Monday, February 9, 2009

My Funny Valentines

Ever since I started my diet and exercise, Natalie has started a habit of her own. She has started telling me every chance she gets, "Mom, you're pretty", "mom, you're beautiful". I laugh and look at her funny, to which she says, "I'm going to keep saying it until you believe it". I look at Steve, and he says, "She has a point there, mom." Wow. I didn't realize I was putting myself down so much. I had really been working on that too! Of course, she's a bit of an eavesdropper. We don't call her "big ears" for nothing! She can hear us talking a mile away, I tell you. It's no secret that I don't enjoy my pudginess, but I think it will have to be a secret from now on. I feel pretty firmly that my girls need to see a good role model in me, so even where I struggle will have to appear to be strong. Oh, this parenting stuff is going to kill me one day! I hate being duplicitous!

Serena always has to have the last word, but in this case, it's a good thing. Every night we tuck her in, then the last thing we say before we shut the door is, of course, "I love you!". She keeps yelling it out, even after the door is closed, and we have to yell back until she's done! Too funny. She explained it to me one night. "Mom, I just want that to be the last thing you hear before I go to sleep!" Funny, it's the last thing I want HER to hear too! Hence, the yelling back and forth non-stop.

Sophie, our 13 year old lovebug dog, gets to ride in the van with me twice a day. She used to sit upright in the passenger seat, head out the window, tongue hanging out. She'd whine at every stop and turn. She is now too old to do all of that, and is happy to just lay there with her head on my arm while I drive. Every now and then I pat her and she does that little mouth thing dogs do when they're insanely happy. Hers is definitely an unconditional love. My heart will surely break when she leaves this world.

Steve is my all time Valentine. The first time he declared his love for me was in a Valentine because he was too nervous to say the words! I cherish that Valentine because it's the first time someone said that to me and really meant it. I really don't expect all the Valentine fluff from him, because he shows his love every day. On Sunday after church, I came home and went right to bed with a headache. He cleaned up and made a nice dinner for us, and spent time with the kids. On Saturday, he helped me get through the chores so we could all go outside. He often surprises me with my coffee......1 splash of coffee, 25 splashes of french vanilla.....or a bag of my favorite candy. Like I said, he's my all-time Valentine. His gift is that I never have to wonder where I stand or how much he loves me. I do the same for him, in case you were wondering.

It should be no surprise to you that I often pray for those who are without that kind of love, have lost it, or are looking for it. I remember a couple who used to come into the office I worked in, and I really liked them both. One day the wife came in and said they were going through a divorce. My heart sank. I told her how sorry I was. She looked at me funny and said, I'm not! Wow. Okey dokey.

So, no romantic dinner for two this year. Our Valentine's custom is to spend it with those we love. Yes, that means our kids too! We always make heart shaped food, including pancakes and pizza. The kids look forward to a surprise on their dinner plates, just like my mom used to do for us growing up. Love is a tradition. It should be the one we spend the most time building!!

Happy Valentine's Day....may you keep your love, find your love, renew your love, or simply share it. And most of all, remember God's never-ending love for you! He's the reason we can love at all.

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