Sunday, July 6, 2014

Vacation? Me? What?

We just arrived home from our vacation. Yes, you read it right. A v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n! Nothing bad about it! Of course it was a holiday weekend, so we headed up to the family cottage for a few days. I was very thankful to have been able to enjoy it. Very thankful. I had been enjoying a few days of feeling okay, and was praying it would continue and it did. I struggled a bit, but I worked around it and managed okay. I wasn't up to the parade or fireworks, but I didn't mind staying behind relaxing by the lake at all. Everyone understood and let me be me. 
Overall, we had some great family time. I am so blessed with Steve, who keeps our family going when I can't. He took the girls fishing, took them to the parade, snuggled with them at the fireworks, played games with them, made meals for us, plus did whatever else needed to be done. Packing to go was exhausting, but We got it done together and I am so happy to be back home!  
I am so grateful to God that I was well enough to go. It gave me hope and restored my soul just a bit. I still have all my physical problems, but for the first time, I realized maybe I can do this. Next time maybe a little more. It's amazing what a little change of scenery and some quiet will do. 


sirnorm1 said...

May God bless Steve.

Angela said...

Praise the Lord that you were feeling well enough to go to the cottage and enjoy your time there. I'm so thankful that you have a husband like Steve that supports you and helps care for your family. It's so good to get away sometimes. Continued prayers for continued healing.

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