Monday, December 18, 2023

HE is the GIFT

 I think I've finally seen it all. A child making a Power Point Christmas wish list. Just let that sink in a minute. What kind of world are we living in that we are even entertaining such nonsense? I'm not even going to apologize for my strong opinion today, because I don't know in what world or on what planet that this type of behavior is even remotely funny. Maybe it was done as a joke, but to post it for the world to see–I don't know. I'm not laughing over here, and I love a good funny kid video. Our kids wrote Christmas lists, and so did we as children, but we never expected to get half of what was on them! Half the fun was going through the toy catalog and dreaming. But this new wave of conspicuous consumption is just gross. Maybe not so new, I don't know. 

As my grown daughter would probably ask me, "Mom, are you watching too much YouTube again?" She's right. I've probably seen too many over spenders and greedy grabbers lately, and not enough of what I view Christmas to represent. One man has been posting on the Reason for the season. He held a manger with baby Jesus in his hands. Thank you, sir, that is the whole point! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. HE IS THE GIFT. Salvation is free and you don't have to request it on a Power Point or on paper. Just invite Jesus into your heart, and you will need no other gifts for living. Every time I'm struggling with how I'm going to make it through the holidays without this person or that person, I stop and remember the manger. My loved ones have the gift of eternal life because of that babe in the manger, and because of that, I can be at peace at a time when missing people is at its heart-wrenching capacity. 

These days, I have different things on my Christmas list. With two daughters out of the home, aging parents and one not doing so well, the wishes we have are things that only God can fulfill. The world can give us temporary things, and it's okay to want new things, pretty things, and enjoy ski trips and fun times, but that's not all there is. It's important to be grateful for what we already have so that we don't look past it for more, more, more. I'm not sure if those kids doing the Power Points were ever taught how good it feels to give to others, but I hope they would learn that at some point in their lives. Before I go off on a tangent, I will leave you with a song that I have loved for a very long time. 

Grown-Up Christmas List (Amy Grant version) 

Do you remember me? 

I sat upon your knee 

I wrote to you with childhood fantasies

Well, I'm all grown up now

And still need help somehow 

I'm not a child but my heart still can dream 

So here's my lifelong wish

My grown-up Christmas list

Not for myself, but for a world in need

No more lives torn apart

Then wars would never start

And time would heal all hearts

And everyone would have a friend 

And right would always win 

And love would never end

This is my grown-up Christmas list

As children we believed 

The grandest sight to see 

Was something lovely wrapped beneath our tree 

Well, heaven surely knows

That packages and bows

Can never heal a hurting human soul 

(repeat chorus) 

What is this illusion called, the innocence of youth? 

Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth. 

Merry Christmas, and I hope you are all blessed by real gifts of love and kindness this season. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Gift of Nature

 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. 

Psalms 96:11-12

I've been taking the time to make peace a high priority in my life, as others and circumstances try to steal it. I'll just say here that peace is a personal responsibility. No one can steal it unless we let them, and it's something I'm trying to get better at executing in my life. Boundaries, discipline, and setting limits on myself have become crucial to getting that standard of peace in my life. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. So not only am I learning to implement personal changes, but I have to understand that God already gave me His peace, and not to be troubled by things of this world. That includes when others try to pull me into their chaos, which happens on a daily basis if you live in the world. But God also says here to not let my heart be troubled, which gives me the responsibility, so I turn to the things that give me worldly peace, and that is heavenly nature. 

As I am taking a long ride around the woods surrounding our property, I am taking note of all the different textures and colors of the bark on the trees, the size of their trunks, and the stretch of their expansive branches. I'm observing the backdrop of the brilliant blue sky behind their forms, and the interesting shapes of each variety, looking at them from different angles, and almost seeing some of them for the first time. Did I realize there were so many shades of green in these pine trees? So many different colors of white on the birch? I think I have a sweater in the exact color of the rust of the oak leaves still clinging to the branches. Some of the pines are loaded with cones, while others are swaying freely. The bright red berries are even brighter when the sun shines on them. The sound of my golf cart tires passing through thick layers of dried leaves almost sounds like driving through deep puddles on pavement. Whoooooshhhhhhh! The sights and the sounds of nature lull me into a calm like no other manmade remedy can accomplish. God designed all of these colors, sights, and sounds to coordinate in stunning perfection, even as they transform when the seasons change. Not one can outshine another. The magnificence of snow is just as glorious as the brilliant green of spring grass, although some would disagree. Amazing. Only God could know how all of these things would fit together for our pleasure. Jeremiah 32:17 "Ah, Lord God, it is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." 

The carpet of ferns out by the cabin are now a deep russet brown, making the massive, dark green pines stand out even more. It must be their turn to shine, as the maples and oaks take their turn to rest. When I stand completely still on the cabin porch, I can hear the barred owls calling to each other. Who-Who-Who-Whooooooo? Well, it's me. Lately I have started talking back to them like I do when I feed my little songbirds. Here you go, sweet chickadee-dee-dee-dees. They see me coming and fly right toward me, and yes, I talk to all of them. After years of standing still, hoping for them to eat from my hands, one finally did come, land inside my cup, took a seed, and landed on a nearby branch with complete trust in me. The intense and pure joy that radiated throughout my heart and came out my mouth was sweet joy I hadn't experienced in awhile. I simply said aloud, "Oh, wow. Thank you." Who did I say that to? My Lord, who gave me that sweet blessing. Deer, owls, birds, squirrels, chipmunks, air, sky, clouds, stars, trees, peace.  I live in the woods and the woods lives in me. I will never tire of seeing the wildlife around my home. I will never get bored watching turkeys, rabbits, deer, birds, and whatever new four-legged or winged creature decides to hang out here. (no snakes, sorry) Psalm 104:24 How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. 

While life has been chaotic and full of strife and challenges lately, I take my whole self outside. I look up at the clouds and watch them shift and let my mind shift with them. At night when I take my sweet Angel outside, I look up at the clear, dark sky, and let the stars absorb me and my thoughts. I've prayed and even spoken words out loud to people who have gone before me, or people I miss who are still here.  I let the light that shines in the darkness remind me to keep my light shining, no matter what. Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Nature speaks and I listen. It is quiet outside, and sometimes we just need to be silent in order to hear ourselves, and to hear God speaking into our hearts. When I am outside, I am surrounded by God's creation and instantly reminded to be grateful, humbled, and in His presence. Where else am I going to find that kind of healing and gratitude? God is literally everywhere, yes. But he didn't create my couch, he created the earth I am standing on with my feet, and somehow, that sends ripples of peace into my soul. 

Nature is my medicine. I am drawn to the very thing that has been created to heal me. God created this bountiful earth and everything in it for our use and our enjoyment. And while things within parts of this world may be chaotic and wild and out of our control, we can return to a place of peace when we go outside. We can light a fire, sit beside it, and give God our cares. We can watch the way the sun filters through the trees and remember that we can also filter our own light throughout small spaces and darkness. We can be transformed by the sounds of waves, and soften hardness by the continuous movement of our own gentle waves upon the rocks that others have become. We can stay our sweet, gentle selves, like the moss and the violets that are not concerned about what tramples upon them. We can look at ourselves as nature, as the creation of God, because we are. Isaiah 43:7 ...everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made." Not only are we His creation, but we are His masterpiece! Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. God prepared a beautiful place for us before He even created us, because He loved us. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What a thought—he was thinking of us when He created all the beautiful colors, sights, and wonders that we would come to experience and enjoy on the earth. How appropriate then, to think of Him when appreciating His gift. 

