Monday, November 10, 2008

A Hunting they will go.....

Steve loves to hunt, fish, and do all that "guy" stuff most guys like....he'll be all scruffy, smelly, and encased in flame orange this weekend, obsessed with getting the "big one".
This is a time of freedom for all showers, no shaving, napping whenever they want, ignoring their women unless they're talking 'deer', and passing gas like a sailor. Don't forget all the munchies and extra money spent on "equipment".
I think Tim Allen's "man" grunt will be heard 'round the world this Saturday on opening day of rifle season. My husband's will be among the loudest.
I'm not a hunter, but I have female friends who hunt. I have absolutely no desire! I have a sweet, soft-spoken friend who hunts bear! You go, girl! I guess maybe it has something to do with my aversion to wild game. Sorry all you venison fans, I never developed a taste for it! I will eat the sausage, but that's about it. Any extra meat we get is given to friends and family so it won't go to waste.
I wish you hunters all a safe and prosperous hunting season. I will be inside drinking hot cocoa and watching movies!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish my Stevie had men to go hunting with but I don't mind sitting out there with him watching nature!
Love ya girl!
Misty :)

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