Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal

It will happen. It's inevitable. It happens every year, so why would this year be any different? Believe me, it will come. I know it doesn't seem like it. I know you're getting anxious. Grumpy, even. But hang in there......

SPRING is on the way!!!
I don't know about you, but this time of year is more frustrating than the dead of January! I guess I have my hopes up too high...that this March will be like last March (around 62 degrees this time last year!), but that was a fluke anyway. Somehow a sunny day makes me think, "hey, this winter thing is over! Everybody in the pool!" And then I look at the snow....sigh....and put on my boots....again.
The tulips above are a sweet reminder of my favorite Easter. It was 2010, and I received paintings and a beautiful poem from my hubby and girls, describing my gift. It didn't take long to find out what all of it meant. My husband had purchased all sorts of bulbs the previous fall, and on a day I was gone, he and the girls secretly planted them all! 
So that spring I had something to look forward to...waiting for my garden to  bloom. Each time I saw another green stem popping up from the ground, I thought of how my family cared for me, planting this garden in near-frozen dirt, afraid I'd come home and catch them any second! And then to keep that paint the paintings, and write the poem. It still remains my favorite memory of spring. Not much could top it!
I am eager for spring, for warmth, and to get outside, for sure! But I am more excited about waiting to see those flowers once again!
Hang in there, it's really coming....soon....I hope!


1 comment:

Shoemaker Family said...

What a great gift!!!

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