Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Crazy People

Oh, I need to get healthy and back to my normal busy, full life again. 

If not for the obvious reasons, then for the purpose of getting me off the internet! 

I've taken to making the BIG mistake if reading the ridiculously ignorant comments on posts about politics and food choices, celebrities, etc... 
Nothing personal or about anyone I know, of course! I think strangers must be bored, strange, sick people too. Man, I need to get well! 

Some new product was being launched in a certain store and it was quite obviously classified as a munchie type food. You would have thought it was poison the way people were reacting! Seriously, people. Just don't eat it. So simple! If you don't like the politician, don't vote for it. Stop insulting it and calling it vile names that have nothing to do with anything pertinent! And oh my goodness, did you really just try to sell black market prescription drugs on that comment? That's insane!! On a legit post too! 

If you don't like the music, don't listen to it. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. If you don't like the post, hide it. If you are tired of the posts, unfollow them. There are perfectly fine and acceptable ways to stick your pretty head in the sand about some of these nonsense things that don't matter. Just don't let them get your knickers all up in a jam over it! 

Keep your peace and don't blame  fast food restaurants because you're a chubba wubba. You're a chubba because of your hand to mouth issue. Don't blame just one person for the ills of the nation. Chances are there are many places to place blame, we just like to pick the obvious ones! And we like bandwagons. Way too much. Sometimes we need to think for ourselves and stop letting others think for us or letting groups influence us. What do YOU really think? 

And do I really care what weirdos think? I have to admit, I may use this info for writing inspiration from time to time. Mostly I just come away with a "huh" look on my face and a need for fresh air and time with normal people with healthy minds! 

There is no shortage of ignorance and some people behind a screen just love to carry on and complain about everything. Steve says his sports blogs are much the same! I guess anonymity is power to some. 

While I wait for my good health to return, I will resist the urge to read what I can predict to be unnecessary comments to certain posts on Facebook. Maybe I should just unfollow certain sites altogether and avoid the temptation! After all, my mind and heart deserves better and if it's not a beautiful thing to see or hear, then I don't need it! 

Be blessed and I hope you see some beautiful things today. 

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

"Chubba Wubba" that is funny. I agree with you miss Jami. Stop cursing the darkness and bring light to the situation.

Phil. 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

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