Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don't Call Me!

Everyone who knows me knows my disdain of all things political. So, you probably would guess my annoyance level at election time! This time was no different, of course, with more smear ads, excessive phone calls all day, and signs blocking my vision at corners. If I hated politics then, none of those things won me over this time either. I'd rather have my teeth drilled without novacaine. Yes, really!!

I respect reality and truth, and find that politics is the direct opposite. Before you tell me who your favorite is and why they are so not like that, know that I will be rolling my eyes inside. Sorry. It's just that annoying for me. As I get older, I tolerate it less and less. Everyone has an agenda, and some stop at nothing to get it. Some are more concerned about winning than working. Some blow so much money on campaigns, it just makes me wonder just how many sick children or starving people that money could have served. Self-serving yes men and women. Ugh!! And they wonder why voter apathy exists.

Okay, enough of my own smear campaign. At least where that topic is concerned anyway. For several weeks, we were subjected to harassing phone calls by people with thick accents. They called at least 4 times a day, asking for a person who we don't even know. When I would tell them they had the wrong number, they'd hang up abruptly. However, if I let the machine pick up, they left names, numbers, and a message about a "package" or a "check" to pick up. I googled all the numbers and found that a few of them were reported by other people who were getting harassed as well. One of them was asked for money! I was extremely frustrated to say the least. I was so angry by their intrusion that I decided I was going to blow a whistle into the phone. I never got the chance. They stopped calling. We were so relieved, and I hope they don't call back again. This was going on at the same time as all the political phone calls. Talk about your acid tests. Yikes. I'm keeping my whistle by the phone, by the way.

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