Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Riding Lessons

The girls and I have started a new habit and we're all addicted! Nearly every day, as time allows, the girls and I (my daughters, that is) take off on our bikes to the Rail Trail.

I've always loved riding my bike. I'm just one of those people who needs to go as fast and as far as possible to get that release of tension from everything! Well, with the girls along, I can still go fast, but I have to keep watch. The first time we went out, Serena veered off into the left side of the trail, and nearly crashed with a bike coming up behind her going about 80. She just kept riding, oblivious to the fact that she ran this guy off the trail. It could have been worse, but then again, you shouldn't be going that fast when approaching children, so I say it's his fault. :)

I have encountered some really nice (and fit) people on this trail and have decided that biking is my "thing" for now. I am so inspired by the older ( I hesistate to even call them this) people who fly past me, white hair under the helmet, tanned and lean legs, and a smile that shows age is just a number!

I have found peace and quiet on the trail, as it is enclosed with beautiful nature--trees, the river, wildflowers, and wild berries, but the real peace I find is in myself. It is a cure to the stress I may be feeling, or the answer to a question I've been mulling in my mind. It is a great time to connect with my girls, who have become much more mature since last summer. Serena is quite the off road rider, taking a few more risks, and Natalie stays ahead of us, steady as a rock. Just like their personalities.

I can't wait to get a new bike, as mine is falling apart. Steve bought a bike for me while we were dating, that's how old it is!! In the meantime, I will just have to be the laughingstock of the trail...squeaky brakes, clicky gears that won't stay put, and sawdust covered spokes! might be a redneck if......

:) See ya on the trail!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to get you that bike! I can't have my best friend be the laughing stock of the rail trail. Love you, S.

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