As some of us gather around Thanksgiving tables this season, let's remember to be thankful to God, who has given us all of our blessings. So many that we could not count them all. Maybe life isn't all we want it to be at the moment, and some things aren't going so well. Reach out for the Lord's healing in all of those areas, and He will answer. If you're able, head outside for some fresh air and nature healing.  Be blessed. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thoughts This Morning

 I haven't been very present here, and I know that my writing hasn't reached like I had hoped it would (with the exception of my brief, but impressive following in Singapore-thank you). I started writing a long time ago because my many thoughts needed a place to go. I know I can wear people out with my words sometimes. I wore my husband out just last night.  I sometimes have a lot to say. I spent years being too quiet, afraid to speak not my mind—but my heart. My mind can still get out of order sometimes, but my heart will always be a soft place, and when I write, the truth of me comes out. When someone allows me time to speak and they genuinely listen, I give my heart, and I discover things I didn't know. When I find someone who mindfully speaks, I want to be a good listener and contributor as well. Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 

Even as I sat down to write today, I had a whole list of other topics I thought I was going to touch on, and maybe I will eventually get to those! But today's stream-of-consciousness is kind of who I've been in my head lately, and I will invite you in as usual. As I continue to enter the Autumn phase of my life, sleep is something that has been escaping me, but guess what doesn't? My brain. I awaken full of jabberings, song lyrics, quotes, and verses, and I go all "absent-minded professor." It goes along with my morning hair and scatterings of half-used notebooks throughout the house! It's not really my "normal" personality, but then I could argue, neither have the last few years!  

Yesterday I used the voice recorder on my phone to record some notes about things I may want to write about. I could hear myself getting Angel a treat, making my coffee, and doing my normal morning things. I laughed as I said, "Oh shoot, I forgot to feed the birds." As I looked up at the sky that morning, I saw two planes flying in opposite directions, leaving their contrails behind. I laughed and said into my voice recorder, "You can either believe in conspiracy theories or you can put your belief in the Lord and His Truth." The only "conspiracy theory" in which I may believe is that my refrigerator light might still be on when I close the door. Just kidding...yeah, we all should know by now where I stand on such "theories." 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 

"You can sit around and think about everybody who you think has done you wrong, and all the revenge you're going to take, or you can use that energy to forgive them all, find a new hobby and enjoy your life, and bless the ones who curse you." It sounds kind of simple, right? As I heard myself pouring the water into the coffee maker, this is exactly what I said. It's not that original. God tells us not to take revenge. Deuteronomy 32:35 It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them." Friends, I am not touching any type of payback with anyone with a ten-foot pole! God is on it for us, don't worry. I may not have anything to do with someone who did me wrong, but I will not be toilet-papering their house anytime soon. That's just not how I roll. (if you don't get that pun, I cannot help you) 

But what about that forgiveness part, right? This is not going to be a long post about forgiveness. Been there, done that. Today's simple message is this: If God can forgive me, who am I to withhold forgiveness? Do they deserve it? I don't know, did I? No. But will it bring peace to me if I let this horrible aching bond of anger, bitterness, and never-ending plague of ick-collection go? In a word, yep. But what about?—nope. But they!—nope. Love keeps no record.(1 Corinthians 13:1) And if we keep no record, we instead choose love for God, ourselves, and others, and we can be in PEACE. All I know is that when I am at peace and not angry and bitter, others want to be in my presence. In the words of my mentor and friend Norm Sawyer, the forgiveness statement is simply, "I forgive you. Completely." Say it over and over until it seeps like the warmest healing liquid into your heart. Part of blessing your enemies is forgiving them. You will receive the blessing of a clean and peaceful heart. Romans 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 

"You can be sunshine or you can be a cloud. You can be a beacon of light in the darkness, or you can be the darkness. What you post on social media can be light or it can be dark. Which one do you want to be known for? Which one would God have you be? This was recording number 5. It is really easy to hit "Post" or "Send" in the heat of the moment. I've done it, sadly. I've said some really careless words in the past, and I've been convicted of that, and I pray that God keeps me in line now. I don't want my words or my actions to offend or bother people, but to build up and encourage the people around me.  You can't take certain things back after they are done and said. The impression it leaves on others is sometimes all they have left of you. They often won't come back to see if you are changed. I don't want to blow my chance of showing the light in me. I don't want my bad day or my emotional state to cause me to react or respond in a way that affects anyone else negatively. 2020 taught me so many things, but what I choose to take from it is that I will go on in this world as a person who nurtures and protects people more than projects, politics, and positions. I will always choose love and compassion over the need to be RIGHT. I will choose peace, and I will choose righteousness. Not my own, but God's. (Thank you, Norm Sawyer)  Matthew 5:14-16 You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 

Now more than ever, we need to be a light in this world. There is enough darkness and negativity in the world! We know there are evil, horrifying things and people "out there!" I don't know about any of you, but when you are standing in a dark room, waiting for your eyes to adjust, what do you finally set your eyes on to see your way around the room? The light, however small it may appear! You aren't looking in the dark for the dark to lead you. I don't look to negative people spreading more negative propaganda or more garbage to help me feel better about the sad state of things. I am looking for the ones who are spreading the truth of the One I follow for PEACE. Who is going to get me out of this mess? Who is going to help me find my way out of this dark world? Who is going to help me when I feel like everything is crumbling and scary? Not that negative nelly. It's God, the Savior, the Light.  John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  God is the solution. Not the politician, not the law you want passed, not whatever it is that is stealing your peace. He has overcome all of it for our sakes. I am keeping my eyes on God and I won't be distracted by all the things being waved in my face to try to shade my light or His. Know Who God is for yourself and it will be a weapon against those who try to darken your light. Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord is God; It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people; the sheep of his pasture. We are His people, and people will seek us out in times of trouble. If we are so busy with our stances and fights, when will we have time for the people who need our tenderness? 

I find my last recording quite humorous. "If people don't wanna hear your advice, stop talkin'." I believe the equivalent to this is the famous author, Norm Sawyer's advice to me as a mother, "Zip it." Yes, unsolicited advice is generally not cool. I think back to all of the unwanted comments and advice I've given and probably still inadvertently give, and I cringe!! Yikes. You know, silence is the best advice sometimes. No one can blame you if it goes wrong. Words have gotten me into trouble, as they often will. Proverbs 10:19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues. In short, I know I need to zip it. Stop talkin.' Shush my face. Let people come and ask if they need my help, opinion or my advice. Those egos just need to say everything they think, don't they? Sure, we may have wisdom and insight on some things, and I can see around corners others may not, but it's our pride and arrogance that gets us into trouble when even well-meaning words are spoken at the wrong time or to the wrong person. I need to bite the tongue and lead with grace or it's gonna get messy. With God holding my impatient tongue and extending His grace, life can be so much more rewarding, and my life can be full of love. When it's time to share the wisdom I've been given, it will be received in love, because I waited for the right time, and not when I thought it was time or felt good to me. We humans get ourselves in so much trouble with our big mouths. Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Can you imagine our words being health to someone's bones? They really are, because when our words are tender, people will come to us when they are hurting and know they will leave refreshed and comforted. 

