Friday, June 10, 2011

Untitled Sadness

Our family is about to face an extremely difficult day. On Saturday, we are taking our 15 year old dog to the vet and we will probably not be bringing her home the same way she came in. This week has been emotionally draining, and I have no words to say except that I will not be posting for awhile because I will be too heartbroken.

I can't talk about this yet, but I wanted to share it with you, as so many of you have prayed for us and for Sophie and have shown us so much care in the last couple of years. I truly appreciate that and it has helped us all to know you care about the condition of our hearts at this time.

Thank you and I hope one day I can talk to you about it and post a picture or two.


Michelle Roman said...

I said a prayer for you all today!! Love you all very much!

Shoemaker Family said...

So so sorry, Jami (& family). Losing someone we love is never easy.

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