We took Natalie to see an orthopedic surgeon today. She has developed scoliosis, which has progressively gotten worse. Her degree is 33. At 50 or above, they do surgery. Because she is still growing, this is a time it needs to be addressed.
The doctor's appointment went very well, and we were advised that she would need to be fitted for a brace. She will have to wear this brace pretty much all the time, even at night. Even though we were somewhat prepared to hear this, we still worried how Natalie would take it. She's starting 5th grade, entering pre-womanhood, and many changes are happening at once. We quickly made an appointment for later in the afternoon to have her fitted. Boy, that was something. Nat had to wear a stocking thing, then lay on a 3 inch strip of tightened canvas, while putting her knees up over a bar. Then they put a chin strap on her head, a tight belt around her waist, and wrapped her in wet casting. The orthotist then climbed over her, pressing his hands where the brace would need to support her spine. This is my child who panics over getting a shot, fears vomit or vomit sounds, hates pain, and worries terribly when anyone is sick.
That tough little cookie was hilarious!! She used her God-given sense of humor to get her through it. She had us all laughing, especially when she asked Ed (the orthotist) if this was his idea of a torture device. Of course, Steve, Serena, and I were all in the room with her, and we were all cracking jokes. The ortho had to stop cutting the cast away, telling me, you need to stop making me laugh or I may cut your daughter!! It sure helped that we made this a fun experience. It could be so much worse, we know. Natalie then chose the color of her brace, and you guessed it, she chose the brightest color.....lime green!! One of my favorites, of course, but we warned her it will show under white. She said proudly, well, I just won't wear white, will I?
I am so proud of her for being so accepting of this change in her life. She said maybe she will be able to tell others about having to wear a brace so they won't feel so bad. Just like her, to already be thinking about someone else.
This is just another chance for our family to bond and grow closer. We know it's just a brace. It's not a life-threatening thing, and for that we are grateful. Every day with healthy children is cause to celebrate, so we will celebrate! We are already planning to name the brace and have our loved ones sign it for her. We'll be praying too, that this will work in stopping the curvature. It won't straighten the spine. They predict she will have to wear it for 3-4 years or until she stops growing. I pray we'll be able to find clothes to fit over it so she can feel "normal". We just got her all new clothes, and some may not work now. Oh well. So we brace ourselves for yet another part of parenting that isn't easy and hurts inside. There will be many more, I'm sure.
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Aw, Nat & the Lime Green Cast. How fun you guys are! I LOVE the closeness of your family. It seems you all really love being together and man! isn't that what family is all about! :)
Love you guys!
I had NO idea about this! She seems to be dong great with it! I'll be keeping her in prayer!
Love y'all!
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