Monday, December 18, 2023

HE is the GIFT

 I think I've finally seen it all. A child making a Power Point Christmas wish list. Just let that sink in a minute. What kind of world are we living in that we are even entertaining such nonsense? I'm not even going to apologize for my strong opinion today, because I don't know in what world or on what planet that this type of behavior is even remotely funny. Maybe it was done as a joke, but to post it for the world to see–I don't know. I'm not laughing over here, and I love a good funny kid video. Our kids wrote Christmas lists, and so did we as children, but we never expected to get half of what was on them! Half the fun was going through the toy catalog and dreaming. But this new wave of conspicuous consumption is just gross. Maybe not so new, I don't know. 

As my grown daughter would probably ask me, "Mom, are you watching too much YouTube again?" She's right. I've probably seen too many over spenders and greedy grabbers lately, and not enough of what I view Christmas to represent. One man has been posting on the Reason for the season. He held a manger with baby Jesus in his hands. Thank you, sir, that is the whole point! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. HE IS THE GIFT. Salvation is free and you don't have to request it on a Power Point or on paper. Just invite Jesus into your heart, and you will need no other gifts for living. Every time I'm struggling with how I'm going to make it through the holidays without this person or that person, I stop and remember the manger. My loved ones have the gift of eternal life because of that babe in the manger, and because of that, I can be at peace at a time when missing people is at its heart-wrenching capacity. 

These days, I have different things on my Christmas list. With two daughters out of the home, aging parents and one not doing so well, the wishes we have are things that only God can fulfill. The world can give us temporary things, and it's okay to want new things, pretty things, and enjoy ski trips and fun times, but that's not all there is. It's important to be grateful for what we already have so that we don't look past it for more, more, more. I'm not sure if those kids doing the Power Points were ever taught how good it feels to give to others, but I hope they would learn that at some point in their lives. Before I go off on a tangent, I will leave you with a song that I have loved for a very long time. 

Grown-Up Christmas List (Amy Grant version) 

Do you remember me? 

I sat upon your knee 

I wrote to you with childhood fantasies

Well, I'm all grown up now

And still need help somehow 

I'm not a child but my heart still can dream 

So here's my lifelong wish

My grown-up Christmas list

Not for myself, but for a world in need

No more lives torn apart

Then wars would never start

And time would heal all hearts

And everyone would have a friend 

And right would always win 

And love would never end

This is my grown-up Christmas list

As children we believed 

The grandest sight to see 

Was something lovely wrapped beneath our tree 

Well, heaven surely knows

That packages and bows

Can never heal a hurting human soul 

(repeat chorus) 

What is this illusion called, the innocence of youth? 

Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth. 

Merry Christmas, and I hope you are all blessed by real gifts of love and kindness this season. 


Anonymous said...

Thank You Jami, and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I see and hear unrealistic wants all the time. And as I sit with loss and broken hearted. I blessed not alone Jesus has been with me. That to me gives me peace and joy. Nothing can replace a heart full of missing. Sad to hear and see where the world is heading. Because so many will never know the love of God. Because God has not been first in their lives. For that I feel sad. Thank you for your blog on this. Your sissy

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