to all and blessings to those who take the time to read.
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