Thursday, September 4, 2014

Nature Walk 2

There are a lot of what we call "wild plums" out front. I've never seen them produce before this year or maybe I've never noticed, but they are quite pretty. Edible? I'm not sure, but the birds sure like them. 

I love the way wild ivy takes over trees, and this one is no exception. Dead trees even become more beautiful and lifelike with the twisting and turning of the little vines. Even the goldenrod look beautiful this time of year, though tell that to our allergies...

I have a special affection for wild olive bushes. I love the theory of "extending the olive branch"- to reconcile a relationship. These bushes are all over our property and they are covered with tiny little "olives". A reminder to extend forgiveness and mercy and restoration. 

Wild grapes grow everywhere around the property as well. We don't actually eat them. They are left for the birds to enjoy.
On this particular section of the property a house and barn once stood with a strawberry farm. It was pretty well known to the elderly locals here. It's been long gone, but the remnants of the tiny block house still stand.. I have blogged about that before, so I won't bore you again. I often wonder about their family and if they knew someday their favorite apple tree would still be fun to think of those things. 

This apple tree in our front yard is very old and temperamental. When it finally produced apples last year, they really didn't taste very good! But we thanked it anyway and the deer were happy with them. 
 Sometimes I forget to look down! I was blessed by another "cloud heart" yesterday as I walked down the driveway to get the mail, but I also felt blessed by this little dew-covered leaf in the backyard. 
 A few years ago, I cut a trail through the woods leading to the treehouse and placed a bench halfway through. Yesterday as I looked at that bench, I realized that sometimes loneliness is a good thing. It leads you to your Creator, and His creation. Time spent with God is never time spent alone. 
I wasn't feeling terribly "metaphorical" today, in hopes that maybe you could find your own in my pictures. Blessings to you! 

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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...