Thursday, May 19, 2016


As if I don't have enough to do with graduation and open house planning, my surgery is all set for Monday. 
Tomorrow I have to get an EKG due to my MVP, just as a precaution. My heart likes to get all flippity floppity sometimes. That's just genetics! 
So, I have a lot of things to get accomplished, and I'm trying to keep myself calm...haha...and I get yet another jury duty letter in the mail. I believe this is my 6th or 7th "random" time. 
So, I'm hoping to not get chosen, because as I've given up on trying to have a regular life, a regular job, or be reliable to anyone else due to my undependable health, I don't know why this would be any different. So very frustrating. It's really the last thing I need right now, as I have been feeling very stressed out with my physical symptoms and upcoming graduation. So much on my mind and so little time to process it all. 
Not sure where I was going with this message. Sometimes nowhere. Just feeling overwhelmed today...and really every day this week. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

You are in my prayers for Monday. I will also be praying for your stress, your health worries and the upcoming graduation. Take care as best as you can my friend.

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