Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Heart Control

I find it interesting how many times I've been in a group, and something someone is going through is exactly what I've just struggled through myself. I also find it interesting how many times we keep situations to ourselves, thinking, "I really shouldn't share this...maybe I did something wrong..." What a lie that has turned out to be EVERY time. It's a lie that keeps us blaming ourselves, stewing in the problem, and not being able to help someone else. It's a waste of time, and it's not of God.

The truth is, when someone hurts us, we are shocked. We are stunned momentarily. I know for us it was a matter of, "wow. You thought so terribly of us right off the bat? You didn't even ask us to clarify what was said before you fired off your many attacks? You really wanted to believe the worst? You really wanted to think we would be so insensitive and unfair? Wow. You must really be screwed up. You must not respect us at all.You didn't use any of your past knowledge of us to make a determination on the 5 minute conversation that was had. You reacted out of pure foolishness and emotion and basically shot off your own feet. And sadly, if you really believe that,then you don't know us at all. Wow."

This is why the Bible warns us so many times not to keep company with corrupt people. Not to spend time with fools. Eventually, they will use you as a target because they are miserable, unhappy, and living entirely in the flesh. And somehow, it's everyone else's fault. Particularly yours if you get too close. Wow. It's been a couple of months, but the shock is still fresh. No pain, no loss. Just a bit of shock. We realized quickly that to feel loss, you would have had to have actually had something real and of value. We saw immediately that apparently we didn't all along. Sad to be disappointed with the truth this way, but Steve and I understand. We knew there was nothing we were going to be able to say or do to help. We tried. Sometimes people just want to be hurt and angry. Not helped or changed. Sometimes the wall is so thick that no person can get in.

Well, as much as I'd like people like that to know the peace that I have, I am not willing to be used as a target so it can happen for them. I will pray for that couple, but we will not get that close to the fire again. I will pray for the light to come on so that one day, they can find peace and begin to reflect light the way they were created to do. Because truly, we don't want anything bad for this particular couple. We want them to be happy and at peace. Just not at our expense.

See, this is where God comes in. He knows the situation and can see exactly where it's headed. I do believe that although these people do not follow him, He is still there, waiting for them to turn to Him. He may be making life a bit uncomfortable for them right now so that He can shine a bit brighter and they will begin to see His face. He may be taking things and people away so that they have to depend on God and God alone. Who knows? He works for the good of those who love Him, we're told in the Bible, and it's all for His purpose.

We are ALL created in His image and for His purpose. Even the mean, the miserable, and the fools. We are all given a future, a hope, and endless amounts of love. It's all there. We just have to either accept it, or continue to thank Him for it and use it all for His glory.

And to the person who just tried to obliterate you, whether by a mean email, as mine came, or a mean text, glance, or gossip....please concentrate on those who DO love you and add to your life. Let those who don't honor you not have so much power over your life. And know that if you have a good friend, you will never be alone. If you have God as your friend, you really are never alone. Never! And remember, he will pay back trouble to those who trouble you! (2 Thessalonians 1:6)

Be know Whose you are! Keep your heart full of Him, not your hurts.

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. For man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. James 1:19,20 (NIV)

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