Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blowing Off A Little Steam

We heard the youth group at CWC was doing a fundraiser carnival/car smash, so we headed up there for some fun tonight.

That's Miss Jayna and her dad, deciding where to put that sledgehammer
She may look sweet, but Nancy's got a mean swing! I think I heard the car whimper a little

There's Jenn about to unleash a can of somethin' on that car...

Greg had it in for that fender, and eventually knocked it right in the kisser. Way to go, Greg! He may have to take some time off work for that. Sorry, Nancy.

I wonder who Steve was picturing on the hood of that car. He meant business, that's for sure.
I didn't include the pics of the girls playing all the games and eating cotton candy, but they had a great time too. Everyone who helped out did a great job!! The youth are a very important part of not only the church, but the community! I enjoy seeing the teens working as a group, especially with the younger kids. It's a blessing to have them around!

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