Be blessed today, and may your own words to yourself be healing and light. Listen to your heart. It's where God speaks. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Feeling Like Fall

 I feel like the season of Fall, in a way. I have been quietly waiting my turn to emerge, while the heat of summer rages on. I have so much to say and nothing to say just yet. I am shifting inside, while on the outside showing only subtle signs of change. As a saying goes, "All the trees are losing their leaves, and not one of them is worried." Oh, to feel a freedom like that. Suddenly, I think that's the word I feel. A little worried and a little trapped. A September birth was very fitting for the personality I would become. Some people call it a "Virgo" trait. I'm not really into that, though I do fit some of those deeply analytical traits, much to the chagrin of those who know me best. My tightly held leaves are falling, and I don't like change very much. I know better than to worry or to feel trapped. Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 

Suddenly, everything is changing at once, and they're not just those involuntary ones that are going on because I'm no longer of child-bearing age. We have Eve to thank for those fires of hell going in our bodies. Many things have changed in my life over the course of just 10 short years. Being of this annoying analytical type, I do tend to think deeply about where I've been, what has happened, where I'm going, but also who is around me. More importantly, who is still around me. When I think about my circle, it has gone from a cacophony to a whisper, just like the sneaky passage from summer to fall. And just as the seasons shift without so much as a sigh and we all accept this, I've learned that this too, is just part of life. I have to give these feelings over to God several times a day, and pray for peace, as sometimes unplanned chaos shakes me, and I feel like worry is winning.  Romans 8:37 No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Seasons of change always remind me of all the people who used to be in my life, and it's like watching the leaves gently drift from my maple trees one at a time. One day the tree was a beautifully colored, leafy display to be admired, but I blinked, and the tree was nearly bare. Just a few bright leaves clung precariously to the highest branches. At every age, I think I've learned it never gets easier to accept that people are going to reject us, leave us, or dislike us, and there is nothing we can do about it. Whatever the reason, and we may never even know, there will be people who will judge us who may never get close to our hearts and know who we are.  Truth be told, we all like to be comfortable, and that includes being around people who make us feel good about what we know, believe, trust, and feel. We are all human in that way. I think as the world gets tougher "out there," it's getting even more common or simple to want to find people who reflect back what is easier for us to accept or believe rather than challenge us to think something that opposes it. We just don't want to be challenged very much anymore. Life is just too hard. I'm not saying I feel this myself, it's just something I'm observing, but maybe I'm buying into it subconsciously too, I don't know. It might require some deeper thought. 

What's tough is finding out that people who once made you "comfortable" or people you thought "had your back" or even loved you or were in your life for a long time, are the ones who one day shoot porcupine quills at your heart. The ones you thought knew you and your heart, made a conscious choice to leave you, right? It's shocking, but becoming more and more prevalent these days. Yeah, It happens to everyone, and that's why we need to know the character of God, and have a personal relationship with his Son. Just like when we inevitably lose people we love to death, the comfort of the Lord is what gives us hope and strength to carry on. Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. 

So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. Romans 5:11

To me, a friend is one you can trust to make you comfortable AND also make you uncomfortable with hard situations and the truth, all because you stand securely in the knowledge that you are loved and accepted by that friend. You can love someone and disagree passionately and still have a great relationship with them. It's not an oxymoron! I will sound like a broken record at times, but if a relationship can't handle the real person we are inside, then maybe we haven't been our real selves— tip-toeing around the other person being a people-pleaser—or they just don't respect us, or vice versa. In short, it's not healthy, real, or true. So if we find friends who love us—truly love us—then we don't need to be constantly worried that they'll "discover" the truth one day that we are really giant ogres and leave us!  Ask God and trust God for those people, and He will put you in positions to find them. In the meantime, we can ask Him to give us maturity, wisdom, strength and courage to be the person of good character He made us to be, so that we are ready to recognize and nurture those friendships He gifts us! 

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 

 I have been very busy with the harvesting of all that is left in my garden and things going on in my life, and trying to keep it all up. The large fields around our property are aglow with the many beautiful colors of approaching fall. Football season has started, there are good things on the horizon in my family, and I have so much to be grateful for. God has been my steady and dearest Friend my entire life. He reminds us all to look to Him for all of our needs, including constant companionship and provision through every season of our lives. In seasons of great change, chaos, and uncertainty, it is the Lord we can count on for stability and peace.  Numbers 6:26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Thank you Lord, for my blessings, and thank you for your promise of peace. 

We are not to depend on the fickleness of people, no matter how much we may love or like them, or think they can fill all of our needs.  People may leave us—some do—but God never will. Does that mean it won't hurt when you look around and your wide circle has become small? I will say from experience that it is wise to keep your circle whatever size it needs to be in order for it to be healthy, real, honest, and secure with the values in your life that are important to you. Seek out friendships that are honoring to God and to you and your other relationships, and let those go that become unhealthy or compromise you in any way.  Love one another, yes. But to invite unhealthy relationships into your life for the sake of "loving one another," or "being a good Christian," no. You'll hear me say that ad nauseum. I think it is wise also that if someone is crazy enough to leave you, let them. It makes room and time for the someone who will value what you have to give!! I am on your side today, friend! 

The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26 

Don't look too long at who left, but take care of the ones who stay, and be a  committed friend to the ones who take care of your heart. When I typed that sentence, certain people came to mind, and you will know who your friends are when you read it as well. It doesn't matter if you have 1, 3, or 33, as long as they are real. (Keep shaking the tree. The ones at the top are always the best.)  Seriously though, may God bless you with a harvest of colorful, real and true friends and family who love you as deeply and truly as your heart loves.  

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 


Friday, July 28, 2023

Living Blessed

 A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart. 

William Arthur Ward

I don't know where you're at in the world, but in my little corner, it's not supposed to be this hot. That's why I live here. Every day, I check the weather app on my phone, expecting it to tell me what it's going to do outside, and it's been wrong nearly every day for months. Now, there's a job I'm going to apply for–update the weather app incorrectly and get paid, without even leaving home.  I know, I know, weather patterns, wind, fronts, clippers, and all that stuff. I do want to give a shout out to a great weather analyst and storm chaser I follow on YouTube, Ryan Hall, Y'all. He not only accurately covers storms, but also runs a nonprofit that provides aid to those affected by them. 

Our pool (a lovely shade of green at the moment)has sat unused for most of the summer, as it has been frequently raining or storming, which is also why the furniture never gets uncovered, and mushrooms are growing under the deck table on the rug! This humidity is something else. On the positive side, the garden is producing the best it has ever produced, the hydrangeas are doing well, and it looks lush and green here. The grass, trees, ferns, and surrounding plants have all been thriving in the humidity and rain, and abundant sun and heat. We are grateful that we haven't been in the line of flooding, tornadoes, wildfires, oppressive heat, and other catastrophic events that others have faced around us in this world. And need I say, I am grateful to have a pool, a deck, and furniture, a home, etc... and the ability to speak, even though I don't always like what comes out of my mouth.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

I catch myself complaining a lot these days, and it bugs me when I get in that kind of a cycle. I was thinking to myself, boy, you better stay away from your blog when you're like that. You don't want to infect others with your negative thinking. That is true, but the other side of it, is that I needed to be aware of how my thinking was affecting myself too. My spirit was "drying up my bones." Self-awareness is a gift you give others and yourself.  I needed to get after myself, and that's something I need to do sometimes. I have to take a look in the mirror and say, "Hey, knock it off, you big baby." That's a start. From there, I tell myself how much I have to be grateful for, and to get myself back on track. Now you can tell yourself whatever works for you. We're all going through different things and some are way more difficult than others. I know when I'm just being a baby and when things really are too much to bear on my own. I was just being a baby this time. I didn't need grace. I needed a kick in the pants. 

...on the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness." 1 Tim. 4:7

It doesn't take much to get our spirits all out of whack, thinking about ourselves in a "poor me" state of mind. The truth is, there might be some things wrong with us. There might be some bad things going on in our lives. I can only speak for myself here, but I have to watch not letting those things creep in and overtake my whole being. My thoughts can easily convince me to make a mountain out of three small hills. One complaint can easily become a rant. Two complaints and it's the worst day ever. Three? Oh, forget it! I'm packing a bag. What on earth gets into me sometimes? Yeah, I get the world into me. That's the problem. I get too focused on the world or myself and not focused on God, and forget anyone else, and that's enough to get anyone all out of whack. Look around us and it's easy to see why there's so much discontentment in the world. 

