Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Strong-Willed Woman

So...back to blogging on my phone screen. Sigh... But I'm a stubborn one, so not much stops me from what I want to do, even though I'm completely annoyed.
Laptop number two, otherwise known as the "blue screen of death", is now in the hands of a guy who hopefully wants to make me a very happy girl again. I got him started by angrily pressing every single button at the same time while steam came out of my ears. I'm sure he has better ideas.  We shall see...not getting my hopes up, because it's been "that" kind of week. 
The day my computer died, I also ran out of data on my phone, which is still my only source of Internet. (Insert huge resigned sigh of discontent here)
Today after killing a medium sized, yet still beady-eyed spider, I was simply returning the fly swatter when my necklace just fell off. This was a big problem because the chain disappeared, and the double heart pendant rolled into the heat vent! I looked around in disbelief, finally saw the chain in a small pile on the floor, and after a slight panic, set to work trying to locate my pendant. It only took a mirror, a flashlight, half of my arm, and more of my sanity, but I finally retrieved it. 
This was after we rushed the kids up to school at 7:45, only to find out Natalie's class at Mid was cancelled, so she and her friends came back here until 11:00. Serena then called from school to say she wasn't feeling well and could she come home? 20 minutes after dropping her off... Oh, and there's bowling practice after school too...and we hate school every day...and on and on the cycle goes..
So why do these "little things" always seem to snowball and cause such an avalanche at the end of the week, sometimes the day, and in my case, the hour? 
Steve has had some really rough days at work too, and I've been trying to keep him positive, but there are days I fight to keep myself positive! 
Come on, people, get it together! Including me! I've become stubborn in this way as well. I'm not going to let these silly, temporary things steal my joy and distract me from my goals. I will write, but with a notebook and pen if I have to, and as much as I hate it, I will blog on my phone when I have data or the use of someone's free internet! 
Where there is a strong-willed woman, there is a way. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

You go girl! Hope the last part of your week is better and so glad you found your necklace pendant.

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