Friday, October 30, 2015

The Eyes

I'm headed to my eye doctor for the first time in 2 years. I initially cancelled my appointment when I was having panic attacks. Then lost my brother and needed to avoid my optometrist. He and my brother attended high school and college together, and he is one of the kindest people. I just couldn't look at him. Ugh. 
So today I have to go because I'm having trouble seeing! That happens when you get a little older apparently. My dear kind husband gave doc the heads up and he won't mention my brother unless I do. Crying at an eye appointment...a little counterproductive! ;)
I took the above "self-portrait" a few weeks ago, and my first thought was about how the type of seizures I have affect the vision. It should have been how cool the sun reflected the blue in my eyes. That, my friends is completely unedited! I have a hyper pigmentation in that eye also, which I have always called "my fire"! The kids love that. 
So, I might need new glasses today. In fact, I'm pretty sure I will. But I'm glad I finally feel good about seeing my eye doc, my brother's old friend today. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Hope it went well, new glasses and all. Love the picture of you and your fire!

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