I'm sharing this problem, because it creeps in very sneakily and takes me by surprise sometimes. I injured my back last weekend, and I've been struggling with it ever since. I can't get comfortable sitting, sleeping, walking– it's a whole monstrous thing. I don't even know how it happened, and I'm so frustrated about it, because it's stopping me from doing what I want and need to do. Don't I already have enough stopping me? Sheesh! How much is one person supposed to take? And that's just one thorn in my side. There have been other little thorns piling up on the branch until I just couldn't take it anymore. My mind just went to all kinds of self-focused things. Why me? (cry me a river, right?) Oh, I know. You can't stand that! Trust me, neither can I! I couldn't stand me either! I couldn't find a far enough place to run from my own little pity party. How do you get away from yourself? God knows, because when I finally asked Him for a way out, He took me out behind the wood shed, so to speak. 

I started by going outside. I spent an afternoon reading in the back yard, and another going for a long ride in the golf cart and just taking in my surroundings. I observed the woods around me. I appreciated where I live, I valued the abilities I have. I drove past my garden, flourishing and providing. I looked way up into the trees and I felt the comfort of the shade. I listened to the birds, stopped and listened to silence. I thanked God for where I was at that moment in time, and for everything He has provided for my pleasure, and for how He has sustained me for everything I have been through, everything I was going through and would go through. I began to reset myself. Blessed. Blessed. Blessed. Not cursed by what is happening. Not cursed because it's piling up. Not cursed just because it's hard and you're struggling and you're tired and you can't see the end. Blessed because I've been given strength to get through it all. Blessed. Come on, now. Get with it. Blessed. I heard a voice in my head over and over as well. "Stop it, Miss Jami." I smiled, because I knew who that was. Just say thank you. Yes, thank you. 

Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 

I know we all have tendencies to get down and out and negative sometimes, and as the world gets tougher around us, and people get more demanding or our bodies give out on us, it will get harder to stand strong on our own. We need God's strength, guidance, wisdom, and help to guide us through it all. I see what happens when I rely on my own strength, or get selfish in my own needs and wants. I'm just not it, friends! God's Spirit puts the passion in me, and the will to keep moving. Operating with God reminds me that I'm not the only one going through life, and to be mindful that being grateful is one way to really be at peace. It reminds me that if we are all walking around full of ourselves, we have no room for anyone else! I am living blessed every day, no matter what comes my way. If you catch me living any other way, just tell me to "Stop it!" 

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Many Sides of Lonely

 "Look for yourself and you will find loneliness and despair. But look for Christ and you will find Him and everything else." 

C.S. Lewis 

Some time ago, the U.S. Surgeon General released an advisory calling attention to a new epidemic--Loneliness. In addition to loneliness, there is a lack of connection and isolation among our people in this country. Apparently it is evident enough that there are now recommendations being put in place in order to help all of us in this country tackle this crisis. While there are many conditions exacerbated by and caused by social isolation and loneliness, I have to wonder how they tracked this epidemic back to lonely people. Who was paying attention to all of them in the first place? (#sarcasm) How is this a new problem? People have been lonely since the beginning of time. Elijah was known as "God's lonely man." He suffered from hopelessness and depression. Moses was lonely. Adam was lonely. Job and Jeremiah were lonely. Even Jesus was lonely at a time when He needed His Father the most. We were not meant to be alone, and when we are faced with it, some of us don't know what to do with ourselves. But I believe by all of these Biblical examples, that what we do with our loneliness is what will make us who we are, and no amount of governmental program or social connection can remedy what God already has in mind for us.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalms 147:3 

The question isn't "why are people lonely?" I think the reasons are obvious in a lot of cases, but there are deeper concerns, I think, in a world where change is going at a million miles per hour and people can't keep up. We aren't just lonely for the people we miss, the connections we had, the familiarity we came to count on, but we become nostalgic for the things and the people who made us feel safe. Maybe I don't speak for everyone here, but I have felt a definite shift. I am a self-professed, people-loving lone-wolf, and I'm not necessarily lonely. But the changes in this world have left me feeling uneasy and lonely for a time and a place, and for people who once made me feel that things were okay. I believe we can feel lonely for something, but not alone. Lonely for, but not lonely. Maybe even lonely for the former self we used to be, before a lot of changes took place and changed us and our worlds. Social connections and programs can't fix what we can't even define. There are deep needs not being met within us, and some of us don't even know what those needs are or Who can complete them. 

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. 

Psalms 68:5

 Most of us are surrounded by social connection and to be honest, some of us avoid it for a reason. I don't always want to see the foolish things that are being said about the decent things of this world. Sometimes it's easier to step back from the things that break my heart than to try to fight them. But it's lonely to have to carry that feeling around all the time, tiptoeing around, whereas before, sharing myself was fairly carefree and comfortable. Some of us are just lonely for our "former normal." For easy companionship and conversation, health, comfort, security, safety. Just speaking for myself-the things I enjoyed then that I don't have in abundance now. We can be lonely for people, places, and the "before all of this happened "-whether that is personal illness, a death, a pandemic, or a major life upset. Maybe that's nostalgia in some sense, but in other ways, it can also be a loss of innocence and peace for the way life was before it all went to pieces. 

  I have felt less alone sometimes when I'm by myself, doing something that I love. We can feel alone in crowds. Alone on social media. Alone at family functions. Lonely in groups of friends. Alone at church. Alone in a marriage. Alone at work. Just plain alone anywhere, doing anything.  Adding more parks and libraries and more digital connections probably won't  change that for the majority of those people. People need to feel accepted, understood, welcomed, and dare I say, loved. One reason people feel lonely is because they don't feel wanted, noticed, seen, heard, cared for, or known. Something that made me feel lonely recently is when I shared the two Covid deaths that occurred in my family, it was like I said nothing at all. Crickets. When personal opinions or beliefs supersede human emotion and we are unable to extend compassion to a hurting individual, we have allowed our hearts to harden to the needs and feelings of others. There is becoming a great shortage of empathy in the world, and many more will become lonely as a result of that epidemic in itself. We have to be aware of the behaviors we are engaging in that are contributing to the loneliness of others. Denying love and attention because of our own rigid fill-in-the-blanks beliefs is one. I can't say enough that love is what unites people and it will take the sting out of everything! We don't have to agree to love! Do I have to go down that road again? Norm really doesn't like it when I go on and on....LOL no worries, I'll just let God tell us. 

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 

1 Peter 4:8 

Many in the Bible were described as walking alone, or set apart from man. When God had a big job for someone, He took them away from everyone else, and it was a very difficult period of  loneliness. Those people had the advantage of knowing God asked a very important task of them, and yet, they still struggled with extreme loneliness. Think on this. How many deeply felt battles have you been fighting, seemingly alone? Is it something God is asking you to do, and He needs to set you apart in order for you to be able to accomplish this? Who understands loneliness better than the man who died while hanging on a cross while crying out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Mark 15:34 

If we're always surrounded with things and people in order to curb our loneliness, maybe we're missing the spiritual point. If everything in my life has a purpose, then maybe the loneliness has a purpose too. It is possible that in order for me to learn some things and to grow the way God wanted me to grow, He had to remove me, remove something, or use the situation I was in for my good. I don't believe we are meant to be alone in this world. God provided people for our enjoyment and our help. But sometimes we need to put the small broken pieces together in order to see the bigger one, and endure a long season of hardship so that we can feast. Loneliness is no different than any other hardship.

We need companionship, and God wants us in community with others, but I also know He doesn't bring them to our doorsteps! If we need people in our lives, we need to reach out too. If we are in need, we need to assume that they are in need of companionship as well. Loneliness can make us myopic, thinking we are the only ones feeling all alone. Not true. As I've stated many times in my journey as a chronic illness warrior, I have learned how to be alone and not make it my cross to bear. You may say, yes, but you have your husband. That is true, but his body isn't the one doing the sick stuff. Mine is. :) If any of you experience illness as a chronic visitor, then you know that making and keeping physical friendships is a challenge for a time. I've learned the friendship I need to develop most in that time is with God and myself, and I'm still learning what I need to know from both of us. 

