Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sunshine in My Soul

For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness", made His light shine in our hearts....2 Cor. 4:6

Monday, January 27, 2014

Bone Tired of Bone Cold

Yes, this is Michigan, but not the Michigan I know and love. I don't know whose weather this is, but I am tired of it. I don't really mind snow, and I just got cross country skis, but it's too cold to be outside. The deer are having trouble finding food, Angel can't stay out to get the exercise she needs, and the furnace runs all the time. The school year has been disjointed with all the snow days too. Yes, I am in whiny mode today, Michigan. I'm just a little disappointed in you. 
Until just a few days ago I thought I had overcome that dark time in winter I usually visit called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. I have had it nearly every winter, mostly in the dead of January. I was surprised I hadn't experienced it yet. Yet being the operative word. Saturday it hit me. And now I am a bundle of fun.... Not. 
How I long to be a snowbird right now, flying to warmer climates just to save my sinking spirits! Instead I keep the sun on my face and healthy food in my body. I have to work at staying motivated to do anything. My dear hubby said, let's get this basement done for Super Bowl! I said quite flatly, I don't give a crap about Super Bowl, or anything for that matter. He's been working hard building a wall and hanging dry wall, and I'm not even excited. Yet. I will be in a month or two... I hope! This too shall pass, I know. But sometimes I just have to lament awhile and then I'm fine again. Sort of. Ahh, winter is fun. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Weekend at the Nest

My favorite thing in the world is to be home, hanging out with my best friend and hubby ( one in the same!), deciding what movie to watch or what game to play with the girls. This is a time in our family to be cherished. In just a few short years, our time with our girls will be shared with the rest of the world- they will be driving ( one is almost licensed!), dating ( if we let them!), spending more time out with friends and school functions, and the dreaded first jobs. I say this because once they begin to leave the nest, leaving gets easier and easier.... To them. Never for us! I do dread them one day leaving for good. Big audible sigh...
I came across a good book to help me through this fast-approaching change: "Feathers for my Nest", by Beth Moore. I downloaded it one day when all her books were being offered for free. I chose it because I loved the cover. As I began to read it, I knew it was no coincidence. I have been asking God to help me prepare my birds for flight. To prepare me for an empty nest one day. It might be 4 years away, but it feels like 4 days in my heart. This world is super fast. My adaptation to change is super slow! This book has been ministering to my heart in so many ways and making me cry a little for what is certain to come. 
Tonight I will enjoy being tucked inside my warm and happy home, where daddy just gave our 14 year old daughter a running piggyback ride through the house. I cherish these times. I will miss this the most....

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Our 8 year old furnace had been acting up for the last three weeks. Several cold nights and dollars later, we are finally warm again. I caught myself lamenting about " all the things breaking down at once!" And just realized in the midst of my whining that it can always always always be worse!!  Our circumstances may be a little rough right now, but we have so much more than that! God is so much bigger than this! He loves us and will see us through. Nothing can destroy what God has created. That means a lot to me in the midst of great financial strain. We are glad for the medical bills, for it means our daughter is on the mend.  However, $1000 propane bills I can do without. Sigh... And we wonder why it is so easy for our hearts to worry and slip our eyes off God sometimes? The world is hard and we are ill- equipped in the flesh. I thanked God in my prayers this morning that He is in me, and that with His Spirit, I simply cannot fail. What a peace that brings. He is always working, whether your furnace is or not!  He is where my help comes from, and He will continue to pull me out of the muck and set me high on a rock. This might not be a " happy" time, but we will have joy regardless of our circumstances because He IS! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Be back soon

Well, my laptop is in serious need of repair, so no blogging for awhile. Typing on my phone is like picking up lint with broken tweezers. However, I will be writing about some new topics soon. Thank you SirNorm and Angela for your encouragement along the way. I have realized that I have found more encouragement in the most unexpected places lately. I have also realized I need a lot of enccouragement. God provides in the most interesting ways. Thank you! I hope to find  working laptop soon. 

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...