Friday, September 14, 2012


Wish I could post more,but until we can get some sort of high speed, i have to wait until I go into civilization! We've been busy enjoying these last couple of weeks with school now in session. On Labor Day weekend we sort of fulfilled one of my watch a movie outside! We built a fire and just plugged in our portable DVD player and put it on the picnic table...rednecks for sure! We had our snacks and comfy chairs and loved every minute of it! The girls looked so cute on the first day, Natalie with her 'mermaid' braid, Serena with her beloved Beatles shirt. They are both enjoying their first year of jr. high and high school so far. Natalie marched for the first time last week IN THE RAIN. She wasn't too thrilled about it but as usual, the band did a super great job. I yelled louder for them than our winning football team! I was also busy doing some, that is, of our triplets in the family. They are crazy to work with, but so fun too.
They all look so much alike, don't they? These are the new uniforms our community provided! Not quite the nerdy one I had to wear a looooong time ago!
Aren't they sweet?
My special after-school snack for them...homemade oatmeal cream pies!
Chelsea, Riley, and Nicole, almost 16 already!

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