Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bloom Where You're Planted

Ever feel like your talents and abilities are going unnoticed? Maybe you try to get involved in stuff only to feel like you're a third, fourth, or fifth wheel? I think people can be really guilty of stereotyping others, therefore, missing out on all the gifts they have to offer. I have often put in good words for many people, only to hear back, "Oh, I don't know about asking that person..." What? Are you kidding me? It's so unfair. If someone wants to volunteer or you know someone who would do a great job, the last thing you do is decide to judge them. Who do they think they are anyway? Obviously I won't be specific, and specifics don't matter anyway.

I spent a lot of time volunteering over the years, and although I understand the whole concept of doing things for the Lord and not expecting anything from men, I'm sorry, I like to hear "thank you". It makes me feel better about leaving my family behind to give my time to someone else. I've had to learn that not everyone is worthy of that time, so some things go on the chopping block. My three at home come first,so I don't lose sleep over it! When I was responsible for getting volunteers for something, I made sure they felt valued and used in the best way according to their gifts. It took T I M E, but it was worth it. I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't like to be thanked. Those two words go a long way!

What I've learned is that where I thought I wanted to be or what I wanted to do was in fact not right for me at all. I'm still not sure where the right places are exactly, but I hope I'll know them when I see them. I have gifts to share, and I plan to use them, but I've also learned to just bloom wherever I'm planted. That could mean a lot of different things that I didn't volunteer for. I've noticed that I've developed my gift of encouragement even more by helping people with various situations. My husband pointed that out to me one day when he said, "You can tell what people think of you when you're the first they call for help." I'd never thought of it that way, but I felt really good being able to use my gift of both encouragement and wisdom. I don't really need a "volunteer position" for that at all.

I guess my point is that we shouldn't overlook what people have to offer just because we have certain opinions of that person. In the end, God will make sure our opinions don't count when He's trying to get something done with one of His kids. And if you're in the way of that? Watch out. You just might find yourself in clean up duty!!

Happy Blooming!

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