Friday, January 8, 2010

Double Digit Deenie

I know it's a typical "mom" thing to say, but one of the happiest days of my life was the day our daughter Serena was born! She was actually due on Christmas Day, and I'm so glad she slept through it and gave me a couple extra days. Aside from 6 months of colic, she's been a pretty easy and enjoyable kid. Here are some moments from her 10th birthday celebration.

The girls are watching video of themselves being crazy. I loved the way Serena had her hand on Natalie's head. They have their spats, but for the most part, they are inseparable and each other's best friend.
A tradition around here is to receive a birthstone ring on your 10th birthday. We still have to go have it sized. Double digits warrant a commemorative gift. Maybe I should get one too! :)

Grammy and Grampy L. (and Pee Wee) always come to celebrate birthdays with us. It's all about family when we celebrate birthdays!

Grandma and Grandpa R. always make an appearance too. This year Grandpa showed off his Wii bowling skills. He almost fell in my lap twice because he got so into it!!

You can't have a birthday without cake, and because of the crazy rush of holiday stuff, I rarely bake her cake myself. This year we ordered from Meijer and we couldn't get the Tinkerbell that came with it, so I had to buy a fairy to put on top. Serena never cares...just give her a corner piece and she's happy!
So Serena, "Reenie", "Deenie", "Reenifer", "Deen Deen", "Reen", and all the other pet names we have for you....Happy Birthday again!! We love and adore you and can't imagine life without your smile, your sparkle, and your love!!

1 comment:

Shoemaker Family said...

Sweet stuff...I can't imagine doing ministry without Serena's sweet smile and demeanor. Happy 1-0 Serena!!!

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