Monday, September 12, 2011

Home for Another Day

This world is just not for me. Though there are some things I'm quite fond of, I could take this world and leave it. Before you think I'm suicidal, I'm just referring to another concept in the book I'm reading. I always thought it was a bit weird of myself to be thinking that way. I thought "there must be something wrong with me!"

I have a longing for heaven, that's all. A place where there is no pain. Where comfort will be given. Where I can either dance or cry in appreciation with my Creator. I don't like it here. Too much trouble. Too much pain. Too much injustice. Too stifling. Too "worldy".

While it may sound suicidal, it's perfectly normal to have a longing for heaven. After all, that is where we originated from in the first place. We just want to go home. Home is a place you feel loved, safe, secure, and understood. Heaven. Our original home. Our original Father.

Until then, I will just enjoy the beauty my Creator put here on earth for me to enjoy until I go "home" forever.

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