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 

Isaiah 41:10 

Here's the thing about loneliness. People define it very differently according to what they are going through, and the circumstances as well as the solutions may not be the same. Children going through friendship problems can be just as lonely as a new mother without friends, and I know, because I have been through both of those things! Loneliness can either make you stronger, or it can drag you down into the pits of despair. It can be an outward expression of an inward feeling sometimes, as well as a circumstantial one. What do you think God would say about it? Ask Him. Pray and invite God into the loneliness you feel, and ask for a solution. Cry out to Him! He is listening. 

Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. 

Psalm 25:16 

While I understand and respect the governmental purpose for the parks and programs, I understand even further that God's purpose for us is even more productive. When we ask Him for people, He brings us people. When we ask Him to fill our time, He fills our time. If we are still lonely, that's on us! There is always someone to help, someone to feed, someone to reach, someone who needs what we have, and if we're still lonely, well then it's time to apply for that greeter job at Walmart!! They are some of the most jovial people who greet me. When we start looking for God's solutions and God's purposes, and we stop lamenting, we realize we aren't as alone as we think we are. I always laugh when I hear someone say, "wherever you go, there you are." If you're going to spend time alone, you should like who you are. 

God has been with us since we took our first breaths. As I've stated before and I'll remind you again, words from my dear friend and brother Norm, "You and God are a majority." If you have God, you are never alone. Are you sitting alone at home on Friday night? Yeah, maybe. But you have the power to change that. There are things to do "out there," and if you are like me and it's a little tough to get out there, then invite someone in, or call up a friend you haven't talked to in awhile! Read books on faraway places, find a hobby, adopt a pet from a shelter, volunteer to sort clothes at a mission, deliver meals on wheels or read to kids at the local school. If you don't want to do any of that, then you can't complain about being lonely either. We just can't have it both ways! (tongue in cheek, smiling at you) My point is, yes, we all go through periods of life where life is just quiet and devoid of people. I've been in that spot for awhile now. I've spent that time learning and developing in some areas where I may not have, had my health been in tact, who knows. I left social media, and while I've had certain people tell me they miss me there (and I miss them too), I can't go back to that now. I have become accustomed to my quieter life, and I am more in touch with the things I need to do to keep myself healthy. Do what works for you, but do something! 

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 

1 Peter 5:7 

I went through long periods of loneliness, beginning way back in 2012, and as I look back through all of the circumstances, I can see where God was illuminating the dark spaces. Please understand that I only speak for my own experiences here. I don't know what each one of you have experienced. All I can assure you is that God showed up for me and He continues to be my Guide. I now understand that if I am feeling alone, it is because He may be pulling me aside for something and He needs my attention. I will now place my energy within His grasp. I only suggest that you would consider doing the same. "look for yourself and be lonely. Look for Christ and you will find Him and everything else."  

If you are feeling like you are alone in this thing called life, reach out to those closest to you. Technology has allowed us to send a message in a second. We don't even have to talk on the phone anymore. Maybe that's the problem....I don't know. But don't sit there, waiting for someone to come over or call you first. We are imperfect humans, all trying to make it in this messy world. We all have hurtful days. We're all going through stuff we don't talk about! People are not mind-readers! But God is, and with His grace, and just one friend, it can make the difference. I pray you are all blessed and feeling loved today. 

 And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. 

Matthew 28:20 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Carry on With Your Happy Self

 On my letterboard this month: "When you focus on the good, the good gets better!" That is also my message to those who focus way too much energy on naysayers, trolls, negative Nelsons and Nellies. I notice that there are a fair amount of videos out there that are made specifically to address the "haters." Why is that? Have they not read the thousands of positive and kind comments that surround that very small number of rude ones? On a video just yesterday, I noticed there were several positive comments and just one negative one way at the bottom. Can you guess which comment got the attention of the creator? Yep. She chose to respond only to the one who said something rude. I love her content and I tell her so, as do many others! Does she hear us? Who knows? The question is, does it matter if all she's seeing are the negative things?

For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you. 

1 Thessalonians 1:4

Why do we do that? Why do we turn our necks at the person honking the horn the loudest? Why do we get our egos in a knot over some sniveling snot who is having a temper tantrum over their own insecurity? Why do we give someone having a bad day our utmost attention? Why do we address negativity at all? In the world using grace, we would say, "kill them with kindness," or "ignore it," but on social media, it becomes more personal, and that makes no sense. We don't even know them! We don't see them! They don't care, so neither should we. In a sentence---delete, block, and carry on with your happy self. I think we "get our backs up" and respond out of anger, but all it does is breed more nastiness, and what is it all for? The funniest thing you can do to me on the road is honk at me at a light that has literally just turned green. Do not honk at me, ever. I will wave and smile. That is all. I am assuming we are long lost classmates and you are saying hello.  (horn works, try the lights :)

Our attention can be drawn away from the positive forces in our lives much too easily if we allow it, and though we may not want to admit it, it's our shortcoming too. People play on our assumed insecurities, because of their own! That's the role of a troll, if you will. We are much too fragile, sometimes, and much too invested in what people "out there" think of us. The whole cinematic draw of "likes, clicks, subscribers, etc..." has become the old popularity contests, except people have thousands of strangers following them who they wouldn't even like if they met them in person. It's much like politics. Oh, I'm pressing nerves today, and I know it. But seriously. Can you imagine yourself liking over 38,000 people? I cannot. This world is messy. God said we had to love one another, but we know we don't like each other sometimes! 

It's great to create content and build a channel and do all of that. There are people out there making bank doing that! But my advice would be to engage with those who are actually building up the channel instead of trying to break it and the creator down. Don't get so caught up in what people think that it goes straight to your head or your heart. I've watched videos of people sobbing and breaking down over what some stranger said to them, and that is just alarming to me. What I would tell my own daughters is don't get into anything that would compromise your own mental health and joy, and if it did, leave it immediately. Nothing and no one is worth that. No amount of money will ever be worth compromising yourself. 

Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. 

Psalm 28:6-7 

We have to be strong and ready to face a world that is not that friendly most of the time. We have to know who we are, and stand for the things that matter to us. We have to thank the people who support us, take the time to recognize the efforts that are made to support what we do, and let the rest roll like water off a duck's back. I am not a content creator, but I am a blogger, and I recently co-authored a book. It made me think about what could be said about the things I shared in my book, because as a writer, I open my heart. My work is my art, just as other creators deem their work. I run the risk of getting criticized by people who know nothing about me. Negativity does sting, as does silence from those from whom you expect the most support when you've accomplished your goal. We are human-I get it! But we know what we do and who we are, why we do what we do, and if it reaches who it needs to reach, then we've done what we've set out to do. Our egos tell us to take everything personally, but when we learn that not everything is about us, it makes life so much easier and us so much happier! When we allow God to use what we do to help others, there is joy in what we do, no matter what it is. 

The person who finds their identity in Christ has freedom and peace. He created you and is bound in love to you forever. 

Charles Stanley, I lift Up My Soul 

God has given each of us our individual talents and purposes. Some of us are in a position to create, and some are in a position to receive those creations, whether in our hands or with our eyes. Let's make sure our hearts are pure and our words are full of grace, and if they are not, then we need to remain silent. We can all help each other to get where we are going by laying off the horn and shining a light on the good in every situation and person. Not everyone is out to get us, and not everything needs our commentary. 

Be blessed! 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Radar Detector

 I'm certain of a few things in this life. One of them is after you have children, you will never sleep soundly again. The other is mid-life is not for the weak. I mean, every stage of life has its challenges in some respect, but sleeping-how I took that for granted all those blissful years! 

