Monday, December 31, 2012

"Reenie" turns 13!

No, you don't need to adjust your eyes, that IS four years old...with a mustache!! On December 27, little Serena ("Reenie" as I call her) turned 13! Yes, a teenager! Yikes... Anyway, we decided to have a mustache bash for her, so I took an old pic of her and added a mustache to it. She even looks cute with "lip spinach", a "cookie brusher", "a misplaced eyebrow", oh yes, we learned lots of names for the common "stache" at her party. I'm sure the grandparents just love these crazy themes these girls come up with!
And here she is today, looking beautiful and sweet. I have a feeling the teen years are going to be quite a challenge...maybe a whole new blog will have to begin for this! Serena is full of energy, spirit, enthusiasm, and did I say energy?? She was born running and hasn't stopped since! We love her and can't believe she's getting so grown up! happy birthday, Reenie. We love you!


Angela said...

Happy Birthday Serena! God bless you.

Shoemaker Family said...

A gorgeous girl, she is!

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