Thursday, September 15, 2011

Divine Intervention Defined

For me to ask people for advice or to pray for me, I have to be pretty desperate. I don't usually ask for help at all. I'm not even sure if the person who called me even reads my blog, but she helped me a great deal that day. Here's what happened after my post:

* My husband texted me two Bible verses, both of which were perfect for what I was feeling. Not only is he a sweet blessing, but having him deliver God's Word to me at that time was even sweeter. And no, he hadn't read my blog yet that day. For you curious ones, it was 2 Thess.1:6. and Psalm 55:22.

* I dove into the Word of God that day and found knowledge and peace. I copied down verses. I sang along to a song that seemed to be written for my exact feelings. I read James 4:10- "Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up."

* I prayed and I felt I was being heard. My words were not my own.

* I prayed over an object of Natalie's before I picked her up at school.

* Leaving details out, Natalie told me some surprising things that had happened that day. I was amazed and when I told her about my day with God, she was amazed too. We were both a bit verklempt.

* Because I confided in a friend, not worrying about what she'd think, she and I have become closer friends! Also an answered prayer.

* The prayer that I spoke that day asked for things that most of us don't want to do or admit. I prayed for those who hurt me, I prayed for humility, and I asked for forgiveness for my anger, and I prayed a blessing over the whole situation.

Let me just say that God reads my blog. He comments too. He is my Ultimate Friend and I am His follower. I praised Him all day for the many blessings He freely gives, and for the answered prayers in such a short period of time. I thanked him for pulling me near by allowing crisis in my life. Not an easy one at all.

The situation as a whole may or may not change, but I've asked God to keep my attitude the same no matter what. I will do as I did for my daughter and picture his beautiful face and hands spread out over every place she puts her feet. I will raise my girls to know where to turn when no one else may "get it".

And now on to the next crisis, right? It's just the way life is. And thank God that we're not alone through them all. And I thank the dear friend who reminded me, "Bury it and don't go back and dig it up!"

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