Thursday, December 8, 2011

I am Charlie and Charlie is Me

I've been dabbling in the party business a bit heavily lately, of course, beginning with Serena's big bash. On Tuesday night, I hosted a table at our church's annual Christmas Tea. My guests were probably the best ones there...5 young teens! And finally...finally...I was able to do the table I've always wanted to do...Charlie Brown Christmas! Of course, it was someone else's idea as well...and that's just peachy. I'm glad someone else loves Charlie Brown as much as me. I didn't know it was possible! I know now. Ahem. :)

Anyway, more importantly, the girls who came had a wonderful time. Typically not an event for the young, they seemed to appreciate the party atmosphere anyway. The speaker was wonderful and the girls laughed at all her jokes. I was just so glad they were listening. What a message for young and old. I was also blessed with 2 empty seats. I say that because I was able to have one of the girls' moms sit with me at the table. She really enjoyed herself as well. We had a nice visit, and it was nice to have another adult to interact with the girls. I was, however, disappointed that my own Serena chose not to attend. She just didn't want to be a tag along, and nothing I could say would change her mind. She was quite firm about waiting to sit at the youth table when she's actually in youth. She is such a rule follower. And stubborn. I hope that serves her well later in life, as experts have told me it would. I missed my little stinker girl for sure.

Ya know, I don't know why I'm always taken by surprise when God works things out for me. I don't know why I always panic first, get annoyed first, grit my teeth first. I should just say out loud, "God's got this", because He does and has EVERY time. EVERY TIME!! I really worry and stress for nothing. I continue to give my concerns to God and then keep part of them for me to stew over. Oh, why can't I just get it for once and for all?? Because I have much more to learn and much farther to grow. That's why.

I was delighted to find out that our pastor is a big Charlie Brown fan too. Said it was the best cartoon ever made. And he really liked my table.
I relate to Charlie not because I walked around as a depressed, oppressed child who always fell for the football trick. I walked around, wanting to be loved just for being me. I didn't get a rock in my trick or treat bag. I didn't get called "blockhead", but sometimes in life, you feel like a blockhead who just deserves a big ole rock. And who can't love Snoopy? Truly, one of the coolest dogs ever, aside from my own late Sophie girl, of course.

So, Saturday is yet another party, and this one's a breeze. Good times, good friends, laid back fun. I can't wait!

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