One night I awakened at my usual wee hour between 3 and 4:30am to a word- Radar. It then turned into this acrostic poem in my head- 

R eal

A ppearing

D istant

A ppearing 

R eal

Hmm... where did that come from, and what could that mean?  I often have strange thoughts in the middle of the night, and more frequently have heard song lyrics and music I've never heard before, but forget it all as I awaken. I sometimes remember a few lines, google them, and learn they don't exist. If only I could turn them into music, I may be the next big thing, who knows? All joking aside, I couldn't get the word "radar" out of my mind, or the strange phrase that followed it. 

The definition of radar in this instance is that it is used to indicate that 'someone or something has or has not come to the attention of a person or group'. What or who is or is not on this so-called "radar"?

 The word "radar" is a palindrome-a word spelled the same forward and backward, and a radar is a device that measures something by transmitting energy and measuring the echoes returned from it. In essence, a forward and backward motion. That in itself is not a new discovery, but the acrostic's meaning also followed suit. Real, appearing distant, appearing real. 

Have I lost you yet? I kinda lost myself! 

In my life, messages are never too confusing when I sit with them, dissect them, and think about what I've been up to lately. I then have to see this as something of a spiritual cue from God. When He has something to say to me, it will nag at me. Since He knows my language, He will come to me in words I will pursue. It wouldn't surprise me if the music is His too. 

 I know something else for certain-I am on God's radar. He sees what I'm going through, and he's not going to leave me hanging. I often try to isolate when I'm not doing well, and that even includes leaving God out. 

He is reminding me that He is real, and He is the One who has not been coming to my attention. 

So what is it that we need to do when we know we're not feeling like ourselves, and we can't quite figure out what's going on? Sometimes it's hard to ask for help because we don't even know what we need. It's hard to pray because we don't know what words we would even say. Sometimes we just feel defeated. It's at that point we just need to pray the simple prayer, "Help me, Lord." I guarantee He already knows the why, what, who, where, when, and all the answers. When we ask for help, He will enable us to move. I say this in a position where I don't feel like doing anything. I'm not always positive, productive, and I certainly don't always have the answers. I can only point to the One who does. Some battles we face are just going to be there to help us get to the next phase of life, or to help other people. We just need to hold on tight to the Lord, and trust Him to take control. 

I can do all things through Christ , who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Losing Game

 We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise

2 Corinthians 10:12

My family loves to play board games. They have their favorites, such as Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride. Those aren't my particular favorites, so I usually sit out for those, but if they get out the Skip-Bo cards or a word game, I'm in! One game we should never play in our family or with anyone is the Comparison Game. 

The Comparison Game is a losing game and not fun at all, but it's one that we've all caught ourselves playing at one time or another. I don't know about you, but in my family, we all like to have fun and win at games! Our games are friendly competitions, but making comparisons are rarely, if ever, friendly, and they always result in some kind of dissatisfaction. When we begin to compare ourselves with someone else, we've already started to lose. We're losing our focus and eventually we'll lose our peace too. When you feel like you're being compared to others, the feeling is the same. No one likes to feel they have been put into involuntary competition with other people. 

Whether we are comparing joys or sorrows, it will always be an unfair and useless comparison. No two people are alike, just as no two experiences result in the same outcome. When we allow people to have their own experience without trying to compare ours or anyone else's, we avoid the oneupmanship or dismissive comments that often happen, whether intentional or not. When someone is sharing their suffering, the last thing you should want to do is jump in with how your own suffering is worse, or even better. 

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was the one who said "Comparison is the thief of joy."  It's not a verse in the bible, as many think it is, though there are many examples of it there. It started way at the beginning with Eve believing Satan when he told her to eat of the fruit so she could be like God. Genesis 3:4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5"For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." She was already comparing herself to God! He was God. She was human. God had already told her not to eat from any tree in the garden. She had one job! That's how crafty Satan is, right? He's got us comparing ourselves to everything we've ever wanted and everyone we've ever wanted to be if he gets his deceptive way. Playing the game of comparison is a losing game. In this way, comparison comes not from God, but from our own pride, and from a desire to be like someone or something else in this world. We will either end up thinking we are better than someone else, or thinking someone is better than us! The result of comparison shows up in jealousy, frustration, hopelessness, envy, and a general sense of dissatisfaction. All of these things are the opposite of peace and acceptance of ourselves and others. 

The disciples tried to win the game too. 

Luke 22:24-27  24 Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be the greatest. 25 Jesus said to them, "The kinds of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. 26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 27 For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. 

 All Jesus is asking for is one humble servant. Put others above yourselves and there won't be an issue about "who is the greatest," because that isn't the goal! Jesus is the greatest and also the humble servant. He has no need of comparison because it is His humility that He wants them to learn. 

Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

The danger in comparing things and others is that we bring into it our own needs, insecurities, judgments, and  pride. When we compare someone else's looks, their life, their occupation, family, etc... we've already started believing who we are and what we have isn't good enough. It's a big fat lie. What God wants us to do is focus on our own lives as far as using the gifts and talents he gave us to accomplish the purpose he has already set inside us. He also wants us to mind our own beeswax. That IS in the bible-1 Thessalonians 4:11-12  Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life will win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. Why would we waste time comparing ourselves to other people when we could get busy living our own lives to the fullest? We may just realize how much we really love who we are, and when we focus on our own talents, we might be amazed at how much happier we become. Who are we trying to please anyway? God or other people? Spoiler alert, it's God. We can't please other people. 

Comparison will either make you feel inferior or superior. Neither honors God. -Craig Groeschel 

A person who is busy living their own life and not comparing everything and everyone is also free to authentically love others. It can be challenging to love others when in constant competition or judgment of them. The person who can't celebrate someone's blessings and can only come up with comparisons instead, is a person who will struggle to extend God's love and grace to them. This is why God commanded we love one another. He knew how prone we would be to this natural flesh problem.  Being able to see ourselves and those around us for the unique individual path they are on is a gift. While each person's journey takes twists and turns and ups and downs, we should be ready to meet them where they are, and not compare where we think they should be to the end game of another or to our own. 

Constantly comparing our bodies, our homes, our financial situations, our cars, our families, our vacation destinations, our jobs, our spirituality, and on and on the endless list goes, might be "human," as some people say, but it's not godly.  It's a tactic that can be used by our enemy to drag us down and try to convince us that we aren't already a blessing in God's sight. It's a weapon used by the enemy that can be used to attack others for not being all we think they should be. We were created by God, in His image. Every one of us. The people around our tables. The people at our jobs. Our neighbors. Strangers. The people we scroll on social media. We can go ahead and tirelessly compare ourselves to others, but God is only looking at the one he uniquely created and knows inside and out. Let's look around us with God's eyes. We and they are good. That's all we need to know. Let's help each other keep it going. 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

The one thing we all have in common is that God created us for His unique purpose. Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The more we try to emulate the things of the world, the more we are in danger of losing sight of the unique purpose that God has placed inside of us. We may all be on different journeys, but we are all worthy of being loved and accepted for the unique and special people we are. We were not made to look alike, nor have the same talents, personalities, abilities, body shapes, or occupations and financial statuses. Humans are the ones who place values and limitations on other humans! When we compare ourselves or others, we reveal the condition of our own hearts.  There may be some cleaning up in there to do if we're not feeling peace in this area. Everyone God created is precious in His sight, and that means you too. 

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14


Monday, May 15, 2023

Make Room on Your Bookshelf for This!

 Friend book.png

Hi this is Norm Sawyer


I would like you to join me in congratulating my friend Jami Lynch Rogers on her accomplishment of graduating from being a wonderful writer to now being an author.
Jami and I have co-written a book that we hope will bring blessings and peace to everyone's hearts. 
Please give our Jami a word of celebratory thankfulness for all the hard work she puts into her articles so that we can all grow in the Lord.


Congratulations Miss Jami!

