Monday, January 27, 2014

Bone Tired of Bone Cold

Yes, this is Michigan, but not the Michigan I know and love. I don't know whose weather this is, but I am tired of it. I don't really mind snow, and I just got cross country skis, but it's too cold to be outside. The deer are having trouble finding food, Angel can't stay out to get the exercise she needs, and the furnace runs all the time. The school year has been disjointed with all the snow days too. Yes, I am in whiny mode today, Michigan. I'm just a little disappointed in you. 
Until just a few days ago I thought I had overcome that dark time in winter I usually visit called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. I have had it nearly every winter, mostly in the dead of January. I was surprised I hadn't experienced it yet. Yet being the operative word. Saturday it hit me. And now I am a bundle of fun.... Not. 
How I long to be a snowbird right now, flying to warmer climates just to save my sinking spirits! Instead I keep the sun on my face and healthy food in my body. I have to work at staying motivated to do anything. My dear hubby said, let's get this basement done for Super Bowl! I said quite flatly, I don't give a crap about Super Bowl, or anything for that matter. He's been working hard building a wall and hanging dry wall, and I'm not even excited. Yet. I will be in a month or two... I hope! This too shall pass, I know. But sometimes I just have to lament awhile and then I'm fine again. Sort of. Ahh, winter is fun. 


Angela said...

I hear your pain! SAD is so hard. I have to deal with it some years. We've been hearing about the weather on the TV. It sounds dreadful. Hang in there.

sirnorm1 said...

You have much to be grateful for sister
1 SAD for you means "Spiritual Advanced Disciple" and that is why the devil is attacking you with lies.
2 Thank God you noticed it in the last week of Jan. rather then the first week of the month. From today; Daylight savings is only 6 week away:)
3 Thank God you have a furnace that can work all day and you have a heat source because it would not be a SAD time it would be a BAD time.
4 Thank God you have a husband who can hang dry wall. How many women wish they had a husband who could just hang up their coat. The Reefer Bowl might be funny. The two Stats with legalized marijuana, all those fumbles. Go Seahawks!
Sister you might need a different perspective. There is a teacher in an Ivy league school who takes his medical students to a few art galleries after a hard time of learning and just before exams. They score 30% better and have an eye for more complicated diagnoses then the other students. The teacher claims that as the students take in the art they look at things from a different perspective. It opens up their abilities to see clearer and feel better and it comes out in there performance as doctors.
Maybe over a few weekends in Feb. you and your family visit a few museums and galleries (even small town ones) and get everyone talking about what they see and maybe winter will be over before you know it.
I know this works because that is what I do when I am having a hard time with things. I go to art galleries and pray during my musings and I come out with a different plan. I start believing I am a victor and not a victim.
Blessings sister Jami.

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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...