Monday, July 27, 2015

Little Things

Nothing is ever random to me. Everything means something. Hang around me long enough and it will either inspire you or drive you nuts. :) 
Serena left me this change she found in the shape of a heart so I would see it the morning I left for Ann Arbor. :)

This is the lily my sister brought me last year when I was so down. These are the same color and type of lilies used at my wedding, so they always bring me joy. They bloomed beautifully this year, their first year. :) 

This little heart was on the sidewalk outside the Brighton medical center where Natalie has her spine check-ups. Serena pointed it out to me, and I said to her, "that one was for you!" :) 

I wasn't feeling well at the hotel, so Steve walked up to the lobby desk where they had a small snack pantry and asked to purchase a Coke. She handed him this one, with the name of my brother's youngest son. I sat and drank my coke, thinking of the three boys, one in heaven, and two, just getting ready to go to the concert of their dad's favorite band, The Eagles. How appropriate. 

As we left the shopping mall, I looked to my right and saw this beautiful sky just seconds after my Facebook messenger "pinged". As I opened my message, it was a picture of the sunset, but not this one. My adopted brother has a new habit of sending me pictures of sunsets now and then because they are beautiful at his house and absent at mine. I told him maybe he should publish them, and so I agreed not to post his pictures, but they are far more beautiful than this one, and they always lift my spirits. 

Simple joys are the best. People say that with such nonchalance, but really think about all you do in a day and what really touched you. It's not going to be the big things. 

Hubby's latest bunch of flowers. He also bought some for my mom. :) 
Stick around. I'll drive you nuts with this stuff. ;) 

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