You may purchase the book directly from Jami or Norm ( )or at at this link:

Monday, May 1, 2023

The Great and True Story

 Today's post is dedicated to my dear friend, mentor, and co-author, Norm Sawyer, who is celebrating his birthday today, May 1st! Happy birthday, Norm! During the mess that was 2020, Norm was the one outside of the US that I was able to continually turn to outside of my family, for solid Godly wisdom and advice. He turned me around when I sure felt the walls closing in around me. It could have been a very dark time, but because of his strong faith and continued trust in the Lord, I felt his strength and example leading me to a much brighter perspective. It's true that some people do make a difference in our lives if we pay attention to what they are trying to teach us. Always pay attention to the lighthouses and the lightkeepers in your lives, friends. Enjoy the blessings of your birthday, Norm. May the joy and love you bring to others be returned tenfold to you! (

You're standing in line at the grocery store or the gas station, and someone starts in on some real "out there" (to you) topic. You realize you're an involuntary hostage to a barrage of odd theories from a person who just found a sitting duck to unleash them upon. I've been there. You see the post on social media, "The mainstream media won't tell you this!" You've been at the social gathering and heard the rabbit hole topics going around. Oh boy, down, down down it goes, and you scroll on by, or you painfully smile and carry on, and you sigh the big sigh, because what else can you do, right? You know the drill. There is rarely, if any follow- up to the information being dealt out. It's not a conversation, but rather a spewing of bits and odd things strung together, sometimes with a shred of truth in there, made to sound like a fact. One lie has the power to tarnish a thousand truths. Al David In this way, you can't really come back with a question or a fact, because the mind has already been made up, and you will sound like their enemy. I know, this sounds insane even as I'm imagining it and have lived it. It's as fun as an umbrella in a windstorm. Inside you're kind of fighting to keep it together, while on the outside trying to keep yourself safe from any kind of storm. 

Who is immune to conspiratorial thinking? Who can rise above allowing their minds to become entrenched in believing all sorts of unhealthy, unreasonable and distorted concepts? Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known by God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  There is an answer when we are careful not to become enraged, worried, or even self-righteous about the things we hear. When we instead ask God to filter our hearts and replace His understanding for our own human and flawed thinking. We can become peaceful in our thoughts and in our actions, and rest in the fact that God is in control, though things and others may be raging around us.  Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I believe all conspiracy theories are garbage. All of them. Not one of them contains knowledge, but is filled with the capacity to spread fear, insecurity, and discord among large quantities of people. What they all have in common is they might contain just a kernel of truth so that we start to wonder if they could be true. They're ripe with confusion, and who else revels in confusion? Who else enjoys this kind of division and havoc?  1Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  I have watched many people "go off the deep end" with their careless rhetoric and lose their critical thinking skills in many subjects.  I have heard many people, who in the name of "good intentions" and even with God's name and in the spirit of "sharing the truth," spread information that is damaging to others, and isn't truthful at all. What message are they thinking we're taking in? What do you want me to do with it? 

Digressing for a moment here, I've always been a skeptical person. You'll be hard-pressed to get me to believe what you're selling if it's the least bit sketchy. I laugh when I think of the time some students tried to pressure me into signing a bogus petition to say something mean about a teacher. I was one of very few that refused to sign it. I simply said, "I don't like him either, but I'm not signing my name to that. It's not true and it's mean." They ostracized me for a couple days and that was that. I've been building myself up for a time when I will be very unpopular for the beliefs I hold. But as Norm kept reminding me, 'You and God are a majority.' We can't be afraid to lose friends over the truth. But we should be concerned if we're losing them when we're not even sure about it. 

 Maybe there is some kind of satisfaction in hitting that share button, or the spewing of words because there is a kind of comfort in expressing our shared fear, or validation when others agree with us. I don't know, but  if that's the case, then these things are clearly being heard and said out of fear and frustration and not out of a clear desire to be enlightened, or understood with concern and protection. There is a clear difference. If we want our messages heard so that they make a difference for the better, we need to change our hearts and minds with the right motives first. We need to make sure what we say is truly for the good of others and not just because we think it's for the good of others. That requires setting our own egos aside. It demands we look around at the people we follow in life, and question whether or not they are the good examples of truth and integrity we think they are. Are we really following a person of good character, or are we just looking to validate whatever we hope to be true? It's never a bad idea to examine our own motives, or look around and take stock of where we receive information. Is it fun to be wrong? No, it's very humbling, but when God deals with us, it can also be very powerful, because when we allow God to show us where we've gone astray, he replaces that pride with a strong character. Proverbs 22:4 The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life. 

 Any one of us, Christians included, can be deceived to share wrong information. Sometimes out of fear and insecurity, and sometimes out of anger. Maybe we think it's the right information and we think we're helping. We've all said something we thought was true and found out later that it wasn't. The problem with that is, we didn't take the time to analyze it before we quickly said it or shared it, and there is a great responsibility in what we've just said. Proverbs 10:19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues. I often think about the things I post long after I've said them. I wonder if my words are making a positive impact, or if I've hurt someone needlessly. As my comment tagline says, Words matter. Choose them carefully. I have to practice what I preach too! As  1Peter 5:8 states, our enemy is prowling around, just looking to destroy us. This includes what we say and how we interact with others. He would love for all of our relationships to fail, because it is in relationships that Jesus thrives. Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' We have to be wise with our words and that starts with our thoughts. Matthew 15:11 What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." 

 Asking God to temper our hearts and direct our thoughts and our words is the only way to guarantee we are going to have right information, clear heads, and will only speak when we have something He wants us to share. Imagine how quiet it would be on social media. Ahhhh...But even more importantly, how much more at peace our own hearts would be when not cluttered with all the things causing fear, insecurity and unrest on a daily basis? Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.  

And just to touch again on those pesky so-called conspiracy theories. We have a responsibility for what we are absorbing into our own brains. Not just because the spilling of it could negatively affect others, but because the carrying of it hurts ourselves too. Sure, the oranges are going to believe what the oranges say, and the apples will believe what the apples say, but what do YOU believe? You, deep down inside your heart that God designed? You, standing there not caring what anyone else thinks or says, but only listening to your own heart? You and God are a majority, after all. Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise-in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? 

Like I said above, some things are just designed to spread fear, and if we are a part of that, we've fallen into the trap of the enemy. If we want to be part of a Big Deal Story, let's be a big deal part of the One that sets us apart from all of those rotten-to-the-core stories that when re-told, rot us all a little more inside. I'm staying true to my story, and I reject the ones that cause my heart to fear. I trust in the Lord and His great story. I pray that you will believe in that story with me. I'm going to keep spreading His messages, because they are true and they bring peace. Blessings. 

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Let's Talk about.....

 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 

When I think of that, I'm reminded of all the things I've said and still say, and whether or not God would approve of them. This is an effective prayer for anyone who wants to start their day off with God at the wheel. God's conviction is the main reason I took myself off social media, and have not returned. I have not found it to be a safe place for my heart, and it's not a healthy place for a person who is seeking to BE at peace, and not just ACT peaceful. It is a struggle for me to remain peaceful sometimes, and it's something many could relate to, but I think we have to desire true peace more than we want the things in our world to just "be going right" to realize it. I wonder just how many people realize that peace is actually what they're missing- in the world, in our personal lives, and in everything and everyone around us. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 For a Christian seeking peace, we understand that we will always have some kind of strife, and life will never be without some kind of conflict going on. It doesn't mean we have to react with our human hysteria.  We can turn to God and seek His peace. But why don't we always do that? Are we too busy still trying to get things to go our way so we can feel "satisfied"? I don't know, but even when things go our so-called way, some of us are still not at peace. Peace is deeper than just feeling satisfied, because it requires that we trust God and we give up our own agendas, wants, and desires. The two won't always go together. 

