Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just Twinkle

"We can't all be stars, but we can all twinkle." (unknown)

When I first read that, I thought it said "tinkle". Of course we can all do that!!

I have been twinkling at least in some areas of my life, which is pretty normal. Life isn't twinkly all the time, only if you're tinkerbell or maybe Dolly Parton.

One area of particular sparkle is my diet plan. I have lost 16 pounds! I can't say it's easy, but it's getting more normal. I still don't love exercise, and I probably never will, but I will do it. The trick is to find something I like to do and do lots of it. Hmmmm...donuts probably don't qualify as exercise, right? Get your mind out of the gutter, I was talking about the donuts you do while driving, not the ones you eat!

That's all the twinkling this star feels like doing today, I guess.
Now, you get out there and twinkle (or tinkle) yourself!

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