Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Excuse me...Hello? Can you hear me?

I am pretty open-minded about most things and most people, though I can catch myself being a bit closed-minded or judgmental about things sometimes. For example, public figures, politicians, musicians, athletes, Christian speakers, etc.... "Oh, I just can't stand that so and so.......that golfer, what a creep!....listen to that music, now there's a weirdo!...I can't stand so and so's boldness, aggressiveness, opinion, etc..." I've heard it and I've said it but really.....

I don't care about that stuff at all. Why get all bent out of shape over someone I don't even know? We shouldn't be spending too much time on these things because it is a bit like putting someone on a pedestal. Should kids have role models in sports figures? Actors? Singers? TV stars? No, no and no. Should adults emulate politicians and newscasters? No no and no again. Should we spend any energy judging, hating, dissing, or even commenting on these people? Should we get a say in their lives? I don't think so. What we can do is turn off the TV. Ahhh....silence. We do have control over what we hear, see, and listen to. Some people just keep one eye or one ear out anyway, and why? It's like rubbernecking at an accident. We want to see, but we don't want to see. Then we go home and turn on the news and check the paper to see who, what, when, where, and why. When's the last time we put that much time into things of importance? God, family, working, etc... Why aren't we more naturally curious about things of God?

Our time can be better spent. We waste time arguing over silly unimportant things. We argue over who is worse....an animal abuser or an adulterer, a pedophile or an embezzling gabillionaire, the overly made-up evangelist or the philandering minister.... it's silly to me to even waste time having to talk about it, yet it comes up over and over again. Things of the world. That's what this is all about. The messed up world, where dirty topics and people are a dime a dozen. Where gossip and judging, criticizing and lamenting would take over in a heartbeat. I think some people actually thrive on it, and it's scary, not to mention a real downer to be around them.

There is a lot more to this life than who we like and who we dislike, who we agree on, and what we consider the nastier offense. God is in the middle of all of that saying, "Excuse me...hello...can you hear me?" We're not to be in love with the world and all of its trappings. We're not to put our faith in ordinary people who happen to golf better than we do. Unfortunately lots of men (and women) are adulterers. If there was one in your church with 12 girlfriends and a wife, would you hang him out to dry? Hmm...I wonder. How far does our mercy go? Not far enough. But His goes all the way! God's love is a hole in one. Oh, and by the way, He is the judge of them, not us! There's a hard one to remember sometimes, eh? Some of these public figures make it a bit easy to criticize them, but we have to remember, God designed them too, and we should be concerned for their souls, number one.

I want God to be the one we talk about, the one we emulate, and the one we keep on a pedestal. I love conversations about His goodness, mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, and truth. I need to hear about Him every day, whether it's from Joyce Meyer, my heart, my Bible , or a friend. If you don't like Joyce, that's just too bad! I'm finding more and more people really don't like people who "tell it like it is". I find more and more that I value people who are courageous and caring enough to do that for me. Don't be afraid to hear and speak the truth. It sets you free!

God may not be on CNN every day, but He is in your heart and He wants to be the One you're talking about! It's easy to get off talking about the wrong things in mixed company, but if you are courageous, you can turn that conversation right back to Him. Sometimes I just feel yukky if I let myself get into a discussion about something silly when I know I shouldn't. That "yukky" feeling is God's voice telling me to "knock it off!"

I hope you hear His voice too, and next time we get together, I'd love to hear what He has been saying to you!

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