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

If I don't raise a big commotion over something, some people assume I just don't care. Someone even assumed I must be uninformed. Someone told me that she was accused by a disgruntled man of having her 'head in the sand' because she chose not to argue with him about politics in her own place of business. Why is it when we choose calmness or peace, that some people don't recognize it for the good that it is? We've become too used to reactionary defense. Instant retaliation. Total engagement. We're getting too used to uprisings, harsh words, violence, hate, personal attacks. We're either becoming too much like them or even a little desensitized when we don't even recognize peace as an option to solve a problem.  Why doesn't a gentle answer always turn away wrath? Because some people choose anger instead of peace, and anger drowns out the most sensible and reasonable answers. It doesn't solve anything, but it is loud and everyone hears it.  But who taught us that peace solves the problem? Peace calms the storm. Peace stands up in the middle of a boat taking on water, and doesn't start hollering and panicking. Peace solves a really big problem with a word. 

Jesus did. Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat, But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Matthew 8:23-26 

 The disciples start waking him up to tell him (and I'm paraphrasing), "Dude, we're gonna die!" He wakes up, basically tells them there's nothing to worry about because hello, I'm Jesus, and I've been here the whole time, and do you think I'm going to let you drown? Where, exactly, is your faith in me? They had seen him performing miracles, but here they were not believing he could help them while he was right there in the boat with them. He rescued them from the storm with a word, as he does for us so many times, whether we believe he will or not. I can see why we can be so blind to our own faith sometimes, when the disciples had Jesus right under their own noses and still didn't trust. God was trying to tell them He would be with them through all the hard times. He's trying to tell us the same. But if we don't choose to hear, we won't know the full benefits of His peace when those storms hit.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 

 We can still speak about important issues with peace. We don't need to argue with everyone on social media or in the grocery store lines. We can be instruments of change without being a hindrance to people who could actually help. We can get our messages across without making people feel judged, unloved, unwanted,  or unapproved.  When peace joins love, it's more than a 60's and 70's slogan! I see it as something that makes it possible for people with opposing views to have meaningful conversations that can change the way we and they think. It doesn't have to change our core values and our beliefs. But being able to have peaceful conversations needs to happen and it does need to change the way we view others. We don't have to hate someone because they are different. We don't even have to understand why they're different! But to regard others with hostility and fear because they don't believe or act the way we think they should is not the way to get to the kind of love God commands us to extend to others. If we prioritize people over differences, we can actually get past our anger and annoyances and get to a place of peace. Will it ever be Kumbaya with every single problem? Maybe not, but I think we can all think of at least one situation where we can do a whole lot better and build a bridge instead of blowing one up. 

One tip I heard about discussing difficult issues with someone is to ask questions instead of offering opinions. So if someone begins talking about a sensitive topic with you, instead of jumping in with comments (my famous mistake), a good plan is to say, "Tell me more about that." You'll find they may soften and so will you. When we can let go of our need to be right or our ego's need to join the convo, we will be able to find some kind of common ground even on a supposed war field. I'm going to try this sometime. Pray for me.  If all else fails, start singing "Kumbaya..." Bring a tootsie pop to stick in your mouth between comments. We've got this. 

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Cool News and a Tribute

 I feel like I can talk about this now, as it is finally happening in real time. The book I am co-authoring with my dear friend and mentor, Norm Sawyer ( is in the final stages of publishing. I don't usually talk about projects until they are completed, but I can say with confidence that the ink is very close to being dry on this one, and there are so many cool elements to this project that I can hardly be quiet about it anymore. It's not just a book with pages and spine. It was brought about by God and divine timing. 

When I think about how this all came about-writing my first book with Norm, I am a bit gobsmacked, as the Brits would say. Who would have thought that a person like me, living in a small farm town of barely 1500 in the states, would one day write a book with a Canadian world traveler living in a much bigger city, published author of (I've lost count of how many now) several books, and we would meet because we were both pecking away on our blogs way back in 2013? His, life application topics relating to the bible, and mine, various life situations relating to being a wife and mother of two. 

It has always been a dream of mine to write a book, but I have always lacked confidence and faith in myself to even step out and try. I have always kept it to myself, but thought I probably would never do it. One day last year, Norm sent me a message and said the Lord gave him a direction to write a book with me. I literally got chills on the spot. I felt an excitement run through me that I hadn't felt in a really long time. You see, I had been asking the Lord to help me get past myself, knowing I am my own obstacle. Norm has given me many writing opportunities in his own books by allowing me to write the foreword of one, and choosing to add some of my articles and poems to others. He would then invite me to edit his work, giving me a insiders look into the book publishing process. These gracious acts have blessed me in a way that have left this wordsmith completely speechless, but moved in a way that I never expected. I had the luxury of putting one toe at a time into a process that had always intimidated me, instead of plunging in headfirst. Writing a book with Norm meant I would have someone to give me direction and help me along the way in a daunting new process. I am currently learning so much, and enjoying the arduous process of putting a book together. As we've been putting this together, we've both gotten questions about how this has come to be. 

In 2013, I believe Norm may have commented on one of my blog posts, which led me to his blog, and I was hooked. I love the Proverbs, and his blog is called, Sir Norm's Proverbial Comment. I found a home there for my anxious mind and my seeking heart. I never dreamed I would find who would become one of my dearest friends too. All I can say when people ask me, "How did you meet Norm?" is "I got what I prayed for." It doesn't have to make sense, because when God is in it, cool things happen. I had forwarded many of his blogs to my family to aid them in different circumstances, and I began to write down certain things he would say on notecards around my house. In that sense, Norm became my mentor and a pastor, and a direction into my life that I began to trust. I didn't tell him he was my mentor, I just treated him as such! I always say I just adopted him into the role. More than all of that, he is my friend, and I am his friend as well. As much as he pours into my life, at times I have been able to speak into his as well, and that has been the bond of friendship that stands. I am pretty invested in praying for his family as well- his wife, sons, and grandchildren. 

It took me a really long time to really realize how much I cared for Norm, and that I had come to rely on him for his nuggets of wisdom, because in my experience, I lose quickly the people I love. So the closer he came to me, the more fear I began to feel. What if Norm leaves, what if Norm decides I'm not worth his time anymore...and on and on the fear threatened me. But what I came to realize was that he didn't put conditions on me. I was able to be myself, flaws and all, and I didn't feel the usual retreat that others had displayed in the past. He came to me with the love the Lord gave him to give, and with that came no price. That's what made it different. I had no worries or fears about being judged or left behind, and with that lesson also came an example of how I should also be loving others. The acceptance he showed me was exactly the way Jesus asks us to love others. And that, my friends, is why this friendship is God's work. 

He also began to expect me to live out what he was teaching me, and in that I began to learn that I can't be doing the same old immature things and expecting a mature result. Was this new information? Well, when put with God's word, it was new to me. I have come to him with friendship concerns, family problems, personal issues, politics questions, prayer requests, and probably even weather complaints. Each time, he has a way of showing me my responsibility in each equation. God's word in every issue. That is a friend. That is a person who lives what he says, and expects something of me too. I need that in my life without thinking I could lose someone due to my faults and weaknesses. Don't we all need that? I believe we do, and if we ask God for this, He will deliver. Just don't expect it to come as you picture it. It may be a pastoral man from Canada who says, "HA!" when he laughs. I'm just sayin'. 

This may have just turned into a tribute to my friend Norm instead of the announcement of our book, Thoughts From a Friend, but everyone always wants to know, "Who is this Norm?" "How did you meet?" Well, now you all know. This unique little book is a compilation of our poetry, commentary, and stories about life and travel. The traveling part is Norm. I am basically a hermit, which is even funnier that we are the most unlikely of friends. This book was a unique idea of Norm's in order to combine some of our work. A  60-something Canadian Christian man, A 50-something American Christian woman, living completely different lives in different countries, yet the common thread is the love of God, writing, and wanting to reach others for Christ. I hope you'll check the book out when it is available. The cover is more art by his late brother Kane, and it is special. I truly feel God has brought this friendship to fruition for His glory, and the works we bring together will bring good to